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Nevada Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage Zip Code Rank

Based on US Census 2000 data

A total of 128 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankSpanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage ▼Zip / Population
1.58.6%89404 / 57
2.52.0%89030 / 53,794
3.45.7%89883 / 4,862
4.41.4%89803 / 360
5.38.1%89101 / 52,617
6.34.8%89825 / 1,189
7.32.8%89025 / 1,395
8.27.1%89110 / 61,898
9.26.8%89141 / 262
10.26.1%89425 / 597
11.26.0%89102 / 37,600
12.25.9%89430 / 410
13.25.4%89115 / 51,681
14.24.2%89020 / 1,176
14.24.2%89007 / 1,014
16.24.0%89104 / 39,779
17.22.8%89109 / 40,855
18.22.7%89119 / 48,693
19.21.4%89106 / 25,563
20.21.1%89502 / 46,101
21.19.8%89512 / 23,900
22.18.9%89024 / 478
23.18.3%89431 / 35,994
24.18.2%89028 / 19
25.17.8%89004 / 274
26.17.6%89027 / 9,441
27.17.3%89142 / 22,606
28.17.2%89103 / 46,429
29.16.9%89108 / 66,558
30.16.6%89433 / 19,764
31.16.6%89419 / 5,015
32.16.5%89107 / 36,180
33.15.9%89445 / 15,396
34.15.9%89820 / 5,346
35.15.6%89801 / 20,732
36.15.4%89426 / 308
36.15.4%89156 / 22,568
38.14.9%89032 / 27,196
39.14.9%89122 / 25,795
40.14.7%89444 / 2,510
41.14.5%89143 / 2,408
42.14.3%89010 / 345
43.14.1%89310 / 448
44.13.7%89121 / 61,669
45.13.3%89191 / 3,676
46.13.2%89146 / 18,265
47.12.9%89120 / 21,711
48.12.8%89405 / 417
49.12.8%89835 / 1,934
50.12.7%89021 / 2,263
51.12.3%89447 / 8,067
52.12.0%89701 / 26,779
53.11.9%89706 / 18,249
54.11.8%89135 / 3,539
55.11.7%89123 / 46,877
56.11.5%89031 / 34,707
57.11.1%89501 / 2,877
58.11.0%89449 / 3,832
59.10.9%89118 / 16,471
60.10.7%89147 / 39,478
61.10.4%89131 / 10,968
62.10.4%89316 / 1,102
63.10.3%89828 / 393
64.10.2%89019 / 2,478
65.10.0%89145 / 19,337
66.10.0%89434 / 21,710
67.9.8%89015 / 64,126
68.9.8%89029 / 7,076
69.9.4%89014 / 81,839
70.9.4%89506 / 32,983
71.9.3%89705 / 4,242
72.9.1%89408 / 8,646
73.9.0%89510 / 1,444
74.9.0%89503 / 30,437
75.8.9%89040 / 4,244
76.8.8%89144 / 11,772
77.8.3%89410 / 20,194
78.8.3%89422 / 261
79.8.2%89451 / 9,601
80.8.1%89022 / 1,841
81.8.1%89129 / 32,441
82.8.1%89117 / 51,545
83.7.9%89113 / 8,276
84.7.8%89130 / 24,598
85.7.7%89815 / 11,290
86.7.3%89128 / 40,538
87.7.2%89448 / 2,498
88.7.1%89406 / 23,936
88.7.1%89301 / 7,349
90.6.8%89509 / 41,325
91.6.7%89052 / 14,689
92.6.7%89403 / 8,356
93.6.7%89048 / 24,763
94.6.6%89436 / 21,528
95.6.6%89149 / 11,312
96.6.4%89704 / 4,085
96.6.4%89822 / 2,313
98.6.4%89001 / 943
99.6.3%89049 / 2,940
100.6.3%89823 / 201
100.6.3%89427 / 851
102.6.2%89429 / 6,727
103.6.2%89318 / 1,196
104.6.1%89418 / 407
104.6.1%89511 / 28,793
106.5.9%89409 / 395
107.5.7%89523 / 17,231
108.5.7%89440 / 938
109.5.7%89442 / 1,092
110.5.6%89423 / 8,267
111.5.6%89148 / 913
112.5.3%89012 / 16,065
113.5.0%89008 / 1,341
114.4.8%89415 / 3,927
115.4.0%89005 / 15,075
116.3.9%89134 / 25,116
117.3.8%89703 / 9,220
118.3.6%89832 / 1,019
119.3.6%89411 / 444
120.3.4%89003 / 1,173
121.2.9%89421 / 528
122.2.8%89042 / 761
123.2.7%89139 / 2,297
124.2.3%89124 / 1,837
125.1.8%89046 / 813
126.1.8%89018 / 1,297
126.1.8%89821 / 482
128.1.0%89013 / 356

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Spanish Spoken at Home Population Percentage' data are not listed.

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