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USA.com / Ranks / Missouri Female Median Age County Rank / Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

Missouri Female Median Age County Rank

Based on ACS 2008-2012 data*

A total of 115 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankFemale Median Age ▲County / Population
1.28.10Adair, MO / 25,542
2.28.50Nodaway, MO / 23,305
3.29.60Pulaski, MO / 51,620
4.30.40Boone, MO / 163,266
5.30.80Johnson, MO / 52,964
6.34.80Saint Louis City, MO / 318,527
7.36.30Lincoln, MO / 52,637
8.36.40Jasper, MO / 116,493
9.36.50Mcdonald, MO / 22,970
10.37.30Christian, MO / 77,474
10.37.30Greene, MO / 275,671
12.37.40Clay, MO / 222,048
13.37.50Jackson, MO / 672,784
13.37.50Cape Girardeau, MO / 75,690
15.38.00Saint Charles, MO / 360,695
16.38.30Callaway, MO / 44,157
16.38.30Jefferson, MO / 218,628
18.38.40Pettis, MO / 42,044
18.38.40Pemiscot, MO / 18,288
20.38.50Buchanan, MO / 89,162
20.38.50Moniteau, MO / 15,587
22.39.00Phelps, MO / 44,825
23.39.20Webster, MO / 36,183
24.39.30Cass, MO / 99,394
25.39.40Platte, MO / 89,567
25.39.40Cole, MO / 75,813
27.39.60Polk, MO / 31,035
28.39.90Audrain, MO / 25,617
28.39.90Washington, MO / 25,120
30.40.00Carter, MO / 6,225
31.40.10Warren, MO / 32,440
32.40.20Randolph, MO / 25,388
33.40.30Lewis, MO / 10,203
34.40.40Franklin, MO / 101,440
35.40.50Lawrence, MO / 38,559
35.40.50Ray, MO / 23,422
37.40.60Daviess, MO / 8,341
37.40.60Osage, MO / 13,857
37.40.60Scott, MO / 39,192
40.40.70Perry, MO / 18,986
40.40.70Saline, MO / 23,232
40.40.70Marion, MO / 28,703
40.40.70Saint Francois, MO / 65,246
40.40.70Miller, MO / 24,822
40.40.70Laclede, MO / 35,507
46.40.80Clinton, MO / 20,687
46.40.80Newton, MO / 58,314
48.41.00Dunklin, MO / 31,970
48.41.00Howard, MO / 10,160
48.41.00Scotland, MO / 4,843
51.41.40Vernon, MO / 20,958
51.41.40Cooper, MO / 17,542
53.41.50Crawford, MO / 24,753
54.41.60Saint Louis, MO / 999,147
55.41.70Mississippi, MO / 14,231
55.41.70Sullivan, MO / 6,667
55.41.70Lafayette, MO / 33,278
55.41.70Wright, MO / 18,732
59.41.80Howell, MO / 40,330
60.41.90Barry, MO / 35,680
60.41.90Schuyler, MO / 4,397
62.42.00Butler, MO / 42,792
62.42.00Livingston, MO / 15,068
64.42.20New Madrid, MO / 18,780
65.42.40Taney, MO / 51,596
66.42.50Caldwell, MO / 9,302
66.42.50Bollinger, MO / 12,389
66.42.50Dallas, MO / 16,825
69.42.60Barton, MO / 12,428
69.42.60Carroll, MO / 9,279
71.42.70Ripley, MO / 14,070
72.42.90Andrew, MO / 17,205
72.42.90Pike, MO / 18,574
72.42.90Madison, MO / 12,334
75.43.10Stoddard, MO / 29,902
75.43.10Sainte Genevieve, MO / 18,066
77.43.50Gentry, MO / 6,773
78.43.60Maries, MO / 9,140
79.43.70Linn, MO / 12,668
79.43.70Iron, MO / 10,563
79.43.70Bates, MO / 17,003
82.43.80Dekalb, MO / 12,878
83.43.90Clark, MO / 7,082
84.44.20Texas, MO / 25,840
84.44.20Ralls, MO / 10,198
84.44.20Macon, MO / 15,532
84.44.20Montgomery, MO / 12,181
88.44.40Shelby, MO / 6,328
89.44.50Grundy, MO / 10,256
90.44.60Henry, MO / 22,234
90.44.60Monroe, MO / 8,876
92.44.80Shannon, MO / 8,407
93.45.00Knox, MO / 4,111
93.45.00Dent, MO / 15,595
95.45.20Mercer, MO / 3,763
96.45.70Harrison, MO / 8,901
97.46.00Cedar, MO / 13,941
98.46.10Douglas, MO / 13,690
98.46.10Oregon, MO / 10,885
100.46.40Gasconade, MO / 15,160
101.46.50Chariton, MO / 7,759
101.46.50Reynolds, MO / 6,682
103.46.80Wayne, MO / 13,444
104.47.00Dade, MO / 7,811
105.47.30Morgan, MO / 20,479
106.47.60Putnam, MO / 4,976
106.47.60Holt, MO / 4,840
108.47.70Atchison, MO / 5,664
109.48.10Worth, MO / 2,146
110.49.00Camden, MO / 43,731
111.49.60Ozark, MO / 9,672
112.49.70Saint Clair, MO / 9,693
113.50.20Stone, MO / 31,968
114.52.00Benton, MO / 19,021
115.52.20Hickory, MO / 9,554

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Female Median Age' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Female Median Age' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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