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Missouri Average Precipitation County Rank

A total of 115 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Precipitation ▼County / Population
1.49.08 inchesRipley, MO / 14,056
2.48.37 inchesScott, MO / 39,137
3.47.70 inchesStoddard, MO / 29,864
4.47.61 inchesCarter, MO / 6,283
5.47.56 inchesIron, MO / 10,424
6.47.55 inchesMississippi, MO / 14,276
7.47.55 inchesDunklin, MO / 31,778
8.47.47 inchesWayne, MO / 13,430
9.47.21 inchesOregon, MO / 10,975
10.47.20 inchesNew Madrid, MO / 18,568
11.47.15 inchesButler, MO / 42,957
12.47.10 inchesPemiscot, MO / 18,010
13.46.75 inchesReynolds, MO / 6,644
14.46.61 inchesMadison, MO / 12,353
15.46.51 inchesBollinger, MO / 12,394
16.46.49 inchesBarton, MO / 12,286
17.46.38 inchesJasper, MO / 116,996
18.46.23 inchesDade, MO / 7,678
19.45.93 inchesLawrence, MO / 38,306
20.45.76 inchesDent, MO / 15,681
21.45.74 inchesBarry, MO / 35,681
22.45.61 inchesGreene, MO / 280,657
23.45.60 inchesStone, MO / 31,593
24.45.60 inchesHowell, MO / 40,469
25.45.54 inchesNewton, MO / 58,683
26.45.44 inchesCape Girardeau, MO / 77,031
27.45.32 inchesChristian, MO / 79,856
28.45.25 inchesTexas, MO / 25,796
29.45.20 inchesCedar, MO / 13,912
30.45.14 inchesTaney, MO / 53,086
31.45.08 inchesWright, MO / 18,565
32.44.97 inchesLaclede, MO / 35,544
33.44.82 inchesPolk, MO / 31,122
34.44.75 inchesOzark, MO / 9,612
35.44.68 inchesDouglas, MO / 13,575
36.44.68 inchesPhelps, MO / 45,091
37.44.62 inchesWebster, MO / 36,461
38.44.57 inchesMcdonald, MO / 22,851
39.44.52 inchesShannon, MO / 8,360
40.44.44 inchesGasconade, MO / 15,014
41.44.36 inchesCamden, MO / 43,873
42.44.34 inchesPulaski, MO / 53,343
43.44.16 inchesCrawford, MO / 24,680
44.44.15 inchesVernon, MO / 20,984
45.44.14 inchesDallas, MO / 16,632
46.44.08 inchesWashington, MO / 25,113
47.43.98 inchesBenton, MO / 18,961
48.43.91 inchesHickory, MO / 9,420
49.43.85 inchesOsage, MO / 13,812
50.43.74 inchesSaint Clair, MO / 9,609
51.43.71 inchesMiller, MO / 24,905
52.43.64 inchesCole, MO / 76,426
53.43.58 inchesSaint Francois, MO / 65,813
54.43.52 inchesMoniteau, MO / 15,719
55.43.47 inchesCallaway, MO / 44,483
56.43.34 inchesMaries, MO / 9,098
57.43.20 inchesWarren, MO / 32,847
58.43.13 inchesSainte Genevieve, MO / 18,017
59.43.11 inchesMonroe, MO / 8,725
60.43.10 inchesJefferson, MO / 220,558
61.43.07 inchesPerry, MO / 19,042
62.43.00 inchesMontgomery, MO / 12,054
63.42.92 inchesMorgan, MO / 20,314
64.42.82 inchesRandolph, MO / 25,207
65.42.68 inchesFranklin, MO / 101,682
66.42.55 inchesHenry, MO / 22,134
67.42.52 inchesJohnson, MO / 53,879
68.42.39 inchesCass, MO / 100,339
69.42.35 inchesBoone, MO / 168,268
70.42.30 inchesLafayette, MO / 33,069
71.42.08 inchesAudrain, MO / 25,637
72.42.06 inchesPettis, MO / 42,213
73.41.96 inchesBates, MO / 16,780
74.41.80 inchesCooper, MO / 17,585
75.41.46 inchesHoward, MO / 10,183
76.41.44 inchesSaint Louis, MO / 1,000,423
77.41.33 inchesSaint Louis City, MO / 318,727
78.41.31 inchesCarroll, MO / 9,157
79.41.24 inchesSaline, MO / 23,363
80.41.09 inchesMacon, MO / 15,527
81.40.87 inchesSaint Charles, MO / 369,781
82.40.83 inchesChariton, MO / 7,727
83.40.81 inchesJackson, MO / 678,167
84.40.54 inchesLinn, MO / 12,494
85.40.37 inchesShelby, MO / 6,218
86.39.99 inchesSullivan, MO / 6,551
87.39.98 inchesAdair, MO / 25,642
88.39.34 inchesRalls, MO / 10,224
89.39.32 inchesRay, MO / 23,166
90.39.15 inchesKnox, MO / 4,078
91.39.14 inchesLewis, MO / 10,176
92.39.12 inchesScotland, MO / 4,862
93.39.11 inchesLivingston, MO / 15,034
94.39.02 inchesPutnam, MO / 4,911
95.38.93 inchesLincoln, MO / 53,458
96.38.90 inchesSchuyler, MO / 4,388
97.38.88 inchesPike, MO / 18,573
98.38.76 inchesGrundy, MO / 10,279
99.38.71 inchesMercer, MO / 3,735
100.38.50 inchesCaldwell, MO / 9,176
101.38.24 inchesClark, MO / 7,001
102.38.18 inchesMarion, MO / 28,844
103.37.88 inchesClinton, MO / 20,545
104.37.88 inchesClay, MO / 227,984
105.37.43 inchesHarrison, MO / 8,795
106.37.41 inchesPlatte, MO / 92,149
107.37.28 inchesDekalb, MO / 12,824
108.37.02 inchesDaviess, MO / 8,324
109.36.49 inchesGentry, MO / 6,792
110.36.33 inchesBuchanan, MO / 89,536
111.36.30 inchesWorth, MO / 2,102
112.34.49 inchesAndrew, MO / 17,373
113.34.19 inchesNodaway, MO / 23,296
114.33.74 inchesAtchison, MO / 5,520
115.32.96 inchesHolt, MO / 4,695

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Precipitation' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Precipitation' data are not listed.

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