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Mississippi Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage Census Tract Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 115 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankConstruction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage ▼Census Tract / Population
1.14.8%MS049011201 / 2,802
2.9.9%MS059041700 / 2,182
3.8.2%MS067950700 / 3,414
4.7.1%MS047003800 / 1,312
5.6.6%MS049000800 / 3,928
6.5.6%MS049010808 / 4,657
7.5.4%MS059042100 / 2,823
8.5.2%MS067950900 / 7,863
9.5.1%MS059042700 / 931
10.4.9%MS081950302 / 3,203
11.4.3%MS115950102 / 5,555
12.4.2%MS087000101 / 6,504
13.4.1%MS139950300 / 2,862
14.3.9%MS085950100 / 3,779
15.3.9%MS093950200 / 8,758
16.3.6%MS059041600 / 2,869
17.3.6%MS049002200 / 2,079
18.3.6%MS083950600 / 5,220
19.3.5%MS059040102 / 7,166
20.3.4%MS019950200 / 3,877
21.3.4%MS047003501 / 9,075
22.3.3%MS033070412 / 4,573
23.3.2%MS059041900 / 2,205
24.3.0%MS145950100 / 4,688
25.3.0%MS039950101 / 6,231
26.2.9%MS047003204 / 3,779
27.2.9%MS033070411 / 1,773
28.2.7%MS047003000 / 3,520
29.2.7%MS037950200 / 2,797
30.2.5%MS007060500 / 3,759
31.2.5%MS059042500 / 2,000
32.2.4%MS081951001 / 3,748
33.2.3%MS045030601 / 7,531
33.2.3%MS121021002 / 6,954
35.2.2%MS133950500 / 2,587
36.2.2%MS041950200 / 6,491
36.2.2%MS075010201 / 6,447
38.2.1%MS107950200 / 2,706
39.2.1%MS059041800 / 2,762
40.2.1%MS097950300 / 5,155
41.2.0%MS093950500 / 6,878
42.1.9%MS059041000 / 5,048
43.1.9%MS023950400 / 2,725
44.1.9%MS059042600 / 3,054
44.1.9%MS049001900 / 1,829
46.1.8%MS145950300 / 4,547
47.1.7%MS091950600 / 4,825
48.1.7%MS025950400 / 5,081
49.1.7%MS105950500 / 4,171
50.1.7%MS087001000 / 2,181
51.1.6%MS145950500 / 5,560
52.1.6%MS121020401 / 4,148
53.1.6%MS035000300 / 3,609
54.1.5%MS085950200 / 5,215
55.1.5%MS149951102 / 4,541
56.1.5%MS159950200 / 4,180
57.1.4%MS059041400 / 3,194
58.1.4%MS057950100 / 4,433
59.1.4%MS029950200 / 4,653
59.1.4%MS047003700 / 3,310
59.1.4%MS059040204 / 7,487
62.1.3%MS085950400 / 7,435
63.1.3%MS025950200 / 2,283
64.1.3%MS049000700 / 5,522
65.1.3%MS089030108 / 5,408
65.1.3%MS117950300 / 6,627
67.1.3%MS049000600 / 3,582
68.1.2%MS133950600 / 2,377
69.1.2%MS049010700 / 7,279
70.1.2%MS089030101 / 7,535
71.1.2%MS035001100 / 3,678
72.1.1%MS079040700 / 3,792
72.1.1%MS155950100 / 4,658
74.1.1%MS125950100 / 2,566
75.1.1%MS095950300 / 3,573
75.1.1%MS059040800 / 6,764
77.1.1%MS047003207 / 5,843
78.1.1%MS139950200 / 6,724
79.1.0%MS121020213 / 1,449
79.1.0%MS149950600 / 5,930
81.1.0%MS049000500 / 6,514
82.1.0%MS141950400 / 8,104
82.1.0%MS033070422 / 2,629
82.1.0%MS039950301 / 6,830
85.1.0%MS047003404 / 5,334
86.1.0%MS121021003 / 5,058
87.1.0%MS075010600 / 7,672
87.1.0%MS047002700 / 5,742
89.0.9%MS033070821 / 5,225
90.0.9%MS059040201 / 8,973
91.0.9%MS089030302 / 6,479
92.0.8%MS101050400 / 5,350
92.0.8%MS121020600 / 8,976
94.0.8%MS045030400 / 2,525
95.0.8%MS155950200 / 3,766
96.0.8%MS081950202 / 6,158
97.0.8%MS033070812 / 5,996
98.0.8%MS047001202 / 6,542
99.0.7%MS137950301 / 4,000
100.0.7%MS121020209 / 4,542
100.0.7%MS039950102 / 4,282
102.0.6%MS033071000 / 9,178
103.0.6%MS033070323 / 6,035
104.0.6%MS139950400 / 7,709
104.0.6%MS111950200 / 3,937
106.0.6%MS069030200 / 4,395
107.0.6%MS065950201 / 3,187
108.0.5%MS037950100 / 5,147
109.0.5%MS073020100 / 7,609
110.0.4%MS095950200 / 6,998
111.0.4%MS013950300 / 3,014
112.0.4%MS109950401 / 6,997
113.0.4%MS051950100 / 4,288
114.0.2%MS067950100 / 7,116
115.0.2%MS129950200 / 6,236

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data are not listed.

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