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USA.com / Ranks / Minnesota House Median Value County Rank / Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

Minnesota House Median Value County Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 87 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼County / Population
1.$264,900Carver, MN / 94,212
2.$244,700Scott, MN / 135,129
3.$243,700Cook, MN / 5,197
4.$240,200Washington, MN / 244,103
5.$227,400Hennepin, MN / 1,184,091
6.$220,500Dakota, MN / 405,521
7.$194,000Ramsey, MN / 521,265
8.$192,800Wright, MN / 127,386
9.$190,300Chisago, MN / 53,798
10.$189,800Douglas, MN / 36,413
11.$188,600Sherburne, MN / 89,770
12.$187,100Rice, MN / 64,829
13.$186,800Anoka, MN / 336,316
14.$181,500Le Sueur, MN / 27,717
15.$179,900Goodhue, MN / 46,336
16.$177,400Crow Wing, MN / 62,900
17.$173,400Becker, MN / 32,971
18.$172,800Cass, MN / 28,499
19.$171,300Hubbard, MN / 20,518
20.$171,200Olmsted, MN / 147,431
21.$168,600Nicollet, MN / 32,923
22.$167,500Isanti, MN / 38,190
23.$166,300Stearns, MN / 151,728
24.$165,400Aitkin, MN / 15,964
25.$162,000Kandiyohi, MN / 42,316
25.$162,000Otter Tail, MN / 57,417
27.$160,200Dodge, MN / 20,246
28.$159,100Blue Earth, MN / 64,720
29.$158,400Carlton, MN / 35,430
30.$156,200Wabasha, MN / 21,485
31.$156,000Meeker, MN / 23,147
32.$155,900Houston, MN / 18,859
33.$155,500Clay, MN / 60,249
33.$155,500Benton, MN / 38,980
35.$155,100Lake, MN / 10,791
36.$154,700Winona, MN / 51,285
37.$152,200Morrison, MN / 33,054
38.$152,000Itasca, MN / 45,303
39.$151,400Mcleod, MN / 36,172
40.$150,600Steele, MN / 36,472
41.$147,200Beltrami, MN / 45,236
42.$146,500Pope, MN / 10,946
43.$141,900Mille Lacs, MN / 25,891
44.$141,600Pine, MN / 29,347
45.$141,100Waseca, MN / 19,127
46.$139,000Kanabec, MN / 16,084
47.$138,700Fillmore, MN / 20,842
48.$137,200Saint Louis, MN / 200,563
49.$134,900Stevens, MN / 9,748
50.$134,700Lyon, MN / 25,724
51.$132,000Sibley, MN / 15,096
52.$130,500Polk, MN / 31,630
53.$129,700Todd, MN / 24,588
54.$123,700Rock, MN / 9,587
55.$123,000Brown, MN / 25,513
56.$117,600Lake Of The Woods, MN / 3,976
57.$115,500Wadena, MN / 13,754
58.$115,000Clearwater, MN / 8,735
59.$113,400Pennington, MN / 14,041
60.$111,400Wilkin, MN / 6,561
61.$108,900Roseau, MN / 15,545
62.$108,300Mower, MN / 39,312
63.$107,300Nobles, MN / 21,589
64.$103,900Martin, MN / 20,515
64.$103,900Chippewa, MN / 12,235
66.$102,700Freeborn, MN / 31,034
67.$100,200Koochiching, MN / 13,138
68.$100,100Jackson, MN / 10,260
69.$97,800Mahnomen, MN / 5,486
70.$97,600Yellow Medicine, MN / 10,233
71.$97,000Murray, MN / 8,586
72.$96,500Renville, MN / 15,326
73.$96,000Grant, MN / 5,977
74.$94,400Watonwan, MN / 11,151
75.$93,900Big Stone, MN / 5,180
76.$93,000Swift, MN / 9,602
77.$90,500Marshall, MN / 9,447
78.$90,400Lincoln, MN / 5,821
78.$90,400Redwood, MN / 15,834
80.$89,500Pipestone, MN / 9,407
81.$89,200Red Lake, MN / 4,071
82.$86,500Cottonwood, MN / 11,676
83.$84,500Faribault, MN / 14,337
84.$84,000Norman, MN / 6,725
85.$81,300Lac Qui Parle, MN / 7,096
86.$69,300Traverse, MN / 3,455
87.$68,100Kittson, MN / 4,501

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

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