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Richest Cities by Income Near Wimbledon, ND

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Wimbledon, ND

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 51 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$89,167Pillsbury, ND / 16
2.$82,500Spiritwood, ND / 27
3.$75,417Buchanan, ND / 88
4.$73,750Leal, ND / 33
5.$62,639Dickey, ND / 44
6.$60,313Spiritwood Lake, ND / 77
7.$58,750Oriska, ND / 126
8.$57,000Courtenay, ND / 62
9.$53,375Marion, ND / 169
10.$48,333Glenfield, ND / 130
11.$46,563Fingal, ND / 112
12.$45,833Rogers, ND / 65
13.$45,417Sanborn, ND / 196
14.$44,444Cleveland, ND / 169
15.$43,750Tower City, ND / 275
16.$42,917Litchville, ND / 195
17.$42,500Pekin, ND / 142
18.$42,205Jamestown, ND / 15,292
19.$41,458Buffalo, ND / 186
19.$41,458Kensal, ND / 156
21.$41,111Hope, ND / 243
22.$40,408Carrington, ND / 2,125
23.$39,688Jud, ND / 72
24.$37,917Hannaford, ND / 153
25.$37,353New Rockford, ND / 1,210
26.$37,125Warwick, ND / 125
27.$36,953Montpelier, ND / 125
28.$36,875Gackle, ND / 304
29.$36,818Valley City, ND / 6,558
30.$35,724Cooperstown, ND / 1,030
31.$35,000Page, ND / 216
32.$34,250Finley, ND / 491
33.$34,063Grace City, ND / 63
33.$34,063Nome, ND / 39
35.$33,047Aneta, ND / 368
36.$32,500Woodworth, ND / 50
37.$32,024Wimbledon, ND / 212
38.$30,625Dazey, ND / 88
39.$29,375Mcville, ND / 259
40.$28,906Sharon, ND / 128
41.$28,438Binford, ND / 199
42.$28,281Kathryn, ND / 55
43.$27,125Pingree, ND / 73
44.$26,500Tolna, ND / 223
45.$23,333Medina, ND / 388
46.$19,583Sibley, ND / 23
47.$19,167Mchenry, ND / 106
48.$18,750Luverne, ND / 17
49.$17,083Sutton, ND / 8
50.$14,722Jessie, ND / 16
51.$13,636Ypsilanti, ND / 84

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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