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Richest Cities by Income Near Essex Junction Incorporated School District

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Essex Junction Incorporated School District

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 79 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$85,909Jericho, VT / 1,532
2.$74,615Cumberland Head, NY / 1,655
3.$70,469Websterville, VT / 556
4.$67,571Redford, NY / 479
5.$65,719Witherbee, NY / 248
6.$64,345East Barre, VT / 619
7.$64,135Milton, VT / 1,925
8.$64,015Hinesburg, VT / 646
9.$61,007South Burlington, VT / 17,356
10.$60,650Essex Junction, VT / 9,155
11.$59,267Morrisonville, NY / 1,893
12.$58,056Peru, NY / 1,550
13.$56,094Chazy, NY / 507
14.$55,774West Chazy, NY / 635
15.$54,737Port Henry, NY / 1,802
16.$53,500South Barre, VT / 1,006
17.$52,500Plainfield, VT / 297
18.$52,472Vergennes, VT / 2,621
19.$52,089Montpelier, VT / 7,903
20.$52,028Shelburne, VT / 680
21.$51,250Hyde Park, VT / 339
22.$50,938Marshfield, VT / 306
23.$50,362Rouses Point, NY / 2,471
24.$50,078Elizabethtown, NY / 1,063
25.$49,375Lowell, VT / 256
26.$48,859Dannemora, NY / 4,012
27.$48,438Greensboro Bend, VT / 269
28.$48,135Swanton, VT / 2,454
29.$46,512Willsboro, NY / 597
30.$46,442Waterbury, VT / 2,235
31.$46,136Stowe, VT / 887
32.$45,313Wilmington, NY / 866
33.$45,216Northfield, VT / 3,459
34.$45,203Keeseville, NY / 1,892
35.$44,886Waitsfield, VT / 189
36.$44,853Alburg, VT / 600
37.$44,432Middlebury, VT / 6,526
38.$44,250Enosburg Falls, VT / 1,508
39.$43,750Williamstown, VT / 1,275
39.$43,750Irasburg, VT / 222
41.$43,681Graniteville, VT / 740
42.$43,660Winooski, VT / 7,133
43.$42,917Jeffersonville, VT / 629
44.$42,841Saint Albans, VT / 7,044
45.$42,704Bristol, VT / 1,960
46.$41,569Lake Placid, NY / 2,518
47.$41,300East Montpelier, VT / 202
48.$41,103Richmond, VT / 490
49.$41,055Hardwick, VT / 1,269
50.$40,962East Middlebury, VT / 347
51.$40,750Westport, NY / 450
52.$40,496Brandon, VT / 1,813
53.$39,185Burlington, VT / 41,935
54.$38,971Mineville, NY / 1,378
55.$38,929Altona, NY / 604
56.$38,750Greensboro, VT / 120
56.$38,750Cambridge, VT / 151
58.$38,333Albany, VT / 211
59.$38,125Worcester, VT / 120
60.$37,638Plattsburgh, NY / 19,974
61.$37,292Champlain, NY / 890
62.$37,115Glover, VT / 437
63.$36,778Barre, VT / 9,112
64.$36,766Morrisville, VT / 2,053
65.$36,625Cabot, VT / 312
66.$35,921Richford, VT / 1,492
67.$35,729Ticonderoga, NY / 3,631
68.$35,714Au Sable Forks, NY / 508
69.$34,861Plattsburgh West, NY / 1,355
70.$33,917Randolph, VT / 1,728
71.$33,125Troy, VT / 353
72.$30,809Groton, VT / 314
73.$30,313Coventry, VT / 80
74.$29,938Lyon Mountain, NY / 380
75.$29,417Orleans, VT / 838
76.$26,667Rochester, VT / 252
77.$26,250North Troy, VT / 756
78.$22,778Mooers, NY / 561
79.$22,351Johnson, VT / 1,711

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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