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Poorest Cities by Income Near Shelbyville Independent School District

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Shelbyville Independent School District

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 53 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$9,228Powhatan, LA / 60
2.$13,438South Mansfield, LA / 389
3.$18,421Joaquin, TX / 828
4.$20,500Pleasant Hill, LA / 660
5.$20,743San Augustine, TX / 2,332
6.$21,152Mansfield, LA / 5,179
7.$23,306Center, TX / 5,288
8.$23,750Hemphill, TX / 1,089
9.$24,853Coushatta, LA / 2,379
10.$25,033Many, LA / 2,878
11.$25,500Belmont, LA / 440
12.$25,726Nacogdoches, TX / 32,290
13.$25,813Tenaha, TX / 1,230
14.$26,089Garrison, TX / 919
15.$27,550Zwolle, LA / 1,961
16.$27,679Florien, LA / 666
17.$27,976Frierson, LA / 34
18.$28,438Timpson, TX / 1,329
19.$29,479Broaddus, TX / 236
20.$30,250Gloster, LA / 27
21.$30,648Pineland, TX / 1,209
22.$31,597Huntington, TX / 2,191
23.$31,667Robeline, LA / 161
24.$32,471Longstreet, LA / 494
25.$32,500Browndell, TX / 260
25.$32,500Zavalla, TX / 774
27.$32,591Milam, TX / 1,224
28.$33,088Hall Summit, LA / 318
29.$33,523Logansport, LA / 1,806
30.$35,947Greenwood, LA / 3,081
31.$37,159Fort Jesup, LA / 515
32.$37,321Edgefield, LA / 265
33.$37,361Converse, LA / 432
34.$37,625South Toledo Bend, TX / 791
35.$38,676Beckville, TX / 874
36.$38,889Redfield, TX / 415
37.$39,625Chireno, TX / 428
38.$39,654Sam Rayburn, TX / 1,119
39.$40,000Mount Enterprise, TX / 536
40.$42,931Carthage, TX / 6,756
41.$45,750Provencal, LA / 625
42.$47,188Stanley, LA / 172
43.$48,125Appleby, TX / 465
44.$48,500Hornbeck, LA / 621
45.$49,375Fisher, LA / 260
46.$49,750Martin, LA / 833
47.$50,000Noble, LA / 296
48.$50,125Huxley, TX / 466
49.$51,964Anacoco, LA / 1,007
50.$52,917Gary City, TX / 479
51.$53,571Grand Cane, LA / 211
52.$56,875Stonewall, LA / 1,809
53.$64,250Keachi, LA / 198

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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