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Richest Cities by Income Near Russell County Unified School District 407

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Russell County Unified School District 407

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 60 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$85,625Timken, KS / 47
2.$53,958Brookville, KS / 244
3.$52,885Gorham, KS / 437
4.$52,143Claflin, KS / 607
5.$48,393Munjor, KS / 299
6.$48,021Schoenchen, KS / 257
7.$46,250Galatia, KS / 73
8.$46,125Victoria, KS / 1,227
9.$45,069Hoisington, KS / 2,728
10.$44,250Palco, KS / 238
10.$44,250Wilson, KS / 780
12.$44,227Hays, KS / 20,259
13.$43,984Chase, KS / 487
14.$42,841Lorraine, KS / 129
15.$42,293Great Bend, KS / 15,726
16.$42,083Bison, KS / 227
16.$42,083Raymond, KS / 124
18.$41,386Ellsworth, KS / 3,081
19.$41,250Paradise, KS / 50
20.$40,682Ellis, KS / 1,914
21.$40,000Portis, KS / 102
22.$39,896Glen Elder, KS / 473
23.$39,688Albert, KS / 126
24.$39,444Ellinwood, KS / 1,818
25.$39,375Susank, KS / 34
26.$38,750La Crosse, KS / 1,339
26.$38,750Zurich, KS / 87
28.$37,857Waldo, KS / 33
29.$37,750Geneseo, KS / 378
30.$37,474Plainville, KS / 1,546
31.$37,344Rush Center, KS / 207
32.$37,308Lincoln Center, KS / 1,393
33.$36,563Luray, KS / 213
34.$36,250Dorrance, KS / 165
35.$36,111Tipton, KS / 238
36.$35,982Tescott, KS / 327
37.$35,400Osborne, KS / 1,462
38.$35,250Mccracken, KS / 233
39.$34,000Odin, KS / 68
40.$33,875Beverly, KS / 215
41.$33,750Gaylord, KS / 151
42.$33,667Holyrood, KS / 533
43.$33,036Bushton, KS / 312
44.$32,917Sylvan Grove, KS / 257
45.$32,347Russell, KS / 4,375
46.$32,344Downs, KS / 926
47.$32,283Kanopolis, KS / 438
48.$31,875Bunker Hill, KS / 99
48.$31,875Pawnee Rock, KS / 222
50.$31,806Natoma, KS / 365
51.$31,458Olmitz, KS / 118
52.$31,250Cawker City, KS / 587
53.$30,368Lucas, KS / 432
54.$29,688Stockton, KS / 1,479
55.$26,750Woodston, KS / 190
56.$25,625Barnard, KS / 62
57.$25,417Alton, KS / 100
58.$25,313Otis, KS / 274
59.$22,250Hunter, KS / 63
60.$16,875Liebenthal, KS / 76

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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