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Poorest Cities by Income Near Pleasanton Unified School District 344

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Pleasanton Unified School District 344

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 116 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$12,250Kincaid, KS / 119
2.$12,308Piqua, KS / 72
3.$13,125Stotesbury, MO / 20
4.$14,821Bronson, KS / 287
5.$16,705Rockville, MO / 172
6.$18,438Mildred, KS / 24
7.$19,063Metz, MO / 68
7.$19,063Harwood, MO / 84
9.$19,333Arcadia, KS / 300
10.$20,714Milo, MO / 111
11.$20,804Neosho Falls, KS / 174
12.$21,250Redfield, KS / 85
13.$21,667Westphalia, KS / 107
14.$22,917Passaic, MO / 8
15.$23,214Richards, MO / 71
16.$23,438Blairstown, MO / 112
17.$23,750La Tour, MO / 69
17.$23,750Burgess, MO / 77
19.$23,882Montrose, MO / 468
19.$23,882Pleasanton, KS / 1,159
21.$24,833Prescott, KS / 296
22.$24,904Sheldon, MO / 724
23.$25,125Mindenmines, MO / 371
24.$25,336El Dorado Springs, MO / 3,686
25.$25,539Butler, MO / 4,266
26.$26,103Walnut, KS / 240
27.$26,445Appleton City, MO / 1,258
28.$26,731Mulberry, KS / 600
29.$26,875Fulton, KS / 181
30.$27,500Deerfield, MO / 56
31.$28,203Schell City, MO / 303
32.$28,750Hepler, KS / 203
33.$28,875La Harpe, KS / 560
34.$28,929Amoret, MO / 234
35.$29,112Nevada, MO / 8,164
36.$29,464Franklin, KS / 327
37.$30,625Lake Annette, MO / 66
38.$30,774Welda, KS / 86
39.$31,250Savonburg, KS / 110
39.$31,250Foster, MO / 92
41.$31,705Williamsburg, KS / 310
42.$32,269Rich Hill, MO / 1,482
43.$32,432Liberal, MO / 943
44.$32,438Uniontown, KS / 448
45.$33,542Bassett, KS / 16
46.$33,609Osawatomie, KS / 4,509
47.$33,765Fort Scott, KS / 8,125
48.$33,824Adrian, MO / 1,928
49.$34,141Urich, MO / 584
50.$34,167Baldwin Park, MO / 80
51.$34,729Garnett, KS / 3,409
52.$35,536Blue Mound, KS / 286
53.$36,328Drexel, MO / 1,101
54.$36,786La Cygne, KS / 1,503
55.$36,811Iola, KS / 5,790
56.$36,852Arma, KS / 1,469
57.$37,188Moundville, MO / 93
58.$37,273Rantoul, KS / 177
59.$37,381Girard, KS / 2,786
60.$37,500Elsmore, KS / 63
61.$37,768Walker, MO / 357
62.$37,813La Due, MO / 7
63.$38,558Creighton, MO / 346
64.$38,750Stark, KS / 53
65.$38,864Richmond, KS / 513
66.$39,375Mapleton, KS / 161
66.$39,375Garden City, MO / 1,714
68.$39,688Harris, KS / 78
69.$40,313Moran, KS / 397
70.$40,758Mound City, KS / 923
71.$40,938Humboldt, KS / 1,928
72.$41,094Colony, KS / 409
73.$42,917Bronaugh, MO / 250
74.$43,166Ottawa, KS / 12,552
75.$43,488Grandview, MO / 24,420
76.$43,625Hume, MO / 375
77.$44,792East Lynne, MO / 302
78.$45,000Riverview Estates, MO / 82
79.$45,417Freeman, MO / 593
80.$45,625Greeley, KS / 243
80.$45,625Merwin, MO / 54
82.$46,447Archie, MO / 1,188
83.$46,458Amsterdam, MO / 319
84.$46,705Linn Valley, KS / 689
85.$46,811Harrisonville, MO / 9,973
86.$47,500Pomona, KS / 852
87.$48,214Bucyrus, KS / 271
88.$50,422Belton, MO / 23,092
89.$51,652Wellsville, KS / 2,056
90.$51,736Princeton, KS / 245
91.$52,600Gas, KS / 566
92.$53,125Strasburg, MO / 98
93.$54,000Paola, KS / 5,523
94.$54,375Fontana, KS / 169
95.$55,061Louisburg, KS / 4,019
96.$56,250Lane, KS / 267
97.$58,451Pleasant Hill, MO / 7,769
98.$58,750West Line, MO / 88
99.$60,938Edgerton, KS / 1,682
100.$62,661Parker, KS / 337
101.$63,125Peculiar, MO / 4,325
102.$63,656Gardner, KS / 17,541
103.$65,053Baldwin City, KS / 4,331
104.$65,850Spring Hill, KS / 4,948
105.$70,250Hillsdale, KS / 240
106.$70,469Irwin, MO / 131
107.$71,088Greenwood, MO / 4,963
108.$71,513Overland Park, KS / 170,515
109.$73,200Cleveland, MO / 831
110.$73,727Raymore, MO / 18,009
111.$75,228Olathe, KS / 120,774
112.$78,750Gunn City, MO / 125
113.$106,250Lake Winnebago, MO / 1,131
114.$130,548Leawood, KS / 31,322
115.$139,375Loch Lloyd, MO / 494
116.$250,001Lone Elm, KS / 13

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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