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Richest Cities by Income Near Fredonia Unified School District 484

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Fredonia Unified School District 484

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 77 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$250,001Lone Elm, KS / 13
2.$85,556Coyville, KS / 37
3.$79,583New Strawn, KS / 393
4.$62,656Wann, OK / 122
5.$52,600Gas, KS / 566
6.$52,045Rosalia, KS / 257
7.$51,607Tyro, KS / 254
8.$47,917Altamont, KS / 1,159
9.$47,500Cedar Vale, KS / 474
10.$42,981Benedict, KS / 89
11.$42,750Burlington, KS / 2,678
12.$42,500New Albany, KS / 9
13.$41,094Colony, KS / 409
14.$40,938Humboldt, KS / 1,928
15.$40,833Leroy, KS / 670
16.$40,313Moran, KS / 397
17.$39,844Edna, KS / 314
18.$38,796Erie, KS / 1,208
19.$38,750Elk Falls, KS / 87
19.$38,750Stark, KS / 53
19.$38,750Latham, KS / 208
22.$38,432Independence, KS / 9,505
23.$38,393Galesburg, KS / 110
24.$38,077Altoona, KS / 388
25.$37,500Elsmore, KS / 63
26.$37,040Parsons, KS / 10,661
27.$36,811Iola, KS / 5,790
28.$36,667Thayer, KS / 391
29.$36,250Oswego, KS / 2,133
30.$36,016Neodesha, KS / 2,333
31.$35,625Elk City, KS / 555
31.$35,625Mccune, KS / 382
33.$35,357Buffalo, KS / 286
34.$35,125Saint Paul, KS / 699
35.$34,821Earlton, KS / 75
36.$34,659Gridley, KS / 378
37.$34,583Fall River, KS / 211
38.$34,470Dearing, KS / 457
39.$34,257Madison, KS / 833
40.$33,977Copan, OK / 992
41.$33,558Grenola, KS / 257
42.$33,542Bassett, KS / 16
43.$33,500Caney, KS / 1,593
44.$33,413Sedan, KS / 1,597
45.$33,098Mound Valley, KS / 446
46.$32,850Chanute, KS / 9,141
47.$32,275Eureka, KS / 2,669
48.$32,121Coffeyville, KS / 10,380
49.$31,750Severy, KS / 292
50.$31,250Hamilton, KS / 392
50.$31,250Savonburg, KS / 110
52.$30,653Cherryvale, KS / 2,648
53.$30,156Longton, KS / 434
54.$30,125Virgil, KS / 52
55.$29,821Havana, KS / 125
56.$29,583Cambridge, KS / 49
57.$29,405Liberty, KS / 165
58.$29,107Labette, KS / 54
59.$29,066Fredonia, KS / 2,623
60.$28,875La Harpe, KS / 560
61.$28,750Hepler, KS / 203
62.$28,611Yates Center, KS / 1,416
63.$28,438Niotaze, KS / 105
64.$28,333Peru, KS / 129
65.$26,103Walnut, KS / 240
66.$26,042Climax, KS / 121
67.$23,750Elgin, KS / 111
68.$23,229Howard, KS / 649
69.$22,321South Coffeyville, OK / 623
70.$21,667Westphalia, KS / 107
71.$21,583Toronto, KS / 378
72.$21,146Moline, KS / 371
73.$20,804Neosho Falls, KS / 174
74.$18,438Mildred, KS / 24
75.$18,125Chautauqua, KS / 86
76.$14,821Bronson, KS / 287
77.$12,308Piqua, KS / 72

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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