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Poorest Cities by Income Near Norphlet School District

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Norphlet School District

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 57 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$17,813Felsenthal, AR / 110
2.$19,205Banks, AR / 122
3.$20,250New Edinburg, AR / 75
4.$20,417Waldo, AR / 1,267
5.$21,250Mcneil, AR / 462
5.$21,250Rye, AR / 122
7.$21,488Thornton, AR / 348
8.$21,607Wilmar, AR / 382
9.$22,171Fordyce, AR / 4,384
10.$22,226Hermitage, AR / 1,137
11.$22,730Stamps, AR / 2,194
12.$22,955Strong, AR / 295
13.$23,889Harrell, AR / 299
14.$24,375Fountain Hill, AR / 146
15.$25,096Marion, LA / 998
16.$25,278Buckner, AR / 450
17.$25,391Bernice, LA / 1,755
18.$25,595Dubach, LA / 689
19.$25,938Lillie, LA / 96
20.$27,125Bearden, AR / 1,065
21.$27,213Warren, AR / 6,064
22.$27,431Kingsland, AR / 428
23.$27,985Hamburg, AR / 2,881
24.$28,000Chidester, AR / 361
25.$28,250East Camden, AR / 1,083
26.$28,266Homer, LA / 3,338
27.$28,750Louann, AR / 164
28.$29,041El Dorado, AR / 19,278
29.$29,167Farmerville, LA / 3,851
30.$29,344Haynesville, LA / 2,901
31.$29,545Sparkman, AR / 537
32.$30,182Camden, AR / 12,246
33.$30,368Junction City, LA / 586
34.$30,821Stephens, AR / 1,049
35.$31,108Magnolia, AR / 11,648
36.$31,953Calion, AR / 461
37.$32,500Hampton, AR / 1,664
38.$33,125Emerson, AR / 320
39.$33,214Huttig, AR / 547
40.$33,646Rosston, AR / 390
41.$33,750Willisville, AR / 125
42.$34,236Reader, AR / 139
43.$34,444North Crossett, AR / 3,414
44.$34,448Crossett, AR / 5,585
45.$34,583Cale, AR / 65
46.$35,625Tinsman, AR / 54
47.$37,228Junction City, AR / 499
48.$40,625Whelen Springs, AR / 97
49.$40,655Smackover, AR / 2,032
50.$44,792Bodcaw, AR / 158
51.$45,179Spearsville, LA / 153
52.$46,304West Crossett, AR / 1,092
53.$47,500Bluff City, AR / 122
54.$53,438Lisbon, LA / 284
55.$56,023Norphlet, AR / 1,039
56.$58,472Vienna, LA / 405
57.$76,250Shongaloo, LA / 162

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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