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Richest Cities by Income Near San Pedro, TX

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of San Pedro, TX

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 91 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$82,813Progreso Lakes, TX / 276
2.$70,958Palmhurst, TX / 2,842
3.$66,250Palm Valley, TX / 1,591
4.$61,520Rancho Viejo, TX / 2,334
5.$54,815Laguna Vista, TX / 2,954
6.$53,475South Padre Island, TX / 2,755
7.$53,438Bayview, TX / 717
8.$42,543Midway South, TX / 2,222
9.$40,833Villa Pancho, TX / 173
10.$40,108Mission, TX / 71,760
11.$39,547Mcallen, TX / 125,590
12.$39,167Doolittle, TX / 2,983
13.$37,422Murillo Colonia, TX / 6,511
14.$37,321Cesar Chavez, TX / 1,872
15.$37,177Primera, TX / 4,004
16.$37,176Edinburg, TX / 72,611
17.$36,736Laureles, TX / 3,933
18.$35,851Weslaco, TX / 34,544
19.$35,665Faysville, TX / 196
20.$35,269Alamo, TX / 17,816
21.$34,748Harlingen, TX / 64,186
22.$34,544La Paloma, TX / 3,582
23.$33,770Los Fresnos, TX / 5,391
24.$32,662South Alamo, TX / 4,603
25.$31,167Green Valley Farms, TX / 1,209
26.$30,958Lopezville, TX / 5,302
27.$30,766San Juan, TX / 32,543
28.$30,134Brownsville, TX / 169,599
29.$30,066Hidalgo, TX / 10,564
30.$29,652San Benito, TX / 24,309
31.$29,635North Alamo, TX / 3,807
32.$29,527Pharr, TX / 66,105
33.$29,485Rio Hondo, TX / 2,763
34.$28,750El Camino Angosto, TX / 212
34.$28,750Granjeno, TX / 332
36.$28,375Llano Grande, TX / 3,198
37.$27,917San Perlita, TX / 688
38.$27,632Indian Lake, TX / 971
39.$27,595Encantada-Ranchito-El Calaboz, TX / 2,705
40.$26,746Combes, TX / 2,904
41.$26,029Bixby, TX / 359
42.$26,000Solis, TX / 348
43.$25,767Alton, TX / 12,054
44.$25,494Midway North, TX / 4,763
45.$25,439Donna, TX / 15,792
46.$25,288La Villa, TX / 1,017
47.$25,077Laguna Heights, TX / 2,088
48.$24,931Relampago, TX / 116
49.$24,702Arroyo Colorado Estates Colonia, TX / 882
50.$24,297Monte Alto, TX / 2,123
51.$24,135Reid Hope King Colonia, TX / 1,072
52.$23,983La Feria, TX / 7,305
53.$23,705Chula Vista Colonia, TX / 416
54.$23,688Cameron Park, TX / 8,508
55.$23,641Olivarez, TX / 3,784
56.$23,233Raymondville, TX / 11,023
57.$23,214Progreso, TX / 5,379
58.$23,173San Carlos, TX / 2,729
59.$23,093Mercedes, TX / 15,369
60.$22,969Port Isabel, TX / 5,072
61.$22,667Villa Verde, TX / 515
62.$22,500Scissors, TX / 3,504
63.$22,173Lyford, TX / 2,620
64.$21,750Los Indios, TX / 1,195
65.$21,667Lasara, TX / 817
66.$21,611Edcouch, TX / 3,187
67.$21,139Hargill, TX / 682
68.$21,000La Blanca, TX / 1,530
69.$20,651Mila Doce, TX / 5,081
70.$20,631Elsa, TX / 5,639
71.$20,000Bluetown, TX / 328
72.$19,957South Point, TX / 1,321
73.$19,925Santa Rosa, TX / 2,927
74.$19,417Laguna Seca, TX / 258
75.$19,155Heidelberg, TX / 1,451
76.$18,750Indian Hills, TX / 3,069
77.$17,188Santa Maria, TX / 853
78.$16,989Muniz, TX / 1,022
79.$16,200Arroyo Gardens, TX / 202
80.$15,186Las Palmas Ii, TX / 1,663
81.$15,076Juarez, TX / 423
82.$14,766Olmito, TX / 1,311
83.$14,688Colonia Iglesia Antigua, TX / 259
84.$14,375Sebastian, TX / 1,836
85.$14,046San Pedro, TX / 534
86.$13,838Santa Monica, TX / 230
87.$13,403Port Mansfield, TX / 307
88.$11,750La Tina Ranch, TX / 221
89.$11,250Lago, TX / 226
90.$8,140Rangerville, TX / 385
91.$3,667Lozano, TX / 103

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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