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Richest Cities by Income Near Sagle, ID

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Sagle, ID

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 43 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$100,833Rockford Bay, ID / 268
2.$99,853Green Bluff, WA / 814
3.$80,833Fernan Lake Village, ID / 169
4.$79,746Liberty Lake, WA / 6,835
5.$66,106Fairwood CDP, WA / 7,418
6.$59,934Hayden Lake, ID / 496
7.$57,802Otis Orchards-East Farms, WA / 5,561
8.$57,500Mead, WA / 7,069
9.$52,414Dalton Gardens, ID / 2,090
10.$51,250East Hope, ID / 226
11.$49,718Kootenai, ID / 642
12.$48,654Millwood, WA / 1,658
13.$45,819Spokane Valley, WA / 88,100
14.$45,336Post Falls, ID / 26,179
15.$44,946Hayden, ID / 12,783
16.$43,426Rathdrum, ID / 6,545
17.$43,333Dover, ID / 482
18.$41,818Heron, MT / 235
19.$41,563Spirit Lake, ID / 1,435
20.$41,145Sandpoint, ID / 7,372
21.$39,583Athol, ID / 722
22.$39,531Cusick, WA / 319
23.$39,266Moyie Springs, ID / 1,355
24.$38,496Coeur D Alene, ID / 43,096
25.$38,077Blanchard, ID / 412
26.$34,914Bonners Ferry, ID / 2,613
27.$34,836Kellogg, ID / 2,151
28.$33,094Deer Park, WA / 3,542
29.$32,429Priest River, ID / 1,677
30.$31,250Wardner, ID / 169
31.$31,125State Line, ID / 17
31.$31,125Hauser, ID / 1,142
33.$30,417Oldtown, ID / 216
34.$29,205Clark Fork, ID / 708
35.$28,969Pinehurst, ID / 1,535
36.$28,684Troy, MT / 920
37.$25,417Noxon, MT / 293
38.$25,000Huetter, ID / 133
39.$23,750Ponderay, ID / 1,417
39.$23,750Hope, ID / 80
41.$22,639Newport, WA / 2,316
42.$21,563Sylvanite, MT / 95
43.$18,813Smelterville, ID / 577

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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