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Richest Cities by Income Near Nephi, UT

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Nephi, UT

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 57 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$105,750Woodland Hills, UT / 1,317
2.$105,682Fairfield, UT / 73
3.$98,438Cedar Hills, UT / 8,567
4.$95,156Sutherland, UT / 340
5.$93,692Highland, UT / 14,081
6.$80,871Elk Ridge, UT / 2,180
7.$78,385Lindon, UT / 9,698
8.$70,446Benjamin, UT / 987
9.$69,519Lake Shore, UT / 652
10.$69,167Cedar Fort, UT / 264
10.$69,167American Fork, UT / 25,370
12.$68,500Saratoga Springs, UT / 14,696
13.$67,999Lehi, UT / 42,047
14.$67,301Salem, UT / 6,060
15.$64,479Mapleton, UT / 7,543
16.$63,421Pleasant Grove, UT / 31,457
17.$62,963Eagle Mountain, UT / 17,892
18.$61,364Palmyra, UT / 599
19.$61,136Genola, UT / 1,168
20.$59,836Santaquin, UT / 8,365
21.$59,348Spanish Fork, UT / 31,851
22.$58,958Levan, UT / 1,094
23.$58,667West Mountain, UT / 713
24.$55,625Mona, UT / 1,091
25.$55,487Springville, UT / 27,633
26.$54,733Payson, UT / 17,187
27.$54,135Spring Lake, UT / 562
28.$52,816Nephi, UT / 5,256
29.$52,000Holden, UT / 323
30.$50,738Orem, UT / 86,849
31.$50,341Oak City, UT / 626
32.$49,917Manti, UT / 3,209
33.$49,814Elberta, UT / 299
34.$48,611Leamington, UT / 188
35.$48,333Scipio, UT / 193
36.$47,639Lynndyl, UT / 133
37.$47,031Goshen, UT / 931
38.$46,667Sterling, UT / 316
39.$46,250Wales, UT / 338
40.$46,094Spring City, UT / 1,224
41.$45,833Vernon, UT / 230
42.$44,583Gunnison, UT / 3,094
43.$43,542Centerfield, UT / 1,261
44.$43,107Delta, UT / 3,330
45.$43,036Fairview, UT / 1,212
46.$42,250Eureka, UT / 710
47.$42,083Mayfield, UT / 439
48.$42,031Mount Pleasant, UT / 3,140
49.$38,636Vineyard, UT / 192
50.$38,295Rocky Ridge, UT / 751
51.$38,167Fountain Green, UT / 880
52.$37,892Provo, UT / 110,201
53.$37,056Moroni, UT / 1,202
54.$36,087Redmond, UT / 504
55.$33,750Fayette, UT / 277
56.$31,963Ephraim, UT / 5,789
57.$28,750Scofield, UT / 17

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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