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Richest Cities by Income Near Lodoga, CA

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Lodoga, CA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 58 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$112,688Guinda, CA / 192
2.$84,023Richvale, CA / 204
3.$83,500Potter Valley, CA / 824
4.$72,898Nord, CA / 317
5.$70,994Cobb, CA / 1,938
6.$68,833Artois, CA / 142
7.$68,750Flournoy, CA / 110
8.$66,090Sutter, CA / 2,924
9.$64,853Durham, CA / 5,632
10.$64,167Redwood Valley, CA / 1,528
11.$63,021College City, CA / 92
12.$60,745Hidden Valley Lake, CA / 6,185
13.$58,832Spring Valley, CA / 822
14.$55,662Esparto, CA / 2,720
15.$54,309Cloverdale, CA / 8,212
16.$53,750Geyserville, CA / 993
16.$53,750Princeton, CA / 244
18.$52,125Biggs, CA / 2,077
19.$51,667Dunnigan, CA / 948
20.$49,500Yuba City, CA / 63,435
21.$49,388Calpella, CA / 791
22.$47,750Meridian, CA / 400
23.$47,596Colusa, CA / 5,942
24.$46,222Clearlake Riviera, CA / 3,193
25.$46,163Brooktrails, CA / 3,495
26.$45,925Middletown, CA / 1,646
27.$44,722Soda Bay, CA / 945
28.$44,583Hopland, CA / 874
29.$44,395Orland, CA / 7,141
30.$44,000Lodoga, CA / 222
31.$43,750Maxwell, CA / 849
32.$43,185Williams, CA / 4,906
33.$42,787Willows, CA / 6,205
34.$42,657Ukiah, CA / 15,942
35.$42,069Live Oak, CA / 8,129
36.$41,835Chico, CA / 85,130
37.$41,336North Lakeport, CA / 3,541
38.$41,313Arbuckle, CA / 3,206
39.$40,465Willits, CA / 4,913
40.$40,000Richfield, CA / 268
41.$38,726Kelseyville, CA / 3,126
42.$37,500Paskenta, CA / 86
43.$37,358Gridley, CA / 6,449
44.$36,121Lower Lake, CA / 1,247
45.$34,934Clearlake Oaks, CA / 1,498
46.$34,340Lakeport, CA / 4,855
47.$32,729Corning, CA / 7,546
48.$31,667Elk Creek, CA / 118
49.$31,579Grimes, CA / 407
50.$31,510Nice, CA / 2,267
51.$31,120Lucerne, CA / 2,680
52.$29,432Vina, CA / 72
53.$29,079Upper Lake, CA / 1,213
54.$28,929Stonyford, CA / 119
55.$27,433Hamilton City, CA / 1,875
56.$26,382Clearlake, CA / 15,074
57.$24,948Talmage, CA / 1,040
58.$22,283Rancho Tehama Reserve, CA / 1,112

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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