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Richest Cities by Income Near Alex, OK

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Alex, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 90 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$250,001Lake Aluma, OK / 101
2.$139,375Nichols Hills, OK / 3,745
3.$90,035Bridge Creek, OK / 415
4.$85,655Erin Springs, OK / 59
5.$73,712Newcastle, OK / 7,255
6.$71,625Norge, OK / 178
7.$64,453Forest Park, OK / 1,010
8.$62,835Blanchard, OK / 7,222
9.$62,750Velma, OK / 772
10.$60,625Choctaw, OK / 10,782
11.$60,575Ninnekah, OK / 1,125
12.$60,179Union City, OK / 2,063
13.$58,750Woodlawn Park, OK / 152
14.$58,672Mustang, OK / 16,529
15.$57,771Yukon, OK / 22,265
16.$56,548Bethel Acres, OK / 2,866
17.$56,125Tuttle, OK / 5,786
18.$55,710Moore, OK / 52,506
19.$54,000Empire City, OK / 849
20.$53,622Goldsby, OK / 2,191
21.$52,365Noble, OK / 6,249
22.$49,240Elgin, OK / 1,987
23.$47,863Fletcher, OK / 1,086
24.$47,740Meridian CDP, OK / 973
25.$47,171Binger, OK / 828
26.$46,875Cole, OK / 619
27.$46,406Washington, OK / 590
28.$46,346Amber, OK / 391
29.$46,042Central High, OK / 1,026
30.$46,036Bray, OK / 1,338
31.$45,658Minco, OK / 1,831
32.$45,417Katie, OK / 229
33.$45,209Norman, OK / 108,265
34.$44,054Pink, OK / 1,982
35.$43,929Ratliff City, OK / 75
36.$43,798Oklahoma City, OK / 563,571
37.$43,672Lindsay, OK / 2,838
38.$43,125Purcell, OK / 5,805
39.$42,804The Village, OK / 9,105
40.$42,147Bethany, OK / 19,202
41.$42,117Midwest City, OK / 53,919
42.$41,940Lawton, OK / 94,217
43.$41,250Paoli, OK / 546
44.$40,816El Reno, OK / 16,542
45.$40,634Duncan, OK / 23,157
46.$40,240Del City, OK / 21,380
47.$39,688Dibble, OK / 1,793
48.$39,545Marlow, OK / 4,618
49.$38,750Lookeba, OK / 145
50.$38,494Davis, OK / 2,646
51.$37,813Foster, OK / 130
52.$37,510Warr Acres, OK / 9,984
53.$37,500Geronimo, OK / 1,506
54.$37,075Lexington, OK / 2,272
55.$36,989Cyril, OK / 944
56.$36,250Nicoma Park, OK / 2,422
57.$36,136Pauls Valley, OK / 6,174
58.$36,053Spencer, OK / 3,852
59.$35,313Pocasset, OK / 146
60.$34,444Slaughterville, OK / 4,036
61.$33,693Chickasha, OK / 16,196
62.$33,514Wynnewood, OK / 2,739
63.$33,500Tribbey, OK / 345
64.$33,229Gracemont, OK / 271
65.$32,917Sterling, OK / 776
65.$32,917Loco, OK / 106
67.$32,679Verden, OK / 554
68.$32,634Maysville, OK / 1,047
69.$32,150Medicine Park, OK / 290
70.$32,102Wayne, OK / 554
71.$32,083Etowah, OK / 117
72.$31,458Carnegie, OK / 1,786
73.$31,429Addington, OK / 130
74.$31,196Fort Cobb, OK / 702
75.$31,005Apache, OK / 1,517
76.$30,081Anadarko, OK / 6,647
77.$29,583Asher, OK / 338
78.$27,833Rush Springs, OK / 1,600
79.$26,979Alex, OK / 478
80.$26,959Stratford, OK / 1,452
81.$26,833Wanette, OK / 219
82.$26,417Valley Brook, OK / 814
83.$25,978Comanche, OK / 1,931
84.$25,750Cement, OK / 605
85.$24,583Elmore City, OK / 775
86.$22,143Rosedale, OK / 78
87.$20,625Tatums, OK / 105
88.$20,000Smith Village, OK / 40
89.$19,583Bradley, OK / 196
90.$14,688Byars, OK / 216

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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