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Poorest Cities by Income Near 78074 Zip Code

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 78074

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 62 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▲City / Population
1.$26,629Balcones Heights, TX / 2,983
2.$29,940Bandera, TX / 1,188
3.$30,221Utopia, TX / 153
4.$32,130Lake Dunlap, TX / 2,096
5.$33,102Hondo, TX / 8,715
6.$33,542Granite Shoals, TX / 4,898
7.$35,077Lake Medina Shores, TX / 1,418
8.$35,242Harper, TX / 1,042
9.$36,850Ingram, TX / 2,909
10.$36,900Comfort, TX / 2,326
11.$37,727Blanco, TX / 2,402
12.$40,089La Coste, TX / 1,392
13.$40,567Kerrville, TX / 22,169
14.$41,094Von Ormy, TX / 1,440
15.$42,283Castroville, TX / 2,681
16.$42,292Johnson City, TX / 1,458
17.$43,152San Antonio, TX / 1,290,196
18.$43,580Lackland, TX / 7,585
19.$45,125Stonewall, TX / 835
20.$45,345Cottonwood Shores, TX / 1,758
21.$45,400Lakehills, TX / 5,557
22.$46,186Fredericksburg, TX / 10,363
23.$48,062Kirby, TX / 8,116
24.$49,375Marion, TX / 1,130
25.$51,879Boerne, TX / 9,664
26.$53,841Leon Valley, TX / 9,950
27.$54,394Live Oak, TX / 12,423
28.$54,464Grey Forest, TX / 471
29.$54,920Universal City, TX / 17,705
30.$56,081Bulverde, TX / 4,569
31.$56,334New Braunfels, TX / 54,072
32.$57,396Dripping Springs, TX / 1,943
33.$58,105Converse, TX / 16,953
34.$59,981Canyon Lake, TX / 19,973
35.$62,415Wimberley, TX / 2,642
36.$62,500Highland Haven, TX / 372
37.$62,614Horseshoe Bay, TX / 3,351
38.$62,708Sunrise Beach Village, TX / 987
39.$63,813Woodcreek, TX / 1,356
40.$66,136Round Mountain, TX / 336
41.$69,637Castle Hills, TX / 4,122
42.$70,227Randolph, TX / 1,047
43.$72,500Santa Clara, TX / 853
44.$73,267Schertz, TX / 28,423
45.$74,700Windcrest, TX / 5,282
46.$80,054Selma, TX / 4,367
47.$81,944China Grove, TX / 1,310
48.$85,305Cibolo, TX / 13,037
49.$95,072Macdona, TX / 465
50.$97,796Timberwood Park, TX / 11,765
51.$97,931Hollywood Park, TX / 3,022
52.$99,539Helotes, TX / 6,818
53.$104,668Alamo Heights, TX / 7,020
54.$111,125Olmos Park, TX / 2,247
55.$111,302Scenic Oaks, TX / 5,014
56.$128,984Garden Ridge, TX / 3,003
57.$134,360Terrell Hills, TX / 4,885
58.$136,741Cross Mountain, TX / 3,079
59.$139,519Fair Oaks Ranch, TX / 5,481
60.$159,583Shavano Park, TX / 2,920
61.$172,500Hill Country Village, TX / 980
62.$246,083Driftwood, TX / 97

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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