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Richest Cities by Income Near 38621 Zip Code

Median Household Income Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 38621

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 70 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼City / Population
1.$113,535Germantown, TN / 38,655
2.$76,858Bridgetown, MS / 1,859
3.$69,030Olive Branch, MS / 31,910
4.$61,804Hernando, MS / 13,253
5.$60,528Lynchburg, MS / 2,095
6.$55,500Sumner, MS / 298
7.$54,751Southaven, MS / 46,743
8.$50,026Tunica, MS / 1,229
9.$49,107Lyon, MS / 483
10.$48,750Abbeville, MS / 416
11.$47,750Anthonyville, AR / 202
12.$46,357Horn Lake, MS / 25,495
13.$45,707Holcomb, MS / 545
14.$42,917Darling, MS / 158
15.$42,813Pope, MS / 153
16.$42,292Tunica Resorts, MS / 1,472
17.$41,840Senatobia, MS / 7,958
18.$40,078Tillatoba, MS / 107
19.$37,697Courtland, MS / 495
20.$36,473Memphis, TN / 654,876
21.$35,938Taylor, MS / 316
22.$35,781Walls, MS / 584
23.$35,759Marks, MS / 2,325
24.$34,342Batesville, MS / 7,486
25.$32,865Sardis, MS / 1,485
26.$32,639Coffeeville, MS / 943
27.$32,326Oxford, MS / 17,990
28.$31,923Como, MS / 1,309
29.$31,635Webb, MS / 359
30.$30,208Horseshoe Lake, AR / 378
31.$28,882Coldwater, MS / 1,735
32.$28,229Alligator, MS / 242
33.$27,904West Memphis, AR / 26,391
34.$27,885Byhalia, MS / 1,313
35.$27,857Widener, AR / 387
36.$26,667Lakeview, AR / 359
37.$26,250Haynes, AR / 258
38.$25,909Oakland, MS / 531
39.$25,524Helena-West Helena, AR / 12,650
40.$25,469Lexa, AR / 176
41.$25,096Marvell, AR / 1,248
42.$24,808Elaine, AR / 914
43.$24,740Clarksdale, MS / 18,276
44.$24,118Sledge, MS / 601
45.$23,145Water Valley, MS / 3,485
46.$22,444Hughes, AR / 1,505
47.$22,292Lula, MS / 286
48.$22,109Crenshaw, MS / 1,093
49.$22,000Falcon, MS / 238
50.$21,607Aubrey, AR / 146
51.$21,214Holly Springs, MS / 7,827
52.$20,972Crowder, MS / 559
53.$20,750La Grange, AR / 66
54.$20,417Tutwiler, MS / 3,161
55.$20,313Drew, MS / 1,918
56.$20,142Marianna, AR / 4,241
57.$19,773Jonestown, MS / 1,381
58.$19,063Charleston, MS / 2,065
59.$18,750Edmondson, AR / 365
60.$18,333Friars Point, MS / 1,107
61.$18,239Lambert, MS / 1,615
62.$17,019Rondo, AR / 421
63.$16,875Winstonville, MS / 103
64.$16,292White Oak, MS / 952
65.$15,850Shelby, MS / 2,207
66.$15,000Duncan, MS / 328
67.$13,854Farrell, MS / 340
68.$12,857Glendora, MS / 254
69.$12,443North Tunica, MS / 630
70.$11,927Coahoma, MS / 351

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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