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Median Household Income Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract NY045060400

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 59 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$63,611NY075021402 / 1,693
2.$61,801NY075021401 / 7,971
3.$61,382NY045061600 / 4,036
4.$60,673NY045062400 / 4,198
5.$56,596NY075020703 / 5,064
6.$55,702NY045062200 / 4,668
7.$55,245NY045061800 / 7,150
8.$54,940NY075021603 / 4,171
9.$53,906NY075021502 / 6,896
10.$53,542NY075021000 / 5,979
11.$52,769NY045060400 / 6,323
12.$51,966NY045061900 / 3,496
13.$51,531NY045060300 / 3,998
14.$50,750NY045061700 / 2,480
15.$50,462NY075020800 / 3,670
16.$50,350NY065024500 / 4,938
17.$50,060NY075020701 / 4,279
18.$49,783NY045060200 / 7,402
19.$49,334NY075020400 / 5,186
20.$49,189NY075021501 / 2,870
21.$48,696NY045061100 / 6,267
22.$48,611NY075020302 / 3,290
23.$46,528NY089492800 / 3,665
24.$46,401NY075020500 / 5,818
25.$45,326NY045060700 / 4,270
26.$45,286NY045060500 / 5,258
27.$44,702NY049950500 / 2,311
28.$44,395NY089492900 / 2,299
29.$44,209NY089492600 / 5,874
30.$44,201NY075020200 / 3,920
31.$43,990NY049950300 / 7,503
32.$43,950NY045061000 / 3,937
33.$43,906NY049950200 / 4,915
34.$43,438NY049950100 / 2,624
35.$42,837NY089492700 / 7,140
36.$42,262NY089491800 / 4,071
37.$41,981NY075020100 / 3,648
38.$41,908NY045062500 / 3,341
39.$41,719NY049950700 / 5,022
40.$41,019NY045060600 / 6,776
41.$40,981NY045060100 / 4,158
42.$40,732NY049950400 / 2,770
43.$39,972NY065024400 / 4,138
44.$39,803NY045061500 / 3,767
45.$39,787NY045060900 / 6,366
46.$37,793NY075020301 / 2,441
47.$35,875NY075021104 / 2,739
48.$35,841NY045060803 / 7,369
49.$35,750NY075021605 / 3,696
50.$35,718NY045060804 / 4,987
51.$34,572NY049950600 / 1,872
52.$33,693NY075021602 / 3,181
53.$33,504NY075021604 / 3,965
54.$33,454NY045061200 / 3,641
55.$32,927NY045061300 / 2,532
56.$27,324NY045062100 / 4,977
57.$27,029NY045061400 / 3,672
58.$26,319NY075021101 / 3,834
59.$23,146NY075021601 / 3,108

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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