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Median Household Income Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract KY083020300

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 118 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$68,796KY145031302 / 5,555
2.$60,673KY145030800 / 4,459
3.$59,400KY145031100 / 5,543
4.$57,500TN131965800 / 1,904
4.$57,500KY145031600 / 3,085
6.$56,126KY035010600 / 6,942
7.$52,284KY157950200 / 4,752
8.$51,851IL127970100 / 4,894
9.$51,750KY145031200 / 4,716
10.$51,025TN131965200 / 2,240
11.$50,825KY145031400 / 5,994
12.$50,583KY083020400 / 3,138
13.$50,417TN131965100 / 2,597
14.$49,844TN017962202 / 4,247
15.$49,610KY145031500 / 6,651
16.$49,440KY157950100 / 5,541
17.$49,031TN183968102 / 2,136
18.$48,315KY221970100 / 2,844
19.$48,031KY221970300 / 4,989
20.$47,969KY143960200 / 1,322
21.$47,841TN183968201 / 4,437
22.$45,453TN079969000 / 4,295
23.$45,435KY083020900 / 2,538
24.$45,179MO133950300 / 1,491
25.$45,000KY007950100 / 4,140
26.$44,875IL127970300 / 3,746
27.$44,738KY145031301 / 4,791
28.$44,167KY035010700 / 3,400
29.$43,750KY007950200 / 1,424
30.$43,651TN131965300 / 3,738
31.$43,443TN161110200 / 5,890
32.$43,182TN079969200 / 1,985
33.$42,908TN079969600 / 7,351
34.$42,767KY035010100 / 4,176
35.$42,704KY157950500 / 4,913
36.$42,390IL003957700 / 2,316
37.$41,858KY139040200 / 6,640
38.$41,818KY157950300 / 4,212
39.$41,347KY035010800 / 3,235
40.$40,820KY035010200 / 4,653
41.$40,633KY143960100 / 7,045
42.$40,457KY157950400 / 5,763
43.$40,455TN131965700 / 4,618
44.$40,387TN079969100 / 2,852
45.$39,967TN131965400 / 4,674
46.$39,831KY157950600 / 6,205
47.$39,452TN017962100 / 7,251
48.$39,178TN053967400 / 3,736
49.$38,984TN079969800 / 2,370
50.$38,854KY039960100 / 1,737
51.$38,750TN183968000 / 1,370
52.$38,654TN053967300 / 1,142
53.$38,625KY035010500 / 3,096
54.$38,250KY083020700 / 4,621
55.$38,058KY007950300 / 2,661
56.$37,694TN183968300 / 2,409
57.$37,526KY083020800 / 5,700
58.$37,287TN161110700 / 4,522
59.$36,843KY221970200 / 6,284
60.$36,734KY039960300 / 1,646
61.$36,629TN131965000 / 3,994
62.$36,614TN079969700 / 2,345
63.$36,477KY083020200 / 4,299
64.$36,441TN053966200 / 3,693
65.$36,424KY083020600 / 2,387
66.$35,972KY145030700 / 4,728
67.$35,801IL151971300 / 2,071
68.$35,667TN053966100 / 2,557
69.$34,848KY075960200 / 2,668
70.$34,082KY083020500 / 3,720
71.$33,983MO143960200 / 2,390
72.$33,821IL127970200 / 4,246
73.$33,362IL127970400 / 2,539
74.$33,030IL153971000 / 3,250
75.$32,889TN083120300 / 2,898
76.$32,500TN131965900 / 1,390
77.$32,363TN005963000 / 3,650
78.$32,083TN017962000 / 4,128
79.$31,875TN183968400 / 5,248
80.$31,841TN131965500 / 2,406
81.$31,836KY105970100 / 4,949
82.$31,466MO133950100 / 2,230
83.$31,343IL087977800 / 3,707
84.$31,020KY075960100 / 4,190
85.$30,924TN183968500 / 4,747
86.$30,685TN017962300 / 4,544
86.$30,685TN183968700 / 1,322
88.$30,551KY145031000 / 4,376
89.$30,000MO133950400 / 4,258
90.$29,701KY139040100 / 2,874
91.$29,526IL153971100 / 3,012
92.$29,182TN079969500 / 4,885
93.$28,984TN183968600 / 3,814
94.$28,615KY083020300 / 6,748
95.$28,310TN017962201 / 3,721
96.$28,291KY145030900 / 3,521
97.$28,043IL003957800 / 1,497
98.$27,500KY035010400 / 2,253
99.$27,199KY055930400 / 1,474
100.$26,689TN131965600 / 4,344
101.$25,850TN079969400 / 2,348
102.$25,296TN183968101 / 3,650
103.$25,288TN095960100 / 5,459
104.$24,651KY039960200 / 1,743
105.$24,394KY145030500 / 1,297
106.$24,278KY083020100 / 3,807
107.$22,861KY145030400 / 1,819
108.$22,490MO133950200 / 6,164
109.$22,102TN079969300 / 3,611
110.$20,193KY035010302 / 5,773
111.$20,080TN183968203 / 3,353
112.$19,975KY145030600 / 3,791
113.$19,438KY145030200 / 2,244
114.$16,954KY145030100 / 1,097
115.$14,839TN183968202 / 2,071
116.$13,263KY145030300 / 1,550
117.$11,404IL003957900 / 1,602
118.$9,970KY035010301 / 3,235

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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