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Median Household Income Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract FL073002208

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 125 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian Household Income ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$135,294FL073002416 / 2,917
2.$111,571FL073002417 / 6,332
3.$109,330FL073002512 / 3,402
4.$101,910FL073002605 / 3,495
5.$100,522FL073002513 / 3,305
6.$98,646FL073002413 / 2,552
7.$93,021FL073002507 / 2,637
8.$90,527FL073002412 / 8,677
9.$87,647FL073002511 / 1,357
10.$86,607FL073001602 / 3,504
11.$85,816FL073002414 / 4,460
12.$85,375FL073002408 / 8,231
13.$85,213FL073002415 / 4,274
14.$83,021FL073001700 / 6,486
15.$80,237FL073002508 / 8,893
16.$80,129FL073002206 / 3,138
17.$70,665FL073002302 / 3,172
18.$68,000FL073002411 / 2,064
19.$64,861FL073002403 / 2,649
20.$63,504FL073002510 / 7,688
21.$63,438FL129010202 / 7,405
22.$60,357FL073002410 / 5,417
23.$58,385FL073002303 / 3,299
24.$56,875FL073000302 / 2,220
25.$56,806FL129010201 / 7,860
26.$56,607FL073002606 / 2,772
27.$55,884FL073002205 / 5,707
28.$53,173FL129010203 / 9,084
29.$51,453GA253200300 / 2,209
30.$51,250FL073000901 / 7,035
31.$50,690GA275960200 / 4,418
32.$50,077FL129010100 / 5,019
33.$49,810FL073002702 / 4,500
34.$49,205FL039020101 / 4,264
35.$47,941FL073001601 / 4,052
36.$47,091FL073002505 / 5,478
37.$47,083FL077950100 / 1,994
38.$46,859FL073000800 / 2,689
39.$46,818FL073002208 / 4,981
40.$46,445FL039020600 / 3,802
41.$46,276GA275961000 / 5,116
42.$45,667FL073000904 / 3,151
43.$45,625GA275960900 / 2,958
44.$45,442GA071970900 / 6,376
45.$44,500FL065250102 / 4,218
46.$43,918FL073002604 / 2,612
47.$43,510GA087970700 / 1,731
48.$42,917FL039020800 / 4,709
49.$42,407FL079110200 / 3,751
50.$41,912GA205090400 / 7,120
51.$41,744FL073000905 / 2,804
52.$41,600FL073000301 / 1,503
53.$41,530FL123950200 / 5,810
54.$41,458FL073001500 / 5,145
55.$41,042FL063211000 / 5,030
56.$40,811GA087970100 / 3,514
57.$40,278FL077950200 / 6,236
58.$39,861FL065250200 / 5,116
59.$39,855FL065250101 / 5,249
60.$38,898FL073002101 / 4,848
61.$38,521FL073001102 / 2,175
62.$38,166GA275960600 / 5,361
63.$38,135GA275960800 / 6,566
64.$37,957FL039020102 / 5,033
65.$37,813GA275960400 / 2,902
66.$37,526FL013010100 / 2,391
67.$37,448GA027960200 / 1,824
68.$37,344FL073001902 / 3,708
69.$37,292GA131950500 / 6,497
70.$36,488FL073002603 / 5,032
71.$36,406FL039020500 / 5,942
72.$35,952GA131950200 / 3,308
73.$35,822FL073000903 / 2,179
74.$35,764GA027960600 / 2,542
75.$35,625GA087970300 / 7,560
76.$35,433FL063210900 / 6,122
77.$35,271FL073002201 / 5,490
78.$35,256FL073001802 / 4,444
79.$35,172FL073001801 / 3,791
80.$34,868FL037970100 / 3,935
81.$34,375FL073000200 / 3,173
82.$34,331GA131950600 / 1,894
83.$33,750FL039020400 / 5,557
84.$33,702GA131950400 / 5,645
85.$33,658FL073002304 / 2,716
86.$33,571FL073000303 / 3,578
87.$33,298GA205090500 / 6,567
88.$33,165GA087970600 / 5,655
89.$32,172FL073002701 / 4,646
90.$32,134GA275960300 / 1,875
91.$31,641GA275960500 / 5,745
92.$31,620GA087970800 / 2,668
93.$31,280GA253200100 / 3,186
94.$31,178FL039020300 / 4,970
95.$31,157FL073002207 / 2,882
96.$30,987FL039020701 / 5,307
97.$29,667FL073001002 / 1,657
98.$29,418FL073000700 / 2,043
99.$29,167GA275961100 / 2,673
100.$28,491FL073000400 / 3,285
101.$27,846FL073002509 / 3,637
102.$27,726FL013010300 / 7,973
103.$27,500GA131950100 / 2,312
104.$27,470GA201950100 / 1,649
105.$27,447GA087970200 / 2,767
106.$25,805GA253200200 / 3,402
107.$24,675GA087970400 / 4,025
108.$22,470FL073001901 / 4,127
109.$21,760GA275960700 / 5,663
110.$21,346GA131950300 / 5,082
111.$20,675FL073002103 / 4,124
112.$19,722GA275960100 / 1,174
113.$19,139FL073001401 / 2,493
114.$18,191FL073002104 / 6,182
115.$17,907FL073001402 / 5,552
116.$17,006FL039020702 / 6,447
117.$15,903FL073001200 / 1,057
118.$15,803FL073002004 / 8,105
119.$15,404FL073001101 / 2,047
120.$15,333FL073002003 / 2,619
121.$13,064FL073002006 / 3,614
122.$12,458FL073002005 / 3,000
123.$12,426FL073000600 / 4,337
124.$11,327FL073001001 / 2,992
125.$8,319FL073000500 / 2,191

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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