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Maryland Average Snow County Rank

A total of 24 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Snow ▼County / Population
1.80.68 inchesGarrett, MD / 29,945
2.38.42 inchesAllegany, MD / 73,976
3.28.80 inchesCarroll, MD / 167,399
4.26.20 inchesFrederick, MD / 239,253
5.25.70 inchesBaltimore, MD / 817,720
6.24.30 inchesHarford, MD / 248,029
7.23.38 inchesHoward, MD / 299,269
8.22.41 inchesBaltimore City, MD / 622,271
9.21.95 inchesWashington, MD / 148,913
10.18.71 inchesMontgomery, MD / 1,005,087
11.18.34 inchesCecil, MD / 101,803
12.17.17 inchesCharles, MD / 150,960
13.16.74 inchesAnne Arundel, MD / 550,269
14.15.54 inchesKent, MD / 20,016
15.15.42 inchesQueen Annes, MD / 48,439
16.14.00 inchesPrince Georges, MD / 884,764
17.13.65 inchesCalvert, MD / 89,793
18.13.52 inchesSaint Marys, MD / 108,472
19.13.49 inchesDorchester, MD / 32,614
20.13.27 inchesCaroline, MD / 32,759
21.12.95 inchesTalbot, MD / 37,894
22.8.62 inchesSomerset, MD / 26,197
23.7.87 inchesWicomico, MD / 100,376
24.6.60 inchesWorcester, MD / 51,558

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Snow' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Snow' data are not listed.

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