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Louisiana Population Density County Rank

A total of 64 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankPopulation Density ▼County / Population
1.1,052.1/sq miOrleans, LA / 368,471
2.943.4/sq miEast Baton Rouge, LA / 443,598
3.847.2/sq miLafayette, LA / 228,084
4.653.0/sq miJefferson, LA / 434,528
5.370.9/sq miAscension, LA / 112,308
6.272.8/sq miCaddo, LA / 255,529
7.245.8/sq miOuachita, LA / 155,285
8.213.3/sq miSaint Tammany, LA / 239,814
9.188.0/sq miLivingston, LA / 132,160
10.178.1/sq miCalcasieu, LA / 194,943
11.150.8/sq miTangipahoa, LA / 124,125
12.140.6/sq miBossier, LA / 121,918
13.128.2/sq miSt John The Baptist, LA / 44,570
14.128.1/sq miSaint Charles, LA / 52,616
15.119.5/sq miWest Baton Rouge, LA / 24,347
16.100.0/sq miLincoln, LA / 47,243
17.97.1/sq miRapides, LA / 132,199
18.94.4/sq miAcadia, LA / 62,031
19.88.9/sq miSaint Landry, LA / 83,518
20.84.4/sq miSaint James, LA / 21,782
21.71.6/sq miIberia, LA / 73,735
22.69.1/sq miWashington, LA / 46,723
23.66.5/sq miWebster, LA / 40,890
24.66.0/sq miLafourche, LA / 97,235
25.64.7/sq miSaint Martin, LA / 52,823
26.63.6/sq miAssumption, LA / 23,170
27.53.9/sq miTerrebonne, LA / 112,167
28.51.1/sq miIberville, LA / 33,375
29.49.7/sq miEvangeline, LA / 33,778
30.48.1/sq miAvoyelles, LA / 41,604
31.48.0/sq miSaint Mary, LA / 53,784
32.47.8/sq miJefferson Davis, LA / 31,492
33.43.8/sq miEast Feliciana, LA / 19,964
34.39.4/sq miVernon, LA / 52,844
35.38.3/sq miPointe Coupee, LA / 22,631
36.38.1/sq miVermilion, LA / 58,784
37.36.9/sq miRichland, LA / 20,845
38.36.3/sq miWest Feliciana, LA / 15,485
39.33.9/sq miMorehouse, LA / 27,319
40.33.6/sq miGrant, LA / 22,363
41.33.5/sq miAllen, LA / 25,691
42.32.5/sq miFranklin, LA / 20,645
43.32.0/sq miWest Carroll, LA / 11,522
44.31.0/sq miBeauregard, LA / 36,109
45.30.3/sq miNatchitoches, LA / 39,359
46.30.1/sq miDe Soto, LA / 26,968
47.27.9/sq miJackson, LA / 16,199
48.27.6/sq miConcordia, LA / 20,609
49.26.7/sq miSaint Helena, LA / 10,937
50.25.0/sq miUnion, LA / 22,623
51.24.0/sq miSabine, LA / 24,286
52.22.5/sq miLa Salle, LA / 14,874
53.22.2/sq miRed River, LA / 8,937
54.21.9/sq miClaiborne, LA / 16,817
55.19.1/sq miSaint Bernard, LA / 41,114
56.18.5/sq miCaldwell, LA / 10,008
57.18.4/sq miMadison, LA / 12,008
58.17.2/sq miEast Carroll, LA / 7,602
59.17.2/sq miBienville, LA / 14,122
60.15.7/sq miWinn, LA / 15,000
61.13.9/sq miCatahoula, LA / 10,273
62.9.2/sq miPlaquemines, LA / 23,545
63.7.8/sq miTensas, LA / 5,008
64.3.5/sq miCameron, LA / 6,713

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Population Density' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Population Density' data are not listed.

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