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Kentucky Median Costs for House without Mortgage Census Block Group Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 3,084 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 3084. Page 1 of 16.
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RankMedian Costs for House without Mortgage ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.$1,001KY0670023031 / 1,180
1.$1,001KY1110082004 / 1,415
1.$1,001KY1110104062 / 644
1.$1,001KY1850307011 / 1,324
5.$1,000KY1850308011 / 1,438
6.$910KY1170607001 / 1,041
7.$895KY0670006003 / 1,227
8.$872KY1110083003 / 990
9.$869KY1110075011 / 1,448
10.$830KY0670023042 / 602
11.$828KY1850307022 / 2,265
12.$821KY1110104052 / 1,139
13.$811KY1110104033 / 1,343
13.$811KY1110107014 / 993
15.$806KY1110075012 / 2,234
16.$803KY1110010002 / 665
17.$801KY1110075024 / 1,704
18.$796KY0670040061 / 1,186
19.$788KY1130606002 / 1,892
20.$783KY0590007001 / 1,432
21.$776KY1850306012 / 2,986
22.$774KY1110107013 / 1,466
23.$770KY1130606003 / 1,870
23.$770KY1850308023 / 1,237
25.$768KY1110052002 / 1,195
26.$765KY1110085002 / 966
27.$759KY1110103131 / 1,565
28.$756KY0670023041 / 1,438
29.$753KY1110075023 / 1,022
29.$753KY1170670001 / 1,422
31.$750KY0670017002 / 551
31.$750KY1450308004 / 1,822
33.$747KY1110103121 / 2,336
34.$733KY1919303001 / 1,122
35.$724KY1110103151 / 2,084
36.$723KY1110051003 / 1,259
37.$720KY1110103072 / 2,561
38.$716KY1110103132 / 2,550
38.$716KY2150801012 / 2,740
40.$714KY0670009001 / 1,086
41.$713KY0370521001 / 848
41.$713KY1110103162 / 2,092
43.$710KY1110075021 / 1,369
44.$708KY1110116014 / 821
45.$706KY0370523021 / 1,498
46.$705KY1170654001 / 1,330
47.$704KY0670023033 / 1,402
48.$702KY0670017001 / 502
49.$698KY1110103183 / 593
50.$694KY1110087004 / 1,490
51.$692KY1170646001 / 1,257
52.$684KY1219305004 / 1,077
53.$680KY1170648002 / 1,322
54.$677KY2090403012 / 494
54.$677KY2110405012 / 1,008
56.$674KY1170640001 / 2,292
57.$671KY1850308012 / 2,946
58.$670KY1110088002 / 1,002
59.$669KY1110104061 / 2,696
60.$664KY1110087003 / 785
61.$663KY1110085001 / 1,147
62.$659KY1110077001 / 1,245
63.$654KY0219303002 / 344
63.$654KY1110103122 / 800
63.$654KY1110116012 / 2,416
66.$650KY0670039131 / 1,938
66.$650KY1110103161 / 2,657
68.$648KY1110131002 / 622
69.$646KY0150706061 / 1,318
70.$645KY1110103172 / 1,885
71.$644KY1110116013 / 1,685
71.$644KY1170636032 / 1,579
73.$642KY0670039132 / 514
74.$641KY1850306023 / 1,005
75.$639KY0670041071 / 1,280
76.$638KY1110075013 / 1,415
77.$633KY0670037011 / 969
78.$629KY1110116033 / 1,152
79.$627KY0370513004 / 890
80.$626KY0370533022 / 1,474
81.$625KY0730705002 / 971
81.$625KY1850304012 / 2,250
83.$621KY0890401004 / 1,145
83.$621KY1110083001 / 924
85.$618KY0670041051 / 1,566
85.$618KY0730710002 / 1,330
85.$618KY1110096002 / 606
85.$618KY1110100012 / 1,735
85.$618KY1850303022 / 1,599
90.$616KY0150706012 / 1,205
91.$615KY1110071004 / 1,803
91.$615KY1110104053 / 1,319
91.$615KY1130606001 / 2,154
94.$614KY0370525003 / 1,120
94.$614KY0670042082 / 4,562
96.$613KY0670042071 / 1,884
97.$610KY1170649002 / 668
98.$605KY1170644002 / 864
99.$604KY0590017011 / 692
100.$600KY2090401003 / 1,076
101.$597KY1110077002 / 2,339
102.$593KY2110405022 / 774
103.$592KY0370513001 / 1,183
104.$591KY1110107064 / 1,252
105.$589KY1110075022 / 1,160
105.$589KY1110087002 / 1,288
107.$588KY1110101032 / 1,024
108.$587KY1850307012 / 1,033
109.$586KY1850304021 / 1,714
109.$586KY1850307021 / 3,086
111.$585KY1110100042 / 657
112.$583KY1110103171 / 2,652
112.$583KY1170611001 / 694
114.$581KY0370532002 / 1,154
114.$581KY2110405021 / 3,127
116.$580KY1170650001 / 787
117.$578KY0150706053 / 1,213
118.$577KY1110076032 / 545
119.$576KY1110103092 / 3,151
120.$575KY1110105003 / 515
121.$574KY1110105002 / 2,573
122.$572KY0150703012 / 1,974
123.$571KY1110100013 / 1,060
123.$571KY1110101042 / 1,896
123.$571KY1110116041 / 1,577
126.$570KY0370504002 / 1,251
126.$570KY0370523011 / 851
126.$570KY1130601014 / 2,905
129.$569KY0290202012 / 1,393
129.$569KY2090405022 / 1,639
131.$568KY1110111101 / 2,626
132.$567KY1170645003 / 1,392
132.$567KY1799304001 / 1,094
134.$564KY0670006002 / 1,547
134.$564KY1110121073 / 871
136.$563KY0670040051 / 1,831
136.$563KY1110017002 / 820
136.$563KY1110064002 / 938
136.$563KY1850304013 / 1,852
140.$562KY1170642001 / 1,589
140.$562KY1170658001 / 1,202
142.$561KY0670011001 / 1,219
142.$561KY1110121066 / 1,216
144.$557KY0670038021 / 841
144.$557KY1110100071 / 633
144.$557KY1170646003 / 2,206
147.$555KY0150706052 / 1,540
147.$555KY0670041061 / 2,209
147.$555KY1110103191 / 2,266
147.$555KY1110116042 / 980
151.$554KY0170301002 / 610
151.$554KY0290202022 / 1,979
151.$554KY1110103091 / 1,699
154.$553KY0670002002 / 1,024
154.$553KY2110403023 / 1,136
156.$552KY1110104024 / 2,078
156.$552KY2090403032 / 783
158.$551KY1110103181 / 2,089
159.$550KY1110098001 / 841
159.$550KY1110110022 / 1,462
159.$550KY1110120022 / 1,845
159.$550KY1170636041 / 2,044
159.$550KY1219305002 / 699
164.$548KY0670042053 / 2,745
164.$548KY1110103182 / 3,298
164.$548KY1110116031 / 2,229
167.$547KY1110115201 / 747
168.$546KY0290201031 / 2,375
168.$546KY1170640004 / 976
168.$546KY2270115002 / 2,587
171.$542KY0670023023 / 2,008
171.$542KY1110115202 / 2,883
173.$541KY0472011003 / 1,076
173.$541KY1959302004 / 1,255
173.$541KY2390502001 / 1,571
176.$540KY0730707021 / 1,037
176.$540KY1110052001 / 1,267
176.$540KY1450303002 / 388
176.$540KY1850305022 / 2,116
180.$539KY0670001011 / 1,421
180.$539KY1030903011 / 1,140
182.$538KY0370520022 / 898
182.$538KY0370523012 / 2,076
182.$538KY0670034072 / 1,687
185.$537KY1110100082 / 963
186.$536KY1110088003 / 1,094
187.$535KY0150704011 / 6,008
187.$535KY1170655011 / 2,100
187.$535KY2110402002 / 387
190.$534KY1170636034 / 3,067
190.$534KY2270114013 / 1,941
192.$533KY0370521002 / 1,087
193.$532KY0290208001 / 1,210
193.$532KY2090403021 / 629
195.$531KY1110096003 / 2,496
195.$531KY1110107053 / 1,829
197.$530KY0150704012 / 3,636
197.$530KY0490201012 / 1,400
197.$530KY2270108021 / 4,230
200.$529KY0290201021 / 1,505
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Costs for House without Mortgage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Costs for House without Mortgage' data are not listed.

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