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Kentucky Median American Indian Household Income School District Rank

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 51 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankMedian American Indian Household Income ▼School District / Population
1.$250,001Knox County School District / 28,071
1.$250,001Trigg County School District / 14,117
3.$135,441Marshall County School District / 31,386
4.$100,833Paducah Independent School District / 20,960
5.$70,417Washington County School District / 11,593
6.$67,188Franklin County School District / 44,319
7.$66,607Boone County School District / 108,757
8.$60,000Greenup County School District / 20,124
9.$57,604Larue County School District / 14,080
10.$54,063Muhlenberg County School District / 31,541
11.$49,408Bourbon County School District / 14,166
12.$47,969Boyd County School District / 23,566
13.$46,458Jessamine County School District / 47,073
14.$45,000Daviess County School District / 67,177
15.$43,750Warren County School District / 83,208
16.$43,155Spencer County School District / 16,582
17.$38,750Bardstown Independent School District / 13,166
17.$38,750Ohio County School District / 23,837
19.$34,028Erlanger-Elsmere Independent School District / 17,077
20.$33,785Christian County School District / 59,508
21.$33,750Kenton County School District / 97,081
22.$31,007Letcher County School District / 20,918
23.$30,481Bracken County School District / 6,769
24.$30,469Hardin County School District / 81,479
25.$28,693Hopkins County School District / 44,233
26.$26,056Jefferson County School District / 726,900
27.$26,008Somerset Independent School District / 9,658
28.$25,275Pulaski County School District / 50,666
29.$25,000Rockcastle County School District / 17,075
30.$24,783Shelby County School District / 40,899
31.$22,857Pike County School District / 58,680
32.$22,500Middlesboro Independent School District / 10,405
33.$22,159Bowling Green Independent School District / 26,567
34.$21,818Covington Independent School District / 33,071
35.$21,338Fayette County School District / 288,045
36.$21,065McCracken County School District / 44,257
37.$20,096Webster County School District / 13,734
38.$20,000Calloway County School District / 25,984
39.$19,831Madison County School District / 75,385
40.$18,750Bullitt County School District / 72,515
41.$16,000Harlan County School District / 26,662
42.$15,625Owensboro Independent School District / 28,221
43.$14,318Oldham County School District / 58,784
44.$9,219Henry County School District / 12,746
45.$8,594Martin County School District / 13,138
46.$6,339Nelson County School District / 29,357
47.$5,952Henderson County School District / 45,943
48.$2,499Boyle County School District / 15,009
48.$2,499Clark County School District / 35,305
48.$2,499Harrison County School District / 18,761
48.$2,499Lee County School District / 7,865

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median American Indian Household Income' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median American Indian Household Income' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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