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Kansas Average Max. Temperature City Rank

A total of 724 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Max. Temperature ▼City / Population
1.70.30°FWaldron, KS / 9
2.70.14°FKiowa, KS / 1,117
3.69.90°FHardtner, KS / 154
4.69.82°FLake City, KS
5.69.79°FProtection, KS / 521
6.69.74°FColdwater, KS / 704
7.69.73°FLiberal, KS / 20,846
8.69.72°FSun City, KS / 64
9.69.68°FWilmore, KS / 19
10.69.67°FCoats, KS / 159
11.69.66°FElkhart, KS / 2,298
12.69.66°FHazelton, KS / 129
13.69.60°FRichfield, KS / 44
14.69.59°FHugoton, KS / 3,903
15.69.58°FSharon, KS / 161
16.69.58°FRolla, KS / 357
17.69.57°FUlysses, KS / 6,010
18.69.54°FSatanta, KS / 1,103
19.69.54°FMoscow, KS / 359
20.69.53°FMedicine Lodge, KS / 2,132
21.69.53°FManter, KS / 192
22.69.45°FJohnson, KS
23.69.45°FJohnson City, KS / 1,473
24.69.44°FHunnewell, KS / 66
25.69.41°FAnthony, KS / 2,340
26.69.41°FSouth Haven, KS / 288
27.69.39°FNashville, KS / 77
28.69.37°FAttica, KS / 754
29.69.36°FSawyer, KS / 84
30.69.35°FBluff City, KS / 57
31.69.34°FCaldwell, KS / 1,178
32.69.33°FZenda, KS / 103
33.69.33°FEnglewood, KS / 112
34.69.33°FKismet, KS / 404
35.69.30°FHarper, KS / 1,304
36.69.23°FSpivey, KS / 59
37.69.15°FGreensburg, KS / 933
38.69.12°FIsabel, KS / 99
39.69.07°FPlains, KS / 1,184
40.69.05°FSublette, KS / 1,603
41.69.01°FAshland, KS / 798
42.69.00°FDanville, KS / 35
43.69.00°FFreeport, KS / 5
44.68.96°FGeuda Springs, KS / 191
45.68.96°FMayfield, KS / 82
46.68.95°FNorwich, KS / 421
47.68.95°FArgonia, KS / 585
48.68.93°FMilan, KS / 69
49.68.91°FCullison, KS / 48
50.68.91°FMilton, KS / 43
51.68.91°FHaviland, KS / 769
52.68.90°FConway Springs, KS / 1,539
53.68.87°FMeade, KS / 1,604
54.68.83°FCunningham, KS / 374
55.68.81°FKingman, KS / 3,151
56.68.81°FPenalosa, KS / 11
57.68.75°FOxford, KS / 1,178
58.68.73°FWellington, KS / 8,028
59.68.72°FMinneola, KS / 706
60.68.72°FFowler, KS / 463
61.68.72°FParkerfield, KS / 352
62.68.72°FArkansas City, KS / 12,316
63.68.69°FChautauqua, KS / 59
64.68.67°FElgin, KS / 97
65.68.67°FMurdock, KS
66.68.64°FByers, KS / 94
67.68.64°FMullinville, KS / 247
68.68.63°FDearing, KS / 478
69.68.62°FBucklin, KS / 1,120
70.68.61°FDexter, KS / 347
71.68.61°FMaple City, KS
72.68.60°FIuka, KS / 211
73.68.60°FPratt, KS / 6,889
74.68.60°FWinfield, KS / 12,324
75.68.59°FMacksville, KS / 529
76.68.57°FBelpre, KS / 148
77.68.57°FCaney, KS / 2,117
78.68.56°FTyro, KS / 254
79.68.55°FPreston, KS / 159
80.68.54°FTuron, KS / 301
81.68.54°FSyracuse, KS / 1,712
82.68.52°FRock, KS
83.68.52°FPeru, KS / 144
84.68.50°FSedan, KS / 1,247
85.68.50°FCopeland, KS / 292
86.68.49°FCedar Vale, KS / 477
87.68.49°FViola, KS / 166
88.68.47°FHavana, KS / 162
89.68.46°FMontezuma, KS / 969
90.68.43°FBurden, KS / 531
91.68.43°FCambridge, KS / 60
92.68.42°FDouglass, KS / 2,089
93.68.42°FNiotaze, KS / 113
94.68.42°FAtlanta, KS / 278
95.68.41°FElk Falls, KS / 50
96.68.41°FMoline, KS / 283
97.68.40°FUdall, KS / 803
98.68.39°FGrenola, KS / 196
99.68.38°FMulvane, KS / 6,000
100.68.37°FHoward, KS / 667
101.68.37°FSaint John, KS / 1,325
102.68.36°FStafford, KS / 1,092
103.68.35°FLangdon, KS / 31
104.68.33°FEnsign, KS / 252
105.68.33°FArlington, KS / 503
106.68.30°FPretty Prairie, KS / 821
107.68.26°FSylvia, KS / 288
108.68.26°FBelle Plaine, KS / 1,680
109.68.24°FLakin, KS / 1,913
110.68.23°FRadium, KS / 46
111.68.23°FCoolidge, KS / 107
112.68.23°FLatham, KS / 127
113.68.22°FSpearville, KS / 829
114.68.19°FCheney, KS / 1,916
115.68.17°FLewis, KS / 393
116.68.17°FPierceville, KS
117.68.17°FKinsley, KS / 1,488
118.68.17°FOfferle, KS / 250
119.68.17°FIndependence, KS / 9,282
120.68.16°FRose Hill, KS / 4,009
121.68.14°FEdna, KS / 415
122.68.13°FPeck, KS
123.68.13°FClearwater, KS / 2,525
124.68.12°FCoffeyville, KS / 10,034
125.68.12°FHudson, KS / 161
126.68.12°FHaysville, KS / 11,235
127.68.12°FWilroads Gardens, KS / 309
128.68.12°FFort Dodge, KS / 162
129.68.11°FWright, KS / 117
130.68.10°FGoddard, KS / 4,583
131.68.10°FMound Valley, KS / 452
132.68.10°FDodge City, KS / 27,950
133.68.10°FLarned, KS / 4,044
134.68.08°FGarfield, KS / 207
134.68.08°FSevery, KS / 293
136.68.08°FBurdett, KS / 275
137.68.08°FRozel, KS / 226
138.68.07°FElk City, KS / 373
139.68.06°FPiedmont, KS
140.68.05°FLiberty, KS / 228
141.68.05°FSeward, KS / 55
142.68.04°FFord, KS / 216
143.68.04°FJetmore, KS / 857
144.68.04°FCimarron, KS / 2,057
145.68.04°FIngalls, KS / 296
146.68.02°FRaymond, KS / 59
147.68.01°FAbbyville, KS / 106
148.68.01°FBartlett, KS / 68
149.68.01°FAltamont, KS / 1,099
150.68.00°FDerby, KS / 23,419
151.68.00°FPlevna, KS / 88
152.68.00°FLongton, KS / 373
153.67.97°FDeerfield, KS / 791
154.67.95°FPawnee Rock, KS / 213
155.67.94°FBeaumont, KS
156.67.93°FKendall, KS
157.67.93°FClimax, KS / 167
158.67.93°FOaklawn-Sunview, KS / 2,838
159.67.92°FMcconnell Afb, KS
160.67.92°FMcconnell, KS / 1,428
161.67.91°FGreat Bend, KS / 15,942
162.67.91°FColwich, KS / 1,368
163.67.90°FWichita, KS / 385,518
164.67.90°FHanston, KS / 288
165.67.87°FGarden City, KS / 26,924
166.67.87°FGarden Plain, KS / 812
167.67.86°FAlbert, KS / 158
168.67.86°FChetopa, KS / 1,146
169.67.86°FCherryvale, KS / 2,116
170.67.85°FLeon, KS / 572
171.67.85°FSycamore, KS
172.67.85°FDennis, KS
173.67.83°FEllinwood, KS / 2,494
174.67.83°FAndover, KS / 12,113
175.67.82°FNew Albany, KS / 31
176.67.81°FOtis, KS / 333
177.67.79°FBeeler, KS
178.67.79°FOswego, KS / 2,018
179.67.78°FFall River, KS / 163
180.67.78°FBaxter Springs, KS / 4,161
181.67.78°FLowell, KS / 216
182.67.78°FRiverton, KS / 1,124
183.67.76°FEastborough, KS / 728
184.67.75°FFredonia, KS / 2,400
185.67.74°FTreece, KS / 138
186.67.73°FNekoma, KS
187.67.73°FAlexander, KS / 34
188.67.73°FHolcomb, KS / 2,181
189.67.73°FOpolis, KS
190.67.72°FCrestline, KS
191.67.72°FBel Aire, KS / 6,923
192.67.72°FGreenwich, KS
193.67.72°FMccracken, KS / 239
194.67.69°FRush Center, KS / 148
195.67.69°FGalena, KS / 3,022
196.67.68°FRosalia, KS / 93
197.67.67°FBazine, KS / 440
198.67.67°FLa Crosse, KS / 1,377
199.67.66°FLabette, KS / 40
200.67.65°FParsons, KS / 10,307
201.67.65°FAssaria, KS / 560
202.67.64°FWillowbrook, KS / 105
203.67.64°FHutchinson, KS / 41,946
204.67.64°FAugusta, KS / 9,239
205.67.64°FBushton, KS / 265
206.67.63°FAlden, KS / 108
207.67.63°FAndale, KS / 879
208.67.62°FPartridge, KS / 300
209.67.62°FBenedict, KS / 70
210.67.62°FScott City, KS / 3,631
211.67.62°FHolyrood, KS / 332
212.67.62°FClaflin, KS / 665
213.67.62°FNess City, KS / 1,509
214.67.61°FTimken, KS / 60
215.67.61°FFrederick, KS / 7
216.67.61°FMarienthal, KS / 33
217.67.61°FOdin, KS / 77
218.67.59°FSouth Hutchinson, KS / 2,267
219.67.58°FEl Dorado, KS / 12,931
220.67.57°FOlmitz, KS / 140
221.67.57°FLeoti, KS / 1,478
222.67.56°FScammon, KS / 390
223.67.56°FCoyville, KS / 38
224.67.55°FHoisington, KS / 2,687
225.67.54°FBenton, KS / 1,013
226.67.53°FLorraine, KS / 129
227.67.53°FSterling, KS / 2,333
228.67.52°FChase, KS / 576
229.67.52°FRoseland, KS / 89
230.67.52°FChicopee, KS / 431
231.67.52°FColumbus, KS / 3,244
232.67.52°FSmolan, KS / 238
233.67.51°FNickerson, KS / 1,174
234.67.51°FDighton, KS / 930
235.67.50°FMaize, KS / 3,984
236.67.49°FFalun, KS / 118
236.67.49°FMc Cracken, KS
238.67.48°FWest Mineral, KS / 215
239.67.48°FGypsum, KS / 380
240.67.47°FArma, KS / 1,484
241.67.47°FCherokee, KS / 663
242.67.47°FGalesburg, KS / 108
243.67.46°FStark, KS / 70
244.67.45°FFarlington, KS
245.67.45°FGirard, KS / 2,779
246.67.45°FLyons, KS / 3,746
247.67.44°FRansom, KS / 278
248.67.44°FErie, KS / 1,024
249.67.43°FBrownell, KS / 63
250.67.42°FWeir, KS / 585
251.67.42°FChanute, KS / 9,194
252.67.42°FFranklin, KS / 488
253.67.42°FFrontenac, KS / 3,456
253.67.42°FAltoona, KS / 390
255.67.41°FMc Cune, KS
256.67.41°FMccune, KS / 504
257.67.40°FSalina, KS / 47,894
258.67.40°FRedfield, KS / 96
259.67.40°FEarlton, KS / 59
260.67.39°FThayer, KS / 549
261.67.39°FTribune, KS / 688
262.67.38°FHorace, KS / 116
263.67.38°FMulberry, KS / 547
264.67.38°FLittle River, KS / 564
265.67.38°FGarland, KS
266.67.37°FYoder, KS / 269
267.67.37°FTowanda, KS / 1,666
268.67.37°FNew Cambria, KS / 140
269.67.37°FHaven, KS / 1,135
270.67.37°FNeodesha, KS / 2,229
271.67.36°FHepler, KS / 137
272.67.36°FSusank, KS / 39
273.67.35°FSavonburg, KS / 120
274.67.34°FLiebenthal, KS / 103
275.67.33°FGeneseo, KS / 316
276.67.33°FKechi, KS / 2,291
277.67.33°FPark City, KS / 7,194
278.67.32°FMount Hope, KS / 790
279.67.32°FPittsburg, KS / 20,336
280.67.32°FValley Center, KS / 6,449
281.67.32°FKipp, KS / 159
282.67.31°FNeal, KS
283.67.30°FSchoenchen, KS / 190
284.67.30°FSaint Paul, KS / 758
285.67.30°FElsmore, KS / 93
286.67.30°FMarion, KS / 1,943
287.67.29°FEureka, KS / 2,449
288.67.29°FBison, KS / 171
289.67.28°FWalnut, KS / 307
290.67.28°FBrookville, KS / 360
291.67.26°FHealy, KS / 238
292.67.26°FCarlton, KS / 15
293.67.26°FFlorence, KS / 511
294.67.26°FBuffalo, KS / 294
295.67.26°FRoxbury, KS / 55
296.67.23°FMcpherson, KS / 13,205
297.67.23°FArcadia, KS / 410
298.67.23°FMarquette, KS / 613
299.67.22°FGalatia, KS / 43
300.67.22°FGoessel, KS / 545
301.67.22°FRamona, KS / 113
302.67.21°FHope, KS / 353
303.67.19°FFort Scott, KS / 7,957
304.67.18°FLindsborg, KS / 3,473
305.67.17°FHesston, KS / 3,621
306.67.17°FLost Springs, KS / 57
307.67.16°FNorth Newton, KS / 1,926
308.67.16°FWalton, KS / 210
309.67.16°FNewton, KS / 19,144
310.67.16°FSolomon, KS / 1,177
311.67.15°FBuhler, KS / 1,485
312.67.15°FLincolnville, KS / 244
313.67.15°FMoundridge, KS / 1,782
314.67.14°FInman, KS / 1,240
315.67.14°FDurham, KS / 144
316.67.14°FKanopolis, KS / 444
317.67.13°FHumboldt, KS / 1,977
318.67.13°FLehigh, KS / 164
319.67.12°FWhitewater, KS / 728
320.67.12°FToronto, KS / 315
321.67.12°FHillsboro, KS / 2,940
322.67.11°FUtica, KS / 132
323.67.11°FSedgwick, KS / 1,925
324.67.11°FElbing, KS / 273
325.67.10°FCanton, KS / 1,006
326.67.09°FUniontown, KS / 439
327.67.09°FCedar Point, KS / 23
328.67.07°FPeabody, KS / 1,185
329.67.07°FPotwin, KS / 534
330.67.06°FTampa, KS / 105
331.67.06°FEllsworth, KS / 3,097
332.67.05°FWindom, KS / 147
333.67.05°FManchester, KS / 122
334.67.05°FBentley, KS / 515
335.67.04°FBurns, KS / 258
336.67.01°FGalva, KS / 908
337.67.01°FMunjor, KS / 176
338.67.00°FVictoria, KS / 1,129
339.66.98°FBurrton, KS / 904
340.66.98°FHalstead, KS / 2,339
341.66.95°FWoodbine, KS / 208
342.66.95°FPfeifer, KS
343.66.93°FHays, KS / 20,886
344.66.92°FAbilene, KS / 6,729
345.66.92°FWalker, KS
346.66.92°FGorham, KS / 322
347.66.92°FCatharine, KS / 64
348.66.91°FChapman, KS / 1,441
349.66.90°FDorrance, KS / 175
350.66.90°FWilson, KS / 758
351.66.89°FBronson, KS / 406
352.66.89°FFulton, KS / 152
353.66.89°FBurdick, KS
354.66.88°FEnterprise, KS / 958
355.66.88°FDetroit, KS / 448
356.66.88°FMoran, KS / 503
357.66.85°FLa Harpe, KS / 606
358.66.84°FArnold, KS
359.66.81°FRussell, KS / 4,513
360.66.79°FBunker Hill, KS / 104
361.66.79°FBeverly, KS / 232
362.66.78°FTalmage, KS / 119
363.66.78°FEllis, KS / 2,028
364.66.74°FCulver, KS / 107
365.66.73°FOgallah, KS
366.66.73°FSylvan Grove, KS / 295
367.66.72°FBassett, KS / 15
368.66.71°FElmdale, KS / 45
369.66.71°FPiqua, KS / 152
370.66.70°FHamilton, KS / 246
371.66.60°FBennington, KS / 764
372.66.58°FFort Riley, KS / 7,444
373.66.58°FLincoln, KS
374.66.56°FGrandview Plaza, KS / 1,989
375.66.56°FLucas, KS / 518
376.66.54°FVirgil, KS / 30
377.66.53°FPrescott, KS / 217
378.66.53°FHerington, KS / 2,353
379.66.53°FPleasanton, KS / 1,213
380.66.50°FPalco, KS / 159
381.66.49°FLongford, KS / 206
382.66.49°FGas, KS / 509
383.66.49°FPlainville, KS / 1,776
384.66.48°FLincoln Center, KS / 1,343
385.66.48°FIola, KS / 5,650
386.66.47°FZurich, KS / 102
387.66.46°FWaldo, KS / 53
388.66.44°FParadise, KS / 30
389.66.42°FBogue, KS / 219
390.66.42°FDamar, KS / 223
391.66.41°FHunter, KS / 67
392.66.41°FNatoma, KS / 304
393.66.41°FWilsey, KS / 177
394.66.40°FYates Center, KS / 1,285
395.66.40°FMatfield Green, KS / 44
396.66.39°FCassoday, KS / 83
397.66.39°FAlton, KS / 133
398.66.38°FLatimer, KS / 41
399.66.34°FDwight, KS / 231
400.66.34°FTescott, KS / 285
401.66.34°FParkerville, KS / 70
402.66.31°FMilford, KS / 519
403.66.31°FMinneapolis, KS / 2,160
404.66.30°FEdmond, KS / 45
405.66.30°FWhite City, KS / 590
406.66.29°FLogan, KS / 492
407.66.27°FStockton, KS / 1,311
408.66.27°FJunction City, KS / 24,691
409.66.27°FGove, KS
410.66.26°FCenterville, KS
411.66.25°FMapleton, KS / 115
412.66.24°FBlue Mound, KS / 303
413.66.24°FWoodston, KS / 158
414.66.23°FStrong City, KS / 485
415.66.23°FCottonwood Falls, KS / 1,012
416.66.23°FMound City, KS / 870
417.66.23°FOsawatomie, KS / 4,403
418.66.22°FLuray, KS / 224
419.66.21°FHill City, KS / 1,533
420.66.21°FWakeeney, KS / 1,896
421.66.20°FPenokee, KS
422.66.20°FGreeley, KS / 237
423.66.20°FMadison, KS / 859
424.66.19°FFontana, KS / 151
425.66.18°FAdmire, KS / 120
426.66.15°FLa Cygne, KS / 1,347
427.66.15°FCedar, KS / 14
428.66.15°FLacygne, KS
429.66.12°FAda, KS / 53
430.66.12°FOsborne, KS / 1,403
431.66.12°FCollyer, KS / 97
432.66.11°FNeosho Falls, KS / 153
433.66.11°FMildred, KS / 35
434.66.10°FWeskan, KS / 171
435.66.10°FRussell Springs, KS / 22
436.66.09°FLane, KS / 237
437.66.08°FOlpe, KS / 576
438.66.08°FAmericus, KS / 822
439.66.08°FOttawa, KS / 12,548
440.66.07°FEmporia, KS / 24,787
441.66.07°FQuinter, KS / 1,026
442.66.05°FLamont, KS
443.66.05°FRantoul, KS / 125
444.66.03°FMorland, KS / 110
445.66.03°FParker, KS / 307
446.66.03°FOgden, KS / 1,987
447.66.02°FWallace, KS / 50
448.66.01°FManhattan, KS / 55,112
449.66.00°FWakefield, KS / 1,034
450.66.00°FGove City, KS / 118
451.65.99°FColony, KS / 404
452.65.98°FRichmond, KS / 535
453.65.98°FLinn Valley, KS / 958
454.65.98°FPrinceton, KS / 289
455.65.97°FGarnett, KS / 3,345
456.65.97°FKincaid, KS / 138
457.65.97°FDunlap, KS / 14
458.65.96°FLenora, KS / 265
459.65.95°FSharon Springs, KS / 697
460.65.95°FCouncil Grove, KS / 2,200
461.65.93°FLone Elm, KS / 22
462.65.93°FBushong, KS / 47
463.65.92°FAgra, KS / 268
464.65.92°FKirwin, KS / 174
465.65.92°FGlade, KS / 81
466.65.91°FPhillipsburg, KS / 2,556
467.65.90°FWelda, KS / 76
468.65.90°FSpeed, KS / 75
469.65.88°FAllen, KS / 333
470.65.88°FGreen, KS / 144
471.65.88°FWilliamsburg, KS / 314
472.65.88°FPortis, KS / 94
473.65.87°FPark, KS / 98
474.65.87°FRossville, KS / 1,015
475.65.87°FWillard, KS / 96
476.65.87°FGrainfield, KS / 343
477.65.87°FSaint Francis, KS / 1,257
478.65.86°FGrinnell, KS / 277
479.65.86°FBird City, KS / 470
480.65.85°FMcdonald, KS / 139
481.65.84°FMc Donald, KS
482.65.82°FClay Center, KS / 4,280
483.65.81°FRiley, KS / 1,002
484.65.80°FTipton, KS / 214
485.65.80°FAlta Vista, KS / 474
486.65.79°FHoxie, KS / 1,330
487.65.78°FNeosho Rapids, KS / 229
488.65.78°FWestphalia, KS / 230
489.65.77°FDelphos, KS / 407
490.65.77°FPaola, KS / 5,589
491.65.76°FRandolph, KS / 170
492.65.76°FHillsdale, KS / 223
493.65.76°FHarveyville, KS / 243
494.65.76°FRexford, KS / 313
495.65.75°FMenlo, KS / 40
496.65.74°FLeroy, KS / 566
497.65.74°FLe Roy, KS
498.65.74°FWamego, KS / 4,401
499.65.74°FLouisville, KS / 304
500.65.73°FGem, KS / 74
501.65.73°FHarris, KS / 9
502.65.72°FEdson, KS
503.65.71°FBurlington, KS / 2,648
504.65.71°FDover, KS
505.65.70°FBelvue, KS / 205
506.65.70°FSilver Lake, KS / 1,692
507.65.70°FMaple Hill, KS / 684
508.65.70°FNew Strawn, KS / 427
509.65.69°FPomona, KS / 761
510.65.69°FSaint George, KS / 845
511.65.68°FSaint Marys, KS / 2,808
512.65.68°FGridley, KS / 310
513.65.68°FMonument, KS
514.65.68°FSelden, KS / 327
515.65.67°FOak Hill, KS / 15
516.65.66°FAtwood, KS / 1,019
517.65.66°FHartford, KS / 398
518.65.65°FPaxico, KS / 239
519.65.65°FColby, KS / 5,411
520.65.64°FOlsburg, KS / 205
521.65.64°FLevant, KS / 59
522.65.64°FFostoria, KS
523.65.63°FOakley, KS / 1,939
524.65.62°FAuburn, KS / 1,322
525.65.62°FWestmoreland, KS / 818
526.65.62°FDresden, KS / 83
527.65.61°FBrewster, KS / 293
528.65.60°FDelia, KS / 177
529.65.60°FAurora, KS / 48
530.65.59°FWinona, KS / 178
531.65.59°FMcfarland, KS / 326
532.65.59°FMc Farland, KS
533.65.58°FLecompton, KS / 642
534.65.57°FEskridge, KS / 494
535.65.57°FReading, KS / 279
536.65.56°FEmmett, KS / 158
537.65.55°FWheaton, KS / 196
538.65.54°FWellsville, KS / 1,786
539.65.53°FMiltonvale, KS / 490
540.65.53°FCawker City, KS / 527
541.65.52°FBaldwin City, KS / 4,552
542.65.52°FDowns, KS / 1,033
543.65.51°FAlma, KS / 826
544.65.50°FVassar, KS / 723
545.65.49°FMorganville, KS / 213
546.65.48°FTecumseh, KS
547.65.47°FLudell, KS
548.65.47°FBarnard, KS / 56
549.65.46°FEdgerton, KS / 1,573
550.65.45°FTopeka, KS / 127,660
551.65.44°FLouisburg, KS / 4,313
552.65.44°FLebo, KS / 887
553.65.44°FLyndon, KS / 1,080
554.65.42°FLeonardville, KS / 361
555.65.42°FCarbondale, KS / 1,367
556.65.42°FBerryton, KS
557.65.41°FQuenemo, KS / 488
558.65.41°FMelvern, KS / 456
559.65.41°FWaverly, KS / 587
560.65.40°FPalmer, KS / 158
561.65.40°FBurlingame, KS / 861
562.65.38°FScranton, KS / 752
563.65.38°FGoodland, KS / 4,879
564.65.37°FHoyt, KS / 746
565.65.36°FMayetta, KS / 471
566.65.33°FClifton, KS / 577
567.65.32°FOnaga, KS / 764
568.65.32°FGlen Elder, KS / 478
569.65.32°FVining, KS / 41
570.65.31°FHolton, KS / 3,298
571.65.31°FHavensville, KS / 118
572.65.31°FClyde, KS / 796
573.65.30°FClearview City, KS
574.65.30°FDe Soto, KS / 5,888
575.65.28°FGardner, KS / 20,128
576.65.27°FGaylord, KS / 172
577.65.27°FSoldier, KS / 105
578.65.26°FOsage City, KS / 2,910
579.65.25°FLawrence, KS / 90,194
580.65.24°FSimpson, KS / 50
581.65.24°FPrairie View, KS / 167
582.65.24°FJennings, KS / 137
583.65.23°FOzawkie, KS / 743
584.65.21°FEudora, KS / 6,152
585.65.21°FLenexa, KS / 49,573
586.65.20°FValley Falls, KS / 1,149
587.65.19°FLinwood, KS / 381
588.65.19°FPerry, KS / 961
589.65.19°FMeriden, KS / 940
589.65.19°FWakarusa, KS / 398
591.65.19°FOlivet, KS / 85
592.65.18°FNorton, KS / 2,878
593.65.18°FGrantville, KS / 66
594.65.16°FSmith Center, KS / 1,634
595.65.16°FBucyrus, KS / 221
596.65.16°FDenison, KS / 191
597.65.16°FNew Century, KS
598.65.15°FOskaloosa, KS / 1,292
599.65.14°FOberlin, KS / 1,877
600.65.13°FOverbrook, KS / 1,056
601.65.10°FMclouth, KS / 1,204
602.65.09°FMc Louth, KS
603.65.09°FCircleville, KS / 154
604.65.08°FTonganoxie, KS / 4,802
605.65.08°FAlmena, KS / 524
606.65.08°FAsherville, KS / 28
607.65.06°FEdwardsville, KS / 4,367
608.65.06°FKanorado, KS / 148
609.65.05°FKansas City, KS / 147,598
610.65.05°FStilwell, KS
611.65.03°FOlathe, KS / 129,913
612.65.02°FSpring Hill, KS / 5,618
613.65.01°FShawnee, KS / 63,597
614.65.00°FBonner Springs, KS / 7,420
615.65.00°FBasehor, KS / 4,831
616.64.97°FLinn, KS / 419
617.64.97°FHerndon, KS / 136
618.64.96°FJewell, KS / 436
619.64.95°FMerriam, KS / 11,191
620.64.95°FOverland Park, KS / 178,945
621.64.93°FGreenleaf, KS / 378
622.64.92°FRandall, KS / 80
623.64.92°FLeawood, KS / 32,842
624.64.89°FNorcatur, KS / 172
624.64.89°FClayton, KS / 92
626.64.87°FBarnes, KS / 113
627.64.87°FLake Quivira, KS / 957
628.64.87°FWinchester, KS / 527
629.64.85°FWaterville, KS / 682
630.64.83°FBeloit, KS / 3,927
631.64.82°FConcordia, KS / 5,327
632.64.82°FAgenda, KS / 87
633.64.81°FBlue Rapids, KS / 1,025
634.64.80°FScottsville, KS / 14
635.64.80°FShawnee Mission, KS
636.64.80°FMission, KS / 9,451
637.64.79°FRoeland Park, KS / 6,799
638.64.79°FPrairie Village, KS / 21,730
639.64.79°FFairway, KS / 3,946
640.64.78°FWestwood, KS / 1,699
641.64.78°FMission Hills, KS / 3,555
642.64.78°FWestwood Hills, KS / 401
643.64.78°FMission Woods, KS / 166
644.64.77°FLansing, KS / 11,535
645.64.77°FNorway, KS
646.64.76°FLeavenworth, KS / 35,738
647.64.75°FFormoso, KS / 108
648.64.74°FJamestown, KS / 321
649.64.73°FGlasco, KS / 437
650.64.65°FKensington, KS / 393
651.64.63°FAthol, KS / 55
652.64.62°FWetmore, KS / 355
653.64.60°FGoff, KS / 120
654.64.59°FNortonville, KS / 566
655.64.59°FCuba, KS / 171
656.64.57°FEaston, KS / 337
657.64.53°FCourtland, KS / 383
658.64.48°FCorning, KS / 143
659.64.46°FNetawaka, KS / 163
660.64.45°FWhiting, KS / 192
661.64.44°FEffingham, KS / 566
662.64.43°FMankato, KS / 830
663.64.43°FMuscotah, KS / 147
664.64.41°FCummings, KS
665.64.36°FFrankfort, KS / 649
666.64.36°FLancaster, KS / 322
667.64.34°FFort Leavenworth, KS
668.64.32°FWashington, KS / 1,258
669.64.31°FBurr Oak, KS / 154
670.64.24°FEsbon, KS / 135
671.64.23°FLebanon, KS / 274
672.64.23°FKickapoo Site 5, KS / 35
673.64.23°FAtchison, KS / 10,920
674.64.22°FKickapoo Site 6, KS / 21
675.64.22°FKickapoo Site 7, KS / 67
676.64.22°FKickapoo Tribal Center, KS / 195
677.64.21°FKickapoo Site 2, KS / 35
678.64.21°FKickapoo Site 1, KS / 143
679.64.20°FScandia, KS / 437
680.64.17°FBelleville, KS / 1,869
681.64.14°FMarysville, KS / 3,301
682.64.12°FHuron, KS / 50
683.64.09°FHorton, KS / 1,751
684.64.07°FMorrowville, KS / 155
685.64.07°FWillis, KS / 24
686.64.06°FEverest, KS / 258
687.64.06°FPowhattan, KS / 105
688.64.04°FHaddam, KS / 96
689.64.03°FVermillion, KS / 95
690.63.98°FCentralia, KS / 524
691.63.97°FFairview, KS / 254
692.63.95°FSeneca, KS / 1,819
693.63.92°FOneida, KS / 55
694.63.91°FDenton, KS / 179
695.63.91°FSeverance, KS / 75
696.63.90°FTroy, KS / 1,037
697.63.90°FMunden, KS / 148
698.63.90°FBendena, KS / 65
699.63.84°FWathena, KS / 1,281
700.63.84°FRepublic, KS / 111
701.63.83°FHanover, KS / 549
702.63.83°FBremen, KS
703.63.83°FWebber, KS / 27
704.63.79°FLong Island, KS / 157
705.63.79°FRobinson, KS / 257
706.63.78°FElwood, KS / 1,116
707.63.77°FLeona, KS / 71
708.63.74°FBaileyville, KS / 172
709.63.73°FHome, KS / 210
710.63.73°FAxtell, KS / 411
711.63.73°FBeattie, KS / 239
712.63.66°FMorrill, KS / 321
713.63.65°FSabetha, KS / 2,562
714.63.63°FOketo, KS / 56
715.63.62°FNarka, KS / 94
716.63.62°FHamlin, KS / 56
717.63.61°FMahaska, KS / 45
718.63.60°FSummerfield, KS / 146
719.63.53°FBern, KS / 186
720.63.48°FReserve, KS / 58
721.63.47°FHiawatha, KS / 3,144
722.63.35°FHighland, KS / 1,078
723.63.29°FHollenberg, KS / 21
724.63.04°FWhite Cloud, KS / 235

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Max. Temperature' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Max. Temperature' data are not listed.

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