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Kansas $100K to $150K Household Income Percentage County Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 105 results found. Show Results on Map.

Rank$100K to $150K Household Income Percentage ▼County / Population
1.18.7%Johnson, KS / 560,025
2.18.2%Leavenworth, KS / 77,687
3.18.0%Miami, KS / 32,765
4.15.3%Pottawatomie, KS / 22,338
5.14.5%Gray, KS / 6,043
6.14.3%Stanton, KS / 2,187
7.14.3%Butler, KS / 65,927
8.14.1%Mcpherson, KS / 29,308
9.13.9%Jefferson, KS / 18,932
10.13.7%Coffey, KS / 8,493
11.13.7%Harvey, KS / 34,797
12.13.5%Scott, KS / 4,965
13.13.4%Ottawa, KS / 6,075
14.12.3%Douglas, KS / 113,703
15.12.3%Sedgwick, KS / 503,788
16.12.3%Doniphan, KS / 7,904
17.12.2%Shawnee, KS / 178,600
18.12.2%Hamilton, KS / 2,632
18.12.2%Rice, KS / 10,050
20.12.2%Jackson, KS / 13,464
21.12.1%Clay, KS / 8,460
22.11.8%Pratt, KS / 9,758
23.11.5%Sumner, KS / 23,763
24.11.5%Stevens, KS / 5,744
25.11.4%Kearny, KS / 3,950
26.11.4%Nemaha, KS / 10,136
27.11.1%Dickinson, KS / 19,641
28.11.1%Haskell, KS / 4,198
29.11.0%Thomas, KS / 7,947
30.10.8%Trego, KS / 2,959
31.10.8%Atchison, KS / 16,737
32.10.8%Wallace, KS / 1,569
33.10.7%Finney, KS / 37,099
34.10.4%Cheyenne, KS / 2,695
35.10.2%Osage, KS / 16,165
36.10.2%Greeley, KS / 1,223
37.10.2%Barton, KS / 27,566
38.10.2%Linn, KS / 9,551
39.10.1%Edwards, KS / 3,006
40.10.1%Ford, KS / 34,604
41.10.0%Marshall, KS / 10,042
42.9.9%Barber, KS / 4,898
43.9.9%Sheridan, KS / 2,540
44.9.9%Lane, KS / 1,652
45.9.7%Franklin, KS / 25,834
46.9.7%Wabaunsee, KS / 7,034
46.9.7%Stafford, KS / 4,363
48.9.7%Riley, KS / 74,478
49.9.6%Morris, KS / 5,808
50.9.6%Ellis, KS / 28,878
51.9.6%Morton, KS / 3,159
52.9.6%Rawlins, KS / 2,553
53.9.6%Gove, KS / 2,786
54.9.5%Neosho, KS / 16,453
55.9.5%Seward, KS / 23,319
56.9.4%Cowley, KS / 36,201
57.9.4%Phillips, KS / 5,560
58.9.3%Ness, KS / 3,104
59.9.3%Saline, KS / 55,793
60.9.3%Washington, KS / 5,717
61.9.1%Graham, KS / 2,602
62.9.0%Marion, KS / 12,401
63.8.9%Pawnee, KS / 6,959
64.8.9%Grant, KS / 7,856
65.8.7%Geary, KS / 36,458
65.8.7%Hodgeman, KS / 1,941
67.8.6%Kingman, KS / 7,820
68.8.4%Clark, KS / 2,170
69.8.3%Rush, KS / 3,222
70.8.2%Wichita, KS / 2,220
71.8.2%Greenwood, KS / 6,495
72.8.1%Reno, KS / 64,223
73.8.1%Smith, KS / 3,779
74.8.0%Bourbon, KS / 14,913
75.8.0%Chase, KS / 2,746
76.8.0%Meade, KS / 4,444
77.7.9%Comanche, KS / 1,911
78.7.8%Rooks, KS / 5,174
79.7.8%Wyandotte, KS / 159,466
80.7.8%Montgomery, KS / 34,602
81.7.6%Brown, KS / 9,926
82.7.5%Norton, KS / 5,628
83.7.5%Republic, KS / 4,868
83.7.5%Lyon, KS / 33,510
85.7.4%Labette, KS / 21,225
86.7.2%Allen, KS / 13,212
87.7.2%Mitchell, KS / 6,324
88.7.1%Kiowa, KS / 2,529
88.7.1%Ellsworth, KS / 6,443
90.7.1%Osborne, KS / 3,811
90.7.1%Chautauqua, KS / 3,572
92.7.1%Lincoln, KS / 3,180
93.7.1%Cherokee, KS / 21,179
94.7.0%Anderson, KS / 7,962
95.7.0%Elk, KS / 2,734
96.6.6%Crawford, KS / 39,277
97.6.6%Jewell, KS / 3,060
98.6.6%Cloud, KS / 9,414
99.6.3%Russell, KS / 6,959
100.6.3%Decatur, KS / 2,915
101.6.3%Logan, KS / 2,783
102.6.0%Harper, KS / 5,906
103.5.3%Sherman, KS / 6,078
104.4.6%Wilson, KS / 9,177
105.4.0%Woodson, KS / 3,246

Please note that we only rank locations with '$100K to $150K Household Income Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without '$100K to $150K Household Income Percentage' data are not listed.

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