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Illinois Median Costs for House with Mortgage Census Tract Rank

Based on ACS 2010-2014 data

A total of 3,090 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 3090. Page 1 of 16.
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RankMedian Costs for House with Mortgage ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$4,001IL031062300 / 1,716
1.$4,001IL031071100 / 2,932
1.$4,001IL031800100 / 2,593
1.$4,001IL031800200 / 6,231
1.$4,001IL031800300 / 3,310
1.$4,001IL031800400 / 3,716
1.$4,001IL031800500 / 5,266
1.$4,001IL031800600 / 2,598
1.$4,001IL031801200 / 3,454
1.$4,001IL031820000 / 2,008
1.$4,001IL043845200 / 4,958
1.$4,001IL043845300 / 3,230
1.$4,001IL043845401 / 3,536
1.$4,001IL097863300 / 2,651
1.$4,001IL097863400 / 4,562
1.$4,001IL097863500 / 3,926
1.$4,001IL097864403 / 4,895
1.$4,001IL097864601 / 3,825
1.$4,001IL097864802 / 2,749
1.$4,001IL097865600 / 3,524
1.$4,001IL097866200 / 5,534
22.$3,907IL097864602 / 3,827
23.$3,876IL031804201 / 7,989
24.$3,811IL097864700 / 2,780
25.$3,789IL031801902 / 3,334
26.$3,784IL097865802 / 2,932
27.$3,783IL031800700 / 5,050
28.$3,770IL097864307 / 1,846
29.$3,756IL097865502 / 2,589
30.$3,734IL031320400 / 2,523
31.$3,717IL031390500 / 1,643
32.$3,711IL097865000 / 1,286
33.$3,703IL043845901 / 3,198
34.$3,693IL031802300 / 5,174
35.$3,685IL031071800 / 2,670
36.$3,654IL031811900 / 5,935
37.$3,653IL031812200 / 4,162
38.$3,642IL097864522 / 4,597
39.$3,640IL031801300 / 4,605
40.$3,625IL031040600 / 2,684
41.$3,602IL031051200 / 1,562
42.$3,596IL031809000 / 4,164
43.$3,574IL031071600 / 1,715
44.$3,571IL097864901 / 4,124
45.$3,564IL031809100 / 3,345
46.$3,563IL043844402 / 4,589
47.$3,532IL031241200 / 1,952
48.$3,524IL031062700 / 2,757
49.$3,509IL031050800 / 1,427
50.$3,507IL097863601 / 3,713
51.$3,506IL031812400 / 3,550
52.$3,495IL097864512 / 4,509
53.$3,468IL031241500 / 2,881
54.$3,464IL031050900 / 1,660
55.$3,420IL031801800 / 5,444
56.$3,419IL031070500 / 3,022
57.$3,407IL031060500 / 1,235
58.$3,376IL031801100 / 4,622
59.$3,369IL097865501 / 2,286
60.$3,364IL031081900 / 1,152
61.$3,341IL031832500 / 3,774
62.$3,339IL043844702 / 5,555
63.$3,322IL089852101 / 7,380
64.$3,316IL031051300 / 2,953
65.$3,313IL031222200 / 1,964
66.$3,301IL031070600 / 3,083
67.$3,278IL031062600 / 2,281
68.$3,260IL031819801 / 5,405
69.$3,250IL031801000 / 4,805
70.$3,240IL031081201 / 4,552
70.$3,240IL031240300 / 1,402
72.$3,235IL031819700 / 5,985
73.$3,228IL031801500 / 6,735
73.$3,228IL097864517 / 3,615
75.$3,227IL031071700 / 1,813
76.$3,225IL043844601 / 3,802
77.$3,222IL031832200 / 3,174
78.$3,221IL197880312 / 9,732
79.$3,215IL031832600 / 4,102
80.$3,210IL097865700 / 6,151
81.$3,203IL031242300 / 3,003
82.$3,201IL097864407 / 5,994
83.$3,184IL031070400 / 3,440
83.$3,184IL031252101 / 1,787
85.$3,183IL031808001 / 3,891
86.$3,182IL031812000 / 5,276
87.$3,171IL097864306 / 2,393
88.$3,155IL043845100 / 6,709
89.$3,152IL097864903 / 4,769
90.$3,144IL097865300 / 3,338
91.$3,140IL031062400 / 1,622
92.$3,139IL097864303 / 4,479
93.$3,134IL089852807 / 3,085
94.$3,130IL043844902 / 4,353
95.$3,124IL043844002 / 4,720
96.$3,110IL097863701 / 4,453
97.$3,096IL031221600 / 3,118
98.$3,095IL031802200 / 4,182
99.$3,094IL031801605 / 5,421
100.$3,091IL031808800 / 3,693
101.$3,071IL031051100 / 1,526
102.$3,070IL031060400 / 4,003
103.$3,068IL031320600 / 4,451
104.$3,065IL031242800 / 1,515
105.$3,064IL031801608 / 6,308
106.$3,052IL031080100 / 6,657
107.$3,051IL031071300 / 3,414
108.$3,049IL031050500 / 5,365
108.$3,049IL031380200 / 1,752
110.$3,048IL031070200 / 3,937
111.$3,047IL097863904 / 6,064
112.$3,044IL097864801 / 5,707
113.$3,031IL043842602 / 4,502
114.$3,030IL031809800 / 3,025
115.$3,026IL031804102 / 6,621
116.$3,022IL097864402 / 7,485
117.$3,017IL031807900 / 4,074
118.$3,011IL097864904 / 2,459
119.$3,003IL031060100 / 2,596
120.$3,001IL043846313 / 4,560
121.$2,994IL031220601 / 1,596
122.$2,987IL031801607 / 5,349
123.$2,982IL031801701 / 3,590
124.$2,978IL031831000 / 2,326
125.$2,971IL031805600 / 4,679
126.$2,967IL031070300 / 3,383
127.$2,957IL043842000 / 4,402
128.$2,955IL031805501 / 3,759
128.$2,955IL031832300 / 1,975
130.$2,952IL097864308 / 4,035
131.$2,950IL031070103 / 1,679
131.$2,950IL031320100 / 10,534
133.$2,948IL031809400 / 5,194
134.$2,944IL097865200 / 5,709
135.$2,932IL031040300 / 2,656
135.$2,932IL031805502 / 3,947
137.$2,928IL031062200 / 2,987
137.$2,928IL031241400 / 5,238
139.$2,927IL031832000 / 2,181
140.$2,926IL031802100 / 3,335
141.$2,924IL031240200 / 1,469
142.$2,923IL197880305 / 5,227
143.$2,921IL031062900 / 4,176
143.$2,921IL197883516 / 6,968
145.$2,920IL031801606 / 5,830
146.$2,918IL031808900 / 4,014
146.$2,918IL031819802 / 2,637
148.$2,917IL031803603 / 6,725
149.$2,912IL031062800 / 3,792
150.$2,911IL031831900 / 2,619
151.$2,908IL031081500 / 4,400
152.$2,906IL043842900 / 5,737
153.$2,896IL031061902 / 4,045
154.$2,894IL031243200 / 2,190
155.$2,892IL031808600 / 2,060
156.$2,890IL031050200 / 5,120
157.$2,886IL031060300 / 3,176
157.$2,886IL043844502 / 3,184
159.$2,881IL031243300 / 2,353
159.$2,881IL031801702 / 4,893
161.$2,870IL031819900 / 3,416
162.$2,869IL043844001 / 3,790
163.$2,866IL031081202 / 3,221
163.$2,866IL197880118 / 5,000
165.$2,860IL043841901 / 2,523
166.$2,857IL031010503 / 2,228
166.$2,857IL031242100 / 3,311
168.$2,853IL031812302 / 2,852
169.$2,851IL031071000 / 4,277
170.$2,850IL097864411 / 4,862
171.$2,845IL031030800 / 4,405
171.$2,845IL043845402 / 3,001
173.$2,841IL031330200 / 3,756
174.$2,838IL031242200 / 3,875
175.$2,836IL031081401 / 2,516
176.$2,835IL097864514 / 2,793
177.$2,831IL089852402 / 8,501
178.$2,830IL031070700 / 3,983
178.$2,830IL197880308 / 8,553
180.$2,826IL031809900 / 3,009
181.$2,821IL031843700 / 2,279
182.$2,819IL031390100 / 1,386
183.$2,815IL031120100 / 3,993
184.$2,814IL031081300 / 5,053
185.$2,813IL031220300 / 2,409
186.$2,802IL197881007 / 6,054
187.$2,795IL031243000 / 2,398
188.$2,794IL043846105 / 3,329
189.$2,792IL031120200 / 4,552
189.$2,792IL043842601 / 4,400
191.$2,787IL031819000 / 4,595
192.$2,782IL043841310 / 3,839
193.$2,781IL031824006 / 4,143
194.$2,780IL031161000 / 1,726
195.$2,778IL031801400 / 3,017
196.$2,777IL031819600 / 3,849
197.$2,776IL031081402 / 4,389
198.$2,774IL031080300 / 4,480
198.$2,774IL097863604 / 2,859
200.$2,767IL031807400 / 6,836
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'Median Costs for House with Mortgage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Median Costs for House with Mortgage' data are not listed.

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