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Illinois Average Snow Days County Rank

A total of 102 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankAverage Snow Days ▼County / Population
1.58.79 daysJo Daviess, IL / 22,427
2.55.45 daysStephenson, IL / 47,053
3.52.43 daysMchenry, IL / 307,888
4.50.34 daysKane, IL / 521,874
5.48.97 daysDekalb, IL / 104,919
6.47.75 daysDupage, IL / 926,485
7.47.36 daysOgle, IL / 52,782
8.46.43 daysWhiteside, IL / 57,680
9.46.11 daysCarroll, IL / 15,027
10.45.00 daysWinnebago, IL / 292,026
11.43.38 daysLee, IL / 35,248
12.42.44 daysBureau, IL / 34,361
13.40.56 daysBoone, IL / 54,005
14.39.82 daysLake, IL / 703,170
15.39.57 daysLa Salle, IL / 112,698
16.37.28 daysRock Island, IL / 146,964
17.36.77 daysStark, IL / 5,888
18.36.04 daysKendall, IL / 118,194
19.35.99 daysGrundy, IL / 50,173
20.35.14 daysHenry, IL / 50,031
21.32.82 daysCook, IL / 5,227,827
22.32.74 daysMcdonough, IL / 32,388
23.32.59 daysTazewell, IL / 135,872
24.32.29 daysPutnam, IL / 5,895
25.31.88 daysIroquois, IL / 29,272
26.31.11 daysWill, IL / 682,108
27.29.22 daysHancock, IL / 18,808
28.28.82 daysMercer, IL / 16,204
29.28.46 daysKnox, IL / 52,447
30.28.36 daysMclean, IL / 172,390
31.28.01 daysFulton, IL / 36,616
32.27.33 daysLogan, IL / 30,047
33.27.30 daysKankakee, IL / 112,682
34.27.17 daysWoodford, IL / 38,965
35.27.12 daysLivingston, IL / 38,476
36.27.09 daysPeoria, IL / 187,197
37.26.80 daysChampaign, IL / 204,214
38.25.65 daysVermilion, IL / 80,773
39.25.33 daysMarshall, IL / 12,319
40.25.19 daysBrown, IL / 6,878
41.24.88 daysPike, IL / 16,244
42.24.68 daysMason, IL / 14,309
43.24.22 daysMorgan, IL / 35,272
44.24.20 daysWarren, IL / 17,784
45.24.01 daysHenderson, IL / 7,074
46.23.72 daysFord, IL / 13,906
47.23.32 daysSchuyler, IL / 7,454
48.23.03 daysScott, IL / 5,260
49.22.59 daysDewitt, IL / 16,461
50.22.42 daysMenard, IL / 12,658
51.21.89 daysEdgar, IL / 18,171
52.21.09 daysGreene, IL / 13,677
53.20.64 daysClark, IL / 16,240
54.20.53 daysColes, IL / 53,655
55.20.28 daysJasper, IL / 9,658
56.20.08 daysMacoupin, IL / 47,229
57.20.04 daysDouglas, IL / 19,867
58.19.51 daysEffingham, IL / 34,280
59.19.49 daysSangamon, IL / 198,808
60.18.98 daysFayette, IL / 22,041
61.18.38 daysPiatt, IL / 16,552
62.18.28 daysMontgomery, IL / 29,740
63.18.02 daysJersey, IL / 22,751
64.17.84 daysCumberland, IL / 10,950
65.17.81 daysChristian, IL / 34,415
66.17.72 daysBond, IL / 17,571
67.17.66 daysCass, IL / 13,440
68.17.55 daysCalhoun, IL / 5,033
69.16.15 daysAdams, IL / 67,113
70.15.13 daysLawrence, IL / 16,726
71.15.13 daysCrawford, IL / 19,626
72.14.66 daysClay, IL / 13,675
73.14.17 daysMacon, IL / 109,833
74.14.07 daysMoultrie, IL / 14,896
75.13.96 daysShelby, IL / 22,216
76.13.61 daysMadison, IL / 267,937
77.13.55 daysWayne, IL / 16,627
78.12.73 daysClinton, IL / 37,952
79.12.24 daysWashington, IL / 14,527
80.12.12 daysMonroe, IL / 33,373
81.11.82 daysWabash, IL / 11,730
82.11.66 daysSaint Clair, IL / 268,415
83.11.46 daysRichland, IL / 16,144
84.11.16 daysPerry, IL / 22,034
85.10.80 daysJohnson, IL / 12,650
86.10.79 daysMarion, IL / 38,922
87.10.74 daysJackson, IL / 60,125
88.10.66 daysWhite, IL / 14,549
89.10.21 daysEdwards, IL / 6,687
90.9.91 daysUnion, IL / 17,620
91.9.89 daysGallatin, IL / 5,439
92.9.75 daysPope, IL / 4,362
93.9.52 daysHamilton, IL / 8,371
94.9.29 daysRandolph, IL / 33,091
95.9.23 daysWilliamson, IL / 66,808
96.8.60 daysMassac, IL / 15,148
97.8.32 daysSaline, IL / 24,876
98.8.25 daysJefferson, IL / 38,716
99.8.17 daysAlexander, IL / 7,821
100.7.87 daysHardin, IL / 4,226
101.7.63 daysPulaski, IL / 5,967
102.5.56 daysFranklin, IL / 39,774

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Average Snow Days' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Average Snow Days' data are not listed.

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