A total of 56 results found. Show Results on Map.
Rank | Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage ▼ | Zip / Population |
1. | 16.7% | 83839 / 1,105 |
2. | 13.3% | 83547 / 178 |
3. | 12.1% | 83806 / 258 |
4. | 7.5% | 83541 / 951 |
5. | 6.0% | 83546 / 708 |
6. | 5.3% | 83852 / 896 |
7. | 5.2% | 83431 / 902 |
8. | 4.6% | 83464 / 450 |
9. | 4.4% | 83629 / 1,642 |
10. | 3.7% | 83428 / 324 |
11. | 3.5% | 83876 / 1,613 |
12. | 3.2% | 83669 / 8,775 |
13. | 3.1% | 83324 / 753 |
14. | 2.8% | 83323 / 1,986 |
15. | 2.5% | 83245 / 2,225 |
16. | 2.4% | 83449 / 190 |
17. | 2.0% | 83536 / 4,127 |
18. | 1.7% | 83448 / 2,490 |
19. | 1.6% | 83328 / 5,136 |
20. | 1.5% | 83316 / 9,593 |
21. | 1.4% | 83672 / 8,628 |
22. | 1.3% | 83703 / 15,877 |
23. | 1.2% | 83623 / 1,582 |
24. | 1.2% | 83837 / 3,168 |
25. | 1.2% | 83642 / 38,501 |
25. | 1.2% | 83655 / 4,427 |
27. | 1.1% | 83434 / 1,822 |
28. | 1.0% | 83687 / 30,330 |
29. | 1.0% | 83241 / 2,042 |
30. | 0.9% | 83467 / 6,043 |
31. | 0.9% | 83250 / 1,196 |
32. | 0.9% | 83709 / 52,883 |
33. | 0.7% | 83204 / 18,509 |
34. | 0.7% | 83624 / 1,161 |
34. | 0.7% | 83406 / 16,028 |
36. | 0.6% | 83276 / 3,946 |
37. | 0.6% | 83814 / 25,463 |
38. | 0.6% | 83628 / 4,447 |
39. | 0.4% | 83402 / 25,711 |
40. | 0.4% | 83442 / 19,593 |
41. | 0.4% | 83440 / 35,732 |
42. | 0.4% | 83864 / 17,798 |
42. | 0.4% | 83213 / 1,595 |
42. | 0.4% | 83201 / 37,465 |
45. | 0.3% | 83714 / 20,288 |
45. | 0.3% | 83211 / 6,071 |
47. | 0.3% | 83605 / 40,460 |
48. | 0.2% | 83815 / 31,689 |
48. | 0.2% | 83854 / 38,180 |
50. | 0.2% | 83401 / 40,134 |
51. | 0.1% | 83404 / 21,993 |
51. | 0.1% | 83501 / 34,406 |
53. | 0.1% | 83704 / 40,526 |
54. | 0.1% | 83221 / 27,332 |
55. | 0.1% | 83702 / 22,769 |
56. | 0.1% | 83301 / 53,582 |
Please note that we only rank locations with 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Construction, Extraction, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations Female Percentage' data are not listed.