House Median Value Rank of School District within 50 miles of Grinnell Public Schools Unified School District 291
Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*
A total of 16 results found. Show Results on Map.
Rank | House Median Value ▼ | School District / Population |
1. | $100,100 | Scott County Unified School District 466 / 4,836 |
2. | $86,600 | Colby Public Schools Unified School District 315 / 6,420 |
3. | $81,200 | Hoxie Community Schools Unified School District 412 / 2,080 |
4. | $76,000 | Oakley Unified School District 274 / 2,356 |
5. | $75,300 | Quinter Public Schools Unified School District 293 / 1,497 |
6. | $71,400 | WaKeeney Unified School District 208 / 2,793 |
7. | $71,100 | West Solomon Valley Schools Unified School District 213 / 519 |
8. | $69,700 | Hill City Unified School District 281 / 2,486 |
9. | $66,700 | Wheatland Unified School District 292 / 937 |
10. | $66,400 | Golden Plains Unified School District 316 / 857 |
11. | $63,500 | Healy Public Schools Unified School District 468 / 345 |
12. | $59,300 | Grinnell Public Schools Unified School District 291 / 644 |
13. | $58,400 | Brewster Unified School District 314 / 655 |
14. | $58,300 | Rawlins County Unified School District 105 / 2,165 |
15. | $53,200 | Dighton Unified School District 482 / 1,385 |
16. | $40,000 | Triplains Unified School District 275 / 722 |
Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.
*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.