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Expensive Homes Near Hazen Union High School District 26

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Hazen Union High School District 26

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 77 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$765,000Stowe, VT / 887
2.$315,000Greensboro, VT / 120
3.$265,400Shelburne, VT / 680
4.$259,200Waitsfield, VT / 189
5.$253,300Burlington, VT / 41,935
6.$252,800South Burlington, VT / 17,356
7.$241,700Essex Junction, VT / 9,155
8.$235,000Waterbury, VT / 2,235
9.$215,600Milton, VT / 1,925
10.$214,200Jericho, VT / 1,532
11.$214,100Jeffersonville, VT / 629
12.$212,500Richmond, VT / 490
13.$209,600South Barre, VT / 1,006
14.$207,900Bristol, VT / 1,960
15.$207,800Winooski, VT / 7,133
16.$207,600East Barre, VT / 619
17.$205,700Morrisville, VT / 2,053
18.$202,000Lincoln, NH / 733
19.$201,900East Montpelier, VT / 202
20.$198,900Montpelier, VT / 7,903
21.$195,800Saint Albans, VT / 7,044
22.$193,000Hyde Park, VT / 339
23.$190,300North Woodstock, NH / 465
24.$186,300Greensboro Bend, VT / 269
25.$185,200Swanton, VT / 2,454
26.$177,400Randolph, VT / 1,728
27.$172,400Mountain Lakes, NH / 447
28.$171,900South Royalton, VT / 477
29.$171,700Newbury, VT / 393
30.$168,800Bradford, VT / 679
31.$168,400Hinesburg, VT / 646
32.$167,400East Burke, VT / 123
33.$166,700Wells River, VT / 305
34.$166,000Johnson, VT / 1,711
35.$165,200Plainfield, VT / 297
36.$164,800Troy, VT / 353
37.$160,000Cambridge, VT / 151
38.$158,800Enosburg Falls, VT / 1,508
39.$156,300Fairlee, VT / 154
40.$153,700Danville, VT / 358
41.$153,200Williamstown, VT / 1,275
42.$153,100Marshfield, VT / 306
43.$150,200Saint Johnsbury, VT / 6,722
44.$149,100Northfield, VT / 3,459
45.$148,400Cabot, VT / 312
46.$147,400Littleton, NH / 4,222
47.$144,200Derby Center, VT / 774
48.$143,800Barnet, VT / 143
49.$142,900Barre, VT / 9,112
50.$142,500Irasburg, VT / 222
51.$142,200Coventry, VT / 80
52.$141,100Bethlehem, NH / 941
53.$140,000Derby Line, VT / 1,004
54.$139,800Lancaster, NH / 1,863
55.$136,300Concord, VT / 167
56.$135,400West Burke, VT / 250
57.$135,000Worcester, VT / 120
58.$133,800Newport, VT / 4,701
59.$132,000Websterville, VT / 556
60.$131,100Graniteville, VT / 740
61.$129,900Lisbon, NH / 995
62.$124,600Lyndonville, VT / 1,216
63.$120,400Whitefield, NH / 1,205
64.$113,200Woodsville, NH / 1,213
65.$110,200Groton, VT / 314
66.$106,100Orleans, VT / 838
67.$105,600North Troy, VT / 756
68.$105,500Richford, VT / 1,492
69.$103,400Hardwick, VT / 1,269
70.$103,000Island Pond, VT / 647
71.$102,800Groveton, NH / 1,452
72.$100,000Lowell, VT / 256
73.$97,300Colebrook, NH / 1,433
74.$91,400Albany, VT / 211
75.$88,000Glover, VT / 437
76.$86,400Newport Center, VT / 189
77.$84,500Barton, VT / 803

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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