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Expensive Homes Near Peabody-Burns Unified School District 398

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Peabody-Burns Unified School District 398

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 84 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$326,400Eastborough, KS / 812
2.$162,900Andover, KS / 10,993
3.$159,700Kechi, KS / 1,941
4.$148,500Bel Aire, KS / 6,583
5.$143,000Derby, KS / 20,909
6.$141,700Andale, KS / 919
7.$132,400Goddard, KS / 4,094
8.$130,100Maize, KS / 3,076
9.$129,100Rose Hill, KS / 3,948
10.$125,400Valley Center, KS / 6,748
11.$123,900Colwich, KS / 1,223
12.$119,600North Newton, KS / 1,679
13.$118,200Garden Plain, KS / 856
14.$116,300Mulvane, KS / 6,291
15.$115,100Mcpherson, KS / 13,263
16.$114,400Lindsborg, KS / 3,418
17.$112,500Hesston, KS / 3,776
18.$111,300Wichita, KS / 373,725
19.$110,800Assaria, KS / 437
20.$109,000Inman, KS / 1,388
21.$108,100Benton, KS / 951
22.$107,100Elbing, KS / 250
23.$101,300Augusta, KS / 9,149
24.$99,500Galva, KS / 872
25.$98,300Bentley, KS / 391
25.$98,300Moundridge, KS / 1,667
27.$97,100Haysville, KS / 10,345
28.$97,000Park City, KS / 7,044
29.$96,900Halstead, KS / 2,080
30.$95,800Olpe, KS / 571
31.$95,000Carlton, KS / 50
32.$94,700Newton, KS / 18,769
33.$93,700Mount Hope, KS / 799
34.$92,000Whitewater, KS / 711
35.$91,900Americus, KS / 1,029
36.$90,300El Dorado, KS / 13,004
37.$88,100Sedgwick, KS / 1,559
38.$87,900Buhler, KS / 1,324
39.$86,800Yoder, KS / 99
40.$86,400Hutchinson, KS / 41,725
41.$86,300Parkerville, KS / 48
42.$85,700Emporia, KS / 25,945
43.$84,200Haven, KS / 1,170
44.$80,800Hillsboro, KS / 2,958
45.$80,500Douglass, KS / 1,956
46.$80,000Woodbine, KS / 180
47.$78,600Canton, KS / 924
48.$77,500Lost Springs, KS / 98
49.$76,400Goessel, KS / 455
50.$70,800Cottonwood Falls, KS / 1,042
51.$70,000Rosalia, KS / 257
52.$68,500Towanda, KS / 1,659
53.$68,200Hope, KS / 370
54.$68,000Leon, KS / 855
55.$66,600Potwin, KS / 628
56.$65,800Council Grove, KS / 2,368
57.$65,700Herington, KS / 2,522
58.$64,800Gypsum, KS / 333
59.$62,500Matfield Green, KS / 93
60.$61,600Marion, KS / 2,002
61.$60,400Burrton, KS / 978
62.$60,000Cassoday, KS / 74
63.$57,900Lehigh, KS / 221
64.$57,400Walton, KS / 274
65.$56,000White City, KS / 749
66.$54,600Madison, KS / 833
67.$52,200Strong City, KS / 514
68.$48,300Peabody, KS / 1,616
69.$47,200Tampa, KS / 110
70.$46,100Lincolnville, KS / 189
71.$43,300Burns, KS / 148
72.$41,700Durham, KS / 95
73.$39,600Eureka, KS / 2,669
74.$35,300Oaklawn-Sunview, KS / 2,935
75.$33,800Florence, KS / 402
76.$31,100Hamilton, KS / 392
77.$25,700Elmdale, KS / 52
78.$25,000Wilsey, KS / 151
79.$24,600Roxbury, KS / 33
80.$24,400Cedar Point, KS / 23
81.$24,100Latham, KS / 208
82.$22,500Latimer, KS / 48
83.$22,200Ramona, KS / 150
84.$9,999Dunlap, KS / 43

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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