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Cheapest Homes Near Fairfield Unified School District 310

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Fairfield Unified School District 310

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 78 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲City / Population
1.$9,999Sun City, KS / 37
2.$14,200Isabel, KS / 112
3.$17,500Cullison, KS / 120
4.$19,400Seward, KS / 49
5.$20,400Nashville, KS / 83
6.$20,700Coats, KS / 141
7.$21,700Preston, KS / 225
8.$22,100Plevna, KS / 101
8.$22,100Lorraine, KS / 129
10.$22,900Sylvia, KS / 205
11.$23,500Radium, KS / 41
12.$23,600Geneseo, KS / 378
13.$23,800Belpre, KS / 94
14.$25,300Hudson, KS / 101
15.$29,500Turon, KS / 400
16.$30,600Spivey, KS / 100
17.$30,900Raymond, KS / 124
18.$32,800Alden, KS / 141
19.$33,000Bushton, KS / 312
20.$34,000Sawyer, KS / 129
21.$34,400Chase, KS / 487
22.$35,000Danville, KS / 79
23.$35,600Attica, KS / 639
24.$37,500Zenda, KS / 64
25.$38,800Holyrood, KS / 533
26.$40,000Macksville, KS / 476
27.$40,900Stafford, KS / 1,018
28.$41,300Pawnee Rock, KS / 222
29.$41,700Sharon, KS / 230
30.$42,200Odin, KS / 68
31.$44,300Abbyville, KS / 83
31.$44,300Little River, KS / 524
33.$45,000Byers, KS / 77
34.$45,400Milton, KS / 234
35.$46,300Penalosa, KS / 47
36.$47,000Cunningham, KS / 394
37.$47,500Windom, KS / 110
38.$49,100Arlington, KS / 434
39.$51,500Nickerson, KS / 1,167
40.$51,600Hoisington, KS / 2,728
40.$51,600Claflin, KS / 607
42.$52,200Medicine Lodge, KS / 1,955
43.$52,500Langdon, KS / 38
44.$57,500Harper, KS / 1,338
45.$58,400Saint John, KS / 1,375
46.$60,400Burrton, KS / 978
47.$62,400Pretty Prairie, KS / 793
48.$62,500Larned, KS / 4,012
49.$63,200Partridge, KS / 256
50.$63,500Lyons, KS / 3,729
51.$64,700Kingman, KS / 3,198
52.$65,300Haviland, KS / 711
53.$70,000Iuka, KS / 157
54.$71,700Pratt, KS / 6,836
55.$73,100Norwich, KS / 491
56.$73,700Great Bend, KS / 15,726
57.$74,400Sterling, KS / 2,204
58.$74,900Ellinwood, KS / 1,818
59.$84,200Haven, KS / 1,170
60.$85,300South Hutchinson, KS / 2,431
61.$86,400Hutchinson, KS / 41,725
62.$86,700Viola, KS / 164
63.$86,800Yoder, KS / 99
64.$87,900Buhler, KS / 1,324
65.$88,100Sedgwick, KS / 1,559
66.$93,700Mount Hope, KS / 799
67.$95,300Cheney, KS / 1,804
68.$96,900Halstead, KS / 2,080
69.$98,300Bentley, KS / 391
69.$98,300Moundridge, KS / 1,667
71.$109,000Inman, KS / 1,388
72.$115,100Mcpherson, KS / 13,263
73.$118,200Garden Plain, KS / 856
74.$123,900Colwich, KS / 1,223
75.$130,100Maize, KS / 3,076
76.$132,400Goddard, KS / 4,094
77.$141,700Andale, KS / 919
78.$358,700Willowbrook, KS / 123

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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