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Expensive Homes Near Saint Augustine, FL

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Saint Augustine, FL

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 47 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$638,600Crescent Beach, FL / 1,149
2.$476,800Sawgrass, FL / 4,200
3.$465,800Palm Valley, FL / 19,953
4.$361,600Villano Beach, FL / 2,790
5.$359,700Atlantic Beach, FL / 12,967
6.$356,400Neptune Beach, FL / 7,050
7.$347,200Saint Augustine Beach, FL / 5,995
8.$346,400Butler Beach, FL / 5,162
9.$330,500Fruit Cove, FL / 29,589
10.$327,500Jacksonville Beach, FL / 21,434
11.$322,300Nocatee, FL / 3,246
12.$317,300Flagler Beach, FL / 4,796
13.$274,700Fleming Island, FL / 27,908
14.$270,800World Golf Village, FL / 9,825
15.$260,900Saint Augustine, FL / 12,899
16.$241,900Ormond-By-The-Sea, FL / 7,767
17.$225,400Ormond Beach, FL / 38,648
18.$224,700Oakleaf Plantation, FL / 18,047
19.$217,900Asbury Lake, FL / 8,684
20.$216,700Seville, FL / 347
21.$215,000Saint Augustine South, FL / 5,350
22.$213,800Palm Coast, FL / 70,916
23.$191,700Saint Augustine Shores, FL / 7,129
24.$190,000Orange Park, FL / 8,717
25.$182,200Green Cove Springs, FL / 6,774
26.$179,700Lakeside, FL / 31,396
27.$171,500Jacksonville, FL / 811,833
28.$165,200Keystone Heights, FL / 1,420
29.$158,200East Palatka, FL / 1,443
30.$143,700Middleburg, FL / 12,888
31.$139,600Beverly Beach, FL / 455
32.$139,200Bellair-Meadowbrook Terrace, FL / 13,027
33.$131,000Hastings, FL / 697
34.$127,300Holly Hill, FL / 11,996
35.$117,900Penney Farms, FL / 393
36.$116,700Pierson, FL / 1,742
37.$116,300Palatka, FL / 10,664
38.$108,200Flagler Estates, FL / 2,886
39.$108,000Lawtey, FL / 1,083
40.$107,800Welaka, FL / 498
41.$105,000Starke, FL / 5,595
42.$100,800Crescent City, FL / 2,373
43.$97,800Bunnell, FL / 2,791
44.$93,200Interlachen, FL / 2,021
45.$90,800Baldwin, FL / 1,564
46.$79,800Hampton, FL / 620
47.$76,700Pomona Park, FL / 1,256

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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