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Expensive Homes Near Garnett, SC

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Garnett, SC

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 77 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$1,000,000Vernonburg, GA / 130
2.$500,800Hilton Head Island, SC / 36,714
3.$492,600Skidaway Island, GA / 8,075
4.$452,700Tybee Island, GA / 3,024
5.$450,800Dutch Island, GA / 1,219
6.$363,500Talahi Island, GA / 1,141
7.$316,900Isle Of Hope, GA / 2,273
8.$259,200Whitemarsh Island, GA / 7,458
9.$240,800Bluffton, SC / 10,748
10.$239,800Wilmington Island, GA / 15,849
11.$222,100Beaufort, SC / 12,492
12.$215,700Henderson, GA / 1,757
13.$212,300Montgomery, GA / 3,845
14.$190,800Port Royal, SC / 10,442
15.$187,700Pooler, GA / 16,683
16.$174,400Richmond Hill, GA / 8,890
17.$172,200Shell Point, SC / 3,075
18.$170,400Rincon, GA / 8,174
19.$167,400Georgetown, GA / 12,210
20.$166,200Bloomingdale, GA / 2,680
21.$163,000Thunderbolt, GA / 2,643
22.$153,400Ridgeland, SC / 4,132
23.$152,700Laurel Bay, SC / 5,594
24.$148,400Brooklet, GA / 1,726
25.$144,900Savannah, GA / 134,348
26.$143,800Williams, SC / 74
27.$139,400Burton, SC / 7,144
28.$138,500Port Wentworth, GA / 4,920
29.$132,700Pembroke, GA / 2,757
30.$130,600Hardeeville, SC / 2,985
31.$129,800Springfield, GA / 2,731
32.$129,200Walterboro, SC / 5,412
33.$122,900Guyton, GA / 1,613
34.$120,800Yemassee, SC / 1,075
35.$117,900Hampton, SC / 2,838
36.$112,500Register, GA / 146
37.$112,000Statesboro, GA / 27,263
38.$108,300Smoaks, SC / 113
39.$98,500Estill, SC / 2,427
40.$97,300Varnville, SC / 1,839
41.$95,000Bamberg, SC / 3,633
42.$93,500Garden City, GA / 8,969
43.$92,800Ehrhardt, SC / 520
44.$92,500Lodge, SC / 85
45.$91,500Sylvania, GA / 3,019
46.$91,100Pulaski, GA / 346
47.$90,800Sycamore, SC / 143
48.$86,200Jacksonboro, SC / 557
48.$86,200Claxton, GA / 2,675
50.$84,400Ulmer, SC / 99
51.$83,800Portal, GA / 817
52.$80,000Newington, GA / 453
53.$79,200Barnwell, SC / 4,791
54.$76,400Rocky Ford, GA / 74
55.$75,400Denmark, SC / 3,589
56.$72,300Oliver, GA / 359
57.$72,100Hiltonia, GA / 297
58.$70,600Govan, SC / 119
59.$70,000Garfield, GA / 278
60.$66,300Metter, GA / 4,118
61.$63,300Sardis, GA / 1,217
61.$63,300Daisy, GA / 68
63.$62,500Girard, GA / 165
64.$61,700Gifford, SC / 289
65.$61,100Hilda, SC / 617
66.$60,600Kline, SC / 244
67.$59,900Allendale, SC / 3,626
68.$57,400Millen, GA / 3,199
69.$57,300Scotia, SC / 208
70.$57,100Brunson, SC / 326
71.$54,900Fairfax, SC / 3,519
72.$52,900Furman, SC / 187
73.$52,600Blackville, SC / 3,287
74.$46,800Snelling, SC / 290
75.$39,200Olar, SC / 547
76.$36,300Luray, SC / 68
77.$24,600Perkins, GA / 246

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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