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Expensive Homes Near Cowiche, WA

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Cowiche, WA

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 38 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$388,900Nile, WA / 147
2.$338,300Summitview, WA / 1,059
3.$278,300Easton, WA / 528
4.$227,200Cle Elum, WA / 2,545
5.$225,000Cowiche, WA / 195
6.$221,600Roslyn, WA / 788
7.$216,800Ellensburg, WA / 17,847
8.$195,200South Cle Elum, WA / 629
9.$191,400Thorp, WA / 225
10.$183,600Buena, WA / 555
11.$178,400Selah, WA / 6,899
12.$169,600Terrace Heights, WA / 6,679
13.$164,400Tampico, WA / 110
14.$160,500Moxee, WA / 2,846
15.$156,900Gleed, WA / 2,548
16.$156,500Ahtanum, WA / 3,866
17.$152,800Yakima, WA / 88,630
18.$150,900Parker, WA / 508
19.$150,700Naches, WA / 650
20.$149,300Zillah, WA / 2,795
21.$133,600Kittitas, WA / 1,433
22.$124,500Desert Aire, WA / 1,196
23.$117,200Ronald, WA / 107
24.$114,000White Swan, WA / 1,139
25.$112,900Grandview, WA / 10,391
26.$112,600Sunnyside, WA / 15,350
27.$112,500Harrah, WA / 542
28.$110,300George, WA / 676
29.$105,300Toppenish, WA / 8,820
30.$104,300Tieton, WA / 1,125
31.$98,200Union Gap, WA / 5,893
32.$98,000Bickleton, WA / 83
33.$95,200Mabton, WA / 1,688
34.$90,600Mattawa, WA / 4,030
35.$90,000Wapato, WA / 4,868
36.$88,200Outlook, WA / 430
37.$87,200Granger, WA / 3,094
38.$82,100Eschbach, WA / 425

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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