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Expensive Homes Near Alva, OK

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Alva, OK

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 55 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼City / Population
1.$102,500Jefferson, OK / 33
2.$93,600Woodward, OK / 12,075
3.$91,700Amorita, OK / 35
4.$90,000Carrier, OK / 45
5.$85,100Mooreland, OK / 1,337
6.$77,100Alva, OK / 4,855
7.$75,700Ringwood, OK / 402
8.$73,800Dacoma, OK / 116
9.$73,100Ames, OK / 189
10.$72,000Kremlin, OK / 312
11.$70,000Meno, OK / 192
12.$67,900Pond Creek, OK / 812
13.$65,500Fairview, OK / 2,588
14.$62,500Chester, OK / 101
15.$60,500Seiling, OK / 796
16.$59,900Lahoma, OK / 489
17.$59,700Anthony, KS / 2,392
18.$58,300Drummond, OK / 347
19.$57,500Harper, KS / 1,338
19.$57,500Waynoka, OK / 778
21.$55,000Freedom, OK / 299
22.$52,800Helena, OK / 1,607
23.$52,200Medicine Lodge, KS / 1,955
24.$50,400Kiowa, KS / 1,115
25.$46,300Mutual, OK / 98
26.$45,900Nescatunga, OK / 57
27.$45,000Lambert, OK / 5
27.$45,000Cleo Springs, OK / 365
27.$45,000Hillsdale, OK / 100
30.$43,700Jet, OK / 137
31.$43,600Cherokee, OK / 1,494
32.$42,100Goltry, OK / 211
33.$41,900Coldwater, KS / 985
34.$41,700Hardtner, KS / 199
34.$41,700Wilmore, KS / 49
34.$41,700Sharon, KS / 230
37.$41,300Hazelton, KS / 95
38.$39,000Longdale, OK / 234
39.$37,500Burlington, OK / 166
39.$37,500Zenda, KS / 64
41.$37,200Carmen, OK / 419
42.$36,400Byron, OK / 59
43.$35,800Manchester, OK / 55
44.$35,600Attica, KS / 639
45.$34,000Sawyer, KS / 129
46.$31,500Nash, OK / 218
47.$30,000Wakita, OK / 350
48.$22,300Isabella, OK / 171
49.$20,700Coats, KS / 141
50.$20,400Nashville, KS / 83
51.$19,200Aline, OK / 162
52.$14,200Isabel, KS / 112
53.$9,999Bluff City, KS / 53
53.$9,999Sun City, KS / 37
53.$9,999Capron, OK / 6

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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