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Cheapest Homes Near 46285 Zip Code

House Median Value Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 46285

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 153 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▲City / Population
1.$29,600Van Bibber Lake, IN / 526
2.$57,200Greensboro, IN / 105
3.$63,400Orestes, IN / 286
4.$65,000Stinesville, IN / 91
5.$66,700Chesterfield, IN / 2,608
6.$67,000Dunreith, IN / 122
7.$69,000Russellville, IN / 292
8.$69,200Lewisville, IN / 297
9.$71,000Kempton, IN / 280
10.$71,700Paragon, IN / 555
11.$72,200Indian Heights, IN / 3,126
12.$72,300Clifford, IN / 335
13.$72,900Glenwood, IN / 212
14.$73,300Kennard, IN / 500
15.$73,400Straughn, IN / 206
16.$74,900Windfall City, IN / 714
17.$75,000New Castle, IN / 18,206
18.$75,200Elizabethtown, IN / 568
19.$75,500Anderson, IN / 56,767
20.$75,900Manilla, IN / 321
21.$76,400Elwood, IN / 8,885
21.$76,400Shirley, IN / 759
23.$76,500Milroy, IN / 774
24.$77,800Waveland, IN / 387
24.$77,800Alexandria, IN / 5,300
26.$78,800Summitville, IN / 943
27.$79,100Middletown, IN / 2,318
28.$79,800New Market, IN / 706
29.$80,400Ladoga, IN / 955
30.$81,100Roachdale, IN / 736
31.$81,300New Ross, IN / 299
31.$81,300Bethany, IN / 128
33.$81,900Hartsville, IN / 358
34.$82,100Fillmore, IN / 448
35.$82,200Colfax, IN / 650
36.$82,400Spiceland, IN / 809
36.$82,400Hope, IN / 1,866
38.$83,900Clarks Hill, IN / 648
39.$84,400Frankfort, IN / 16,459
39.$84,400Kirklin, IN / 914
41.$85,500Daleville, IN / 2,080
41.$85,500Cloverdale, IN / 2,335
43.$85,700Edinburgh, IN / 3,906
44.$85,800Sulphur Springs, IN / 292
44.$85,800Frankton, IN / 1,942
46.$85,900Kokomo, IN / 45,886
47.$86,300Cadiz, IN / 118
47.$86,300Springport, IN / 167
49.$86,500Darlington, IN / 863
50.$87,000Carthage, IN / 757
51.$87,500Fairland, IN / 286
51.$87,500Spencer, IN / 2,517
53.$87,800Saint Paul, IN / 1,034
54.$88,300Rushville, IN / 6,681
55.$89,000Markleville, IN / 526
56.$89,200Gosport, IN / 966
57.$90,000Crawfordsville, IN / 15,893
58.$90,300Michigantown, IN / 483
59.$91,200Bainbridge, IN / 871
59.$91,200Tipton, IN / 5,185
61.$92,100Thorntown, IN / 1,435
62.$93,100Stockwell, IN / 616
63.$93,900Sheridan, IN / 2,692
64.$94,000Knightstown, IN / 2,112
65.$94,300Linden, IN / 755
66.$94,600Morgantown, IN / 1,062
67.$95,000Taylorsville, IN / 745
68.$96,500Shelbyville, IN / 18,877
69.$96,700Arlington, IN / 378
70.$97,500Mount Summit, IN / 295
71.$97,700Morristown, IN / 1,030
72.$98,200New Whiteland, IN / 5,338
73.$98,800Jamestown, IN / 894
74.$99,500Coatesville, IN / 475
75.$99,700Beech Grove, IN / 14,027
76.$99,900Mulberry, IN / 1,200
77.$100,600Ingalls, IN / 1,903
78.$101,800Atlanta, IN / 677
79.$103,000North Salem, IN / 375
80.$103,200Advance, IN / 508
81.$103,400Arcadia, IN / 1,492
82.$104,400Wilkinson, IN / 400
82.$104,400Greencastle, IN / 10,357
84.$104,500Sharpsville, IN / 525
85.$106,300Alamo, IN / 117
86.$106,900Greensburg, IN / 11,190
87.$107,400Lapel, IN / 2,357
88.$110,800Rocky Ripple, IN / 644
89.$110,900Martinsville, IN / 11,936
89.$110,900Stilesville, IN / 288
91.$111,000Greentown, IN / 1,992
92.$112,700Lebanon, IN / 15,769
93.$114,700Waldron, IN / 831
94.$115,100Fortville, IN / 3,826
94.$115,100Amo, IN / 518
96.$116,400Southport, IN / 1,589
97.$116,700Brooklyn, IN / 1,458
98.$117,400Edgewood, IN / 2,126
99.$117,700Bargersville, IN / 3,888
99.$117,700Ellettsville, IN / 6,159
101.$118,300Russiaville, IN / 1,210
102.$118,800Franklin, IN / 22,508
103.$120,600Monrovia, IN / 910
104.$121,300Lizton, IN / 577
105.$121,400Speedway, IN / 11,931
106.$121,500Princes Lakes, IN / 1,172
107.$122,100Indianapolis, IN / 809,804
108.$122,300Clermont, IN / 1,376
109.$122,500Mooresville, IN / 9,348
110.$123,900Whiteland, IN / 4,219
111.$126,100Greenfield, IN / 19,732
111.$126,100Spring Lake, IN / 296
113.$130,700Pendleton, IN / 4,419
114.$130,800Lawrence, IN / 44,424
115.$132,800Clayton, IN / 919
116.$133,800Greenwood, IN / 47,565
117.$135,000Warren Park, IN / 1,387
118.$136,700Yorktown, IN / 9,227
119.$138,800Trafalgar, IN / 1,099
120.$139,300Cicero, IN / 4,783
121.$139,600Danville, IN / 8,692
122.$140,800Lake Holiday, IN / 1,106
123.$140,900Columbus, IN / 43,314
124.$143,100Homecroft, IN / 582
125.$143,600Plainfield, IN / 26,643
126.$144,400Heritage Lake, IN / 2,604
127.$144,500Pittsboro, IN / 2,725
128.$147,200Cumberland, IN / 5,785
129.$149,400Brownsburg, IN / 20,573
130.$158,100Cordry Sweetwater Lakes, IN / 1,190
131.$159,400Clarksburg, IN / 122
131.$159,400Whitestown, IN / 1,915
133.$160,900Bloomington, IN / 78,490
134.$165,600Painted Hills, IN / 439
135.$166,900Avon, IN / 11,653
136.$167,700Noblesville, IN / 48,712
137.$180,400Nashville, IN / 849
138.$186,300New Palestine, IN / 2,253
139.$187,500River Forest, IN / 37
140.$189,600Woodlawn Heights, IN / 93
141.$192,900Mccordsville, IN / 4,187
142.$203,000Westfield, IN / 27,745
143.$207,600Fishers, IN / 71,746
144.$230,900Wynnedale, IN / 235
145.$238,600Country Club Heights, IN / 51
146.$246,100Spring Hills, IN / 84
147.$257,800Ulen, IN / 143
148.$286,300Carmel, IN / 76,771
149.$355,800Zionsville, IN / 13,444
150.$456,400Meridian Hills, IN / 1,630
151.$758,700Williams Creek, IN / 400
152.$1,000,001Crows Nest, IN / 83
152.$1,000,001North Crows Nest, IN / 42

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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