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House Median Value Rank of Census Tract within 50 miles of Census Tract TN079969300

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 113 results found. Show Results on Map.

RankHouse Median Value ▼Census Tract / Population
1.$283,300TN113001610 / 5,103
2.$206,900KY035010301 / 3,235
3.$168,900TN113001604 / 3,274
4.$158,200TN053967100 / 4,985
5.$141,000TN113001608 / 2,206
6.$138,900KY035010600 / 6,942
7.$137,300TN113001603 / 2,454
8.$135,900TN113001606 / 9,263
9.$125,500TN113001607 / 5,774
10.$125,100TN125101500 / 7,504
11.$120,400TN183968201 / 4,437
12.$120,300TN161110700 / 4,522
13.$116,100TN113001502 / 5,937
14.$113,500KY035010800 / 3,235
15.$113,400TN077975300 / 6,778
16.$111,200TN085130200 / 2,024
17.$110,900KY035010302 / 5,773
18.$110,800KY035010700 / 3,400
19.$108,500TN085130300 / 6,040
20.$108,100TN113001501 / 4,676
21.$107,500TN079969600 / 7,351
22.$106,200TN183968102 / 2,136
23.$105,600KY157950200 / 4,752
24.$105,500KY157950300 / 4,212
25.$104,700TN017962202 / 4,247
26.$104,600TN005963200 / 2,155
27.$103,600TN085130400 / 2,355
28.$103,400TN085130100 / 5,180
29.$102,600KY145031200 / 4,716
30.$102,400TN053966500 / 4,708
30.$102,400TN161110200 / 5,890
32.$101,700KY157950600 / 6,205
33.$101,300TN131965800 / 1,904
34.$101,000KY083020900 / 2,538
35.$99,300TN113000100 / 3,760
35.$99,300TN053966300 / 2,570
37.$98,600TN085130500 / 2,817
38.$97,100TN083120100 / 3,030
39.$96,000TN131965700 / 4,618
40.$95,300KY083020800 / 5,700
41.$95,100TN079969000 / 4,295
42.$94,900TN077975200 / 6,031
43.$94,800TN113001402 / 2,178
44.$94,600TN077975000 / 2,744
45.$93,700KY083020400 / 3,138
45.$93,700KY221970300 / 4,989
47.$93,200TN131965200 / 2,240
48.$92,500KY157950400 / 5,763
49.$91,200TN005963100 / 2,982
50.$90,800TN131965100 / 2,597
51.$90,300TN131965000 / 3,994
52.$90,100TN083120200 / 2,358
53.$89,900KY035010500 / 3,096
54.$89,700KY157950500 / 4,913
55.$89,400KY035010200 / 4,653
56.$88,800TN161110600 / 2,721
57.$87,400TN079969700 / 2,345
58.$87,200TN053966600 / 1,861
59.$87,100TN079969500 / 4,885
60.$86,900KY035010400 / 2,253
61.$86,600TN131965600 / 4,344
62.$86,500TN017962100 / 7,251
63.$86,400TN045964000 / 6,630
64.$86,000TN053967000 / 7,429
65.$85,900KY083020200 / 4,299
66.$85,500TN033961000 / 2,120
67.$84,400TN183968700 / 1,322
68.$84,300TN053966800 / 1,282
69.$84,000TN053966700 / 6,056
69.$84,000TN053967400 / 3,736
69.$84,000KY035010100 / 4,176
72.$83,100TN017962400 / 2,489
72.$83,100TN077975100 / 3,572
72.$83,100TN183968101 / 3,650
75.$82,600KY083020600 / 2,387
76.$82,400KY083020100 / 3,807
77.$81,800TN053966400 / 5,768
78.$81,300TN083120300 / 2,898
79.$80,600KY083020300 / 6,748
80.$78,500TN183968000 / 1,370
81.$78,100TN079969100 / 2,852
82.$78,000TN017962500 / 2,264
83.$77,800TN183968400 / 5,248
84.$77,000TN131965400 / 4,674
85.$76,800TN183968600 / 3,814
86.$76,400TN005963400 / 3,986
87.$76,000TN053966200 / 3,693
88.$75,900TN183968300 / 2,409
89.$75,800TN183968203 / 3,353
90.$75,200TN053966100 / 2,557
90.$75,200TN077975400 / 4,914
92.$75,000KY083020700 / 4,621
93.$74,500TN079969800 / 2,370
94.$73,900TN131965500 / 2,406
95.$73,400TN005963300 / 3,683
95.$73,400TN039955001 / 1,724
97.$72,300TN053967300 / 1,142
98.$71,300KY039960300 / 1,646
99.$70,400TN053966900 / 3,228
100.$70,200TN131965900 / 1,390
101.$69,700TN183968500 / 4,747
102.$68,600KY083020500 / 3,720
103.$68,200TN079969200 / 1,985
104.$67,900TN135930100 / 3,138
105.$66,800TN017962300 / 4,544
106.$65,100TN039955002 / 5,063
107.$64,800TN005963000 / 3,650
108.$63,900TN079969400 / 2,348
109.$63,600KY105970100 / 4,949
110.$62,300TN017962000 / 4,128
111.$61,100TN017962201 / 3,721
112.$58,100KY075960100 / 4,190
113.$54,100TN079969300 / 3,611

Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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