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House Median Value Rank of Census Block Group within 50 miles of Census Block Group IL0318201043

Based on ACS 2006-2010 data*

A total of 6,362 results found. Show Results on Map.

1-200 of 6362. Page 1 of 32.
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RankHouse Median Value ▼Census Block Group / Population
1.$1,000,001IL0438463044 / 788
1.$1,000,001IL0438444021 / 1,645
1.$1,000,001IL0438445023 / 1,054
1.$1,000,001IL0438453002 / 1,605
1.$1,000,001IL0438454011 / 1,498
1.$1,000,001IL0438453001 / 1,722
1.$1,000,001IL0978615043 / 2,071
1.$1,000,001IL0978648011 / 1,572
1.$1,000,001IL0978635002 / 1,258
1.$1,000,001IL0978646012 / 2,615
1.$1,000,001IL0978647003 / 1,263
1.$1,000,001IL0978634001 / 697
1.$1,000,001IL0978633002 / 945
1.$1,000,001IL0978634002 / 2,646
1.$1,000,001IL0318018002 / 920
1.$1,000,001IL0318018003 / 1,386
1.$1,000,001IL0318002006 / 991
1.$1,000,001IL0318001001 / 1,138
1.$1,000,001IL0318001002 / 1,394
1.$1,000,001IL0318005003 / 1,025
1.$1,000,001IL0318003002 / 601
1.$1,000,001IL0318007003 / 870
1.$1,000,001IL0318007001 / 814
1.$1,000,001IL0318005002 / 905
1.$1,000,001IL0318004001 / 1,241
1.$1,000,001IL0318004002 / 1,650
1.$1,000,001IL0318006002 / 1,012
1.$1,000,001IL0318004003 / 1,033
1.$1,000,001IL0318006001 / 1,375
1.$1,000,001IL0318012002 / 1,001
1.$1,000,001IL0310710001 / 3,260
1.$1,000,001IL0310711001 / 1,781
1.$1,000,001IL0310633023 / 826
1.$1,000,001IL0310714001 / 758
1.$1,000,001IL0310810005 / 2,712
1.$1,000,001IL0310811003 / 1,178
1.$1,000,001IL0310816002 / 924
1.$1,000,001IL0310801004 / 1,056
1.$1,000,001IL0310801002 / 1,195
1.$1,000,001IL0310812021 / 563
41.$991,100IL0312420003 / 592
42.$989,100IL0318022001 / 1,129
43.$982,100IL0318003003 / 1,577
44.$979,200IL0318094001 / 965
45.$971,500IL0438447023 / 1,613
46.$970,200IL0318042012 / 1,974
47.$963,400IL0310813006 / 613
48.$953,100IL0318002001 / 1,130
49.$945,000IL0978656002 / 699
50.$943,500IL0318005004 / 1,204
51.$939,000IL0318002002 / 1,402
52.$935,500IL0318005005 / 992
53.$930,100IL0978646011 / 1,151
54.$913,600IL0318200002 / 900
55.$911,300IL0438452003 / 2,053
56.$909,600IL0318002005 / 1,144
57.$908,500IL0978646021 / 2,426
58.$907,900IL0978645111 / 981
59.$896,100IL0978662002 / 777
60.$893,700IL0978655022 / 1,540
61.$892,900IL0978645051 / 945
62.$892,000IL0318003001 / 1,156
63.$891,200IL0318042014 / 1,587
64.$885,200IL0318042013 / 1,792
65.$882,200IL0978655011 / 1,594
66.$881,600IL0318086001 / 1,162
67.$873,900IL0318013003 / 745
68.$871,000IL0310717001 / 696
69.$864,300IL0310718002 / 531
70.$861,900IL0318119003 / 1,392
71.$859,700IL0318079003 / 1,188
72.$858,300IL0978656004 / 1,333
73.$857,900IL0318012003 / 1,484
74.$855,500IL0438447021 / 1,776
75.$851,600IL0318019021 / 1,021
76.$850,000IL0318002004 / 887
77.$849,000IL0312403001 / 1,424
78.$847,600IL1118714024 / 992
79.$842,400IL0310812011 / 915
80.$834,300IL0318007002 / 2,203
81.$834,100IL0978644031 / 1,201
82.$828,400IL0318011002 / 1,250
83.$823,800IL0438445021 / 1,385
84.$823,200IL0310308003 / 1,144
85.$815,900IL0318011001 / 785
86.$812,500IL0318387002 / 818
87.$809,300IL0318012001 / 1,345
88.$799,100IL0318036034 / 1,415
89.$796,900IL0310716001 / 2,032
90.$796,500IL0318201013 / 920
91.$795,800IL0310623001 / 1,703
92.$788,600IL0318119004 / 1,971
93.$785,700IL0318090002 / 669
94.$785,400IL0438452002 / 1,413
95.$783,300IL0318007004 / 1,225
96.$781,300IL0318019022 / 1,157
97.$780,900IL0978635003 / 1,856
98.$778,700IL0318013001 / 951
99.$777,600IL0318124001 / 1,254
100.$775,600IL0978650001 / 1,249
101.$775,000IL0438459011 / 1,627
102.$768,300IL0978641013 / 1,515
103.$767,900IL0312831001 / 1,164
104.$765,700IL0438446022 / 1,164
105.$764,600IL0438452001 / 1,261
105.$764,600IL0978633003 / 1,123
107.$763,600IL0978658021 / 499
108.$752,500IL0978662003 / 1,438
109.$752,000IL0978656001 / 800
110.$751,700IL0898520012 / 1,018
111.$740,200IL0978644032 / 2,202
112.$739,500IL0438459012 / 1,879
113.$737,200IL0318096001 / 1,190
114.$736,400IL0318325001 / 1,465
115.$736,300IL0310505001 / 1,175
116.$735,300IL0318322003 / 677
117.$732,800IL0310814012 / 1,414
118.$728,700IL0318067002 / 1,348
119.$726,200IL0310814023 / 536
120.$726,000IL0978645222 / 1,572
121.$725,600IL0978662001 / 3,363
121.$725,600IL0978646022 / 1,662
123.$724,700IL0978645171 / 2,935
124.$724,100IL0310603001 / 1,819
125.$722,700IL0438451004 / 1,576
126.$720,600IL0310814032 / 936
127.$720,100IL0310815002 / 1,469
128.$719,100IL0318326003 / 2,271
129.$718,500IL0438440023 / 1,600
130.$717,000IL0978657003 / 3,224
131.$715,100IL0438461021 / 852
132.$714,100IL0438451003 / 1,356
133.$712,900IL0978644033 / 1,804
134.$712,200IL0310505002 / 1,527
135.$711,500IL0313018022 / 852
136.$707,700IL0310601001 / 842
137.$707,000IL0318005001 / 683
138.$704,400IL0318015002 / 1,826
139.$703,800IL0318016063 / 949
140.$701,200IL0318016053 / 1,690
141.$700,000IL0318200001 / 1,086
141.$700,000IL0310308002 / 944
143.$696,200IL0898521022 / 1,374
144.$695,400IL0978633001 / 809
145.$695,200IL0978660002 / 1,404
146.$694,400IL0310505003 / 767
147.$692,600IL0318322002 / 1,799
148.$691,900IL0318017012 / 1,559
149.$691,000IL0310409001 / 1,372
150.$690,100IL0310604003 / 1,047
151.$688,300IL0318016073 / 2,583
152.$688,100IL0310812024 / 663
153.$687,900IL0318023001 / 5,078
154.$687,500IL0318098001 / 964
155.$686,600IL0318016062 / 1,195
156.$684,700IL0318056001 / 1,429
157.$684,000IL0318329002 / 845
158.$683,400IL0978643071 / 2,084
159.$683,200IL0310511001 / 1,687
160.$681,500IL0313906002 / 1,045
161.$678,100IL0978658022 / 2,626
162.$677,100IL0318196001 / 856
163.$675,400IL0318198015 / 1,291
164.$675,000IL0318119002 / 1,765
165.$674,300IL0318011003 / 1,392
166.$673,900IL0310603002 / 1,272
167.$673,700IL0438451002 / 2,245
168.$673,400IL0978636011 / 2,593
169.$671,500IL0310406001 / 644
170.$670,100IL0310812012 / 1,687
171.$669,300IL0318002003 / 562
172.$669,100IL0310706002 / 1,160
173.$668,900IL0318088002 / 2,078
174.$668,200IL0310717002 / 993
175.$667,000IL0978632024 / 1,453
176.$665,700IL1978803122 / 2,656
177.$664,900IL0310711002 / 1,078
178.$664,600IL0310508001 / 1,413
179.$664,300IL0978645121 / 2,219
180.$663,800IL0318013002 / 1,008
181.$662,100IL0978648021 / 2,917
182.$661,300IL0978648012 / 657
183.$660,000IL0978652004 / 1,922
184.$658,800IL0978656003 / 815
185.$657,300IL0318021001 / 642
186.$657,000IL0310705001 / 1,117
187.$656,300IL0312222001 / 1,061
188.$654,200IL0318199003 / 1,116
189.$653,400IL0310514001 / 1,321
190.$653,200IL0978643061 / 1,054
191.$652,600IL0978634003 / 1,068
192.$652,200IL0318034005 / 1,101
193.$651,800IL0318198011 / 865
194.$651,700IL0318090001 / 833
195.$651,500IL0978643062 / 1,257
196.$650,900IL0310810002 / 1,194
197.$650,800IL0318017021 / 1,417
198.$650,700IL0438422002 / 1,154
198.$650,700IL0318013004 / 1,398
200.$650,300IL0310512001 / 886
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Please note that we only rank locations with 'House Median Value' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'House Median Value' data are not listed.

*ACS stands for U.S. Census American Community Survey. According to the U.S. Census, if the date is a range, you can interpret the data as an average of the period of time.

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