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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Spicer, MN

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Spicer, MN

A total of 32 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.2,919Waite Park, MN / 7,391
2.1,717Saint Cloud, MN / 66,038
3.1,525Redwood Falls, MN / 5,174
4.1,357Willmar, MN / 19,626
5.1,337Olivia, MN / 2,394
6.1,330Saint Anthony, MN / 98
7.1,168Alexandria, MN / 11,465
8.1,090Paynesville, MN / 2,466
9.1,071Montevideo, MN / 5,283
10.1,038Hutchinson, MN / 13,983
11.1,001Sauk Centre, MN / 4,317
12.894Annandale, MN / 3,281
13.858Benson, MN / 3,165
14.839Litchfield, MN / 6,689
15.685Winsted, MN / 2,325
16.652Osakis, MN / 1,687
17.648Silver Lake, MN / 890
18.633Granite Falls, MN / 2,493
19.593Cold Spring, MN / 4,033
20.573Kimball, MN / 880
21.543Avon, MN / 1,548
22.532Sartell, MN / 16,123
23.478Sauk Rapids, MN / 13,079
24.383Stewart, MN / 535
25.373Glenwood, MN / 2,530
26.345Melrose, MN / 3,599
27.318Albany, MN / 2,599
28.281Echo, MN / 325
29.246Saint Joseph, MN / 6,694
30.245Brownton, MN / 738
31.30Richmond, MN / 1,466
32.0Belgrade, MN / 717

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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