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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Somersville, CT

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Somersville, CT

A total of 152 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.156Wales, MA
2.158New Salem, MA
3.159Chesterfield, MA
4.179Hatfield, MA / 1,420
5.219Monterey, MA
6.240Charlemont, MA
7.243Brimfield, MA
8.243Goshen, MA
9.277Granville, MA
10.286Simsbury, CT
11.288Holden, MA
12.319Madison, CT
13.327Leverett, MA
14.337Cheshire, CT
15.356Avon, CT
16.358Portland, CT / 5,634
17.359Canton, CT
18.363Paxton, MA
19.365Suffield, CT
20.368Shrewsbury, MA
21.371Middlebury, CT
22.373Northborough, MA / 6,613
23.380Plainfield, CT
24.383Grafton, MA
25.389Cummington, MA
26.404Glastonbury, CT
27.409Boylston, MA
28.415Granby, CT
29.429Foster, RI
30.436Upton, MA / 3,319
31.452East Hampton, CT / 2,402
32.456Hinsdale, MA
33.467Southampton, MA
34.471Douglas, MA
35.473Princeton, MA
36.476Hampden, MA
37.477Bernardston, MA
38.480Ashfield, MA
39.482Blandford, MA / 425
40.503Millville, MA
41.506Longmeadow, MA / 15,858
42.531Buckland, MA
43.535Rocky Hill, CT
44.537Gill, MA
45.540West Brookfield, MA / 1,352
46.551North Branford, CT
47.556Thomaston, CT / 1,727
48.567West Greenwich, RI
49.573Sterling, MA
50.583Wolcott, CT
51.584Sutton, MA
52.591Charlton, MA
53.597Old Saybrook, CT
54.599Westborough, MA / 4,061
55.601South Windsor, CT
56.609Dudley, MA
57.609Guilford, CT
58.613Coventry, CT
59.622Belchertown, MA / 3,010
60.628Whately, MA
61.640Granby, MA / 1,514
62.641Ludlow, MA
63.647North Brookfield, MA / 2,079
64.652Williamsburg, MA
65.653Coventry, RI
66.654Wallingford, CT
67.656Uxbridge, MA
68.658Wilbraham, MA / 3,765
69.661Sunderland, MA
70.666Agawam, MA / 28,599
71.672Southwick, MA
72.680East Brookfield, MA / 1,312
73.683Rutland, MA / 2,478
74.698Hubbardston, MA
75.699Windsor, CT
76.703Plymouth, CT
77.713Lee, MA / 1,914
78.725Berlin, CT
79.736Wethersfield, CT / 26,579
80.739Templeton, MA
81.743Easthampton, MA / 16,176
82.746Southington, CT
83.748Dalton, MA
84.755Westminster, MA
85.767Royalston, MA
86.772Watertown, CT / 3,549
87.773West Boylston, MA
88.775Lenox, MA / 1,655
89.803Naugatuck, CT / 31,790
90.809Oxford, MA / 6,525
91.810South Hadley, MA
92.817Hardwick, MA
93.824North Haven, CT / 23,997
94.833Amherst, MA
95.835Leicester, MA
96.838Cromwell, CT
97.852Farmington, CT
98.855Windsor Locks, CT / 12,554
99.860Enfield, CT
100.867Monson, MA
101.915Spencer, MA / 5,670
102.917Westfield, MA / 41,371
103.939East Longmeadow, MA
104.943Oakham, MA
105.956West Hartford, CT / 63,396
106.986Northbridge, MA
107.991Middletown, CT / 47,424
108.996Deerfield, MA / 818
109.1,006Torrington, CT / 35,774
110.1,012Sturbridge, MA / 2,265
111.1,038Barre, MA / 910
112.1,059Millbury, MA
113.1,062Becket, MA
114.1,063Newington, CT / 30,652
115.1,063Clinton, CT / 3,372
116.1,065Great Barrington, MA / 2,324
117.1,111Palmer, MA / 4,170
118.1,119Hamden, CT
119.1,121Ware, MA / 5,816
120.1,122Waterford, CT / 2,994
121.1,124Putnam, CT / 7,249
122.1,142Bloomfield, CT
123.1,184Warren, MA / 1,456
124.1,213Bristol, CT / 60,556
125.1,270Plainville, CT
126.1,317Erving, MA
127.1,367Manchester, CT / 30,621
128.1,370Auburn, MA
129.1,377Athol, MA / 8,340
130.1,392Orange, MA / 3,944
131.1,400Willimantic, CT / 17,845
132.1,402East Windsor, CT
133.1,492Northampton, MA / 28,637
134.1,494Southbridge, MA / 13,068
135.1,513Webster, MA / 12,135
136.1,520Meriden, CT / 60,616
137.1,523Montague, MA
138.1,570Norwich, CT / 40,378
139.1,595Hadley, MA
140.1,701Gardner, MA / 20,279
141.1,720East Hartford, CT / 51,211
142.1,777Stockbridge, MA
143.1,820Chicopee, MA / 55,603
144.1,961Greenfield, MA / 13,128
145.2,093Waterbury, CT / 109,887
146.2,120New Britain, CT / 73,095
147.2,221West Springfield, MA / 27,899
148.2,395Worcester, MA / 182,511
149.2,484New London, CT / 27,536
150.3,469Holyoke, MA / 40,079
151.3,621Springfield, MA / 153,836
152.3,675Hartford, CT / 125,211

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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