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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Senecaville, OH

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Senecaville, OH

A total of 55 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.0Clearview, WV / 581
2.8West Liberty, WV / 1,517
3.53Paden City, WV / 2,528
4.73Beech Bottom, WV / 770
5.86Triadelphia, WV / 779
6.110New Concord, OH / 2,728
7.129Dennison, OH / 2,749
8.151Bethlehem, WV / 2,616
9.164Byesville, OH / 2,504
10.176Benwood, WV / 1,286
11.232Barnesville, OH / 4,115
12.263Bethesda, OH / 1,536
13.266Saint Marys, WV / 1,910
14.299Mcmechen, WV / 1,686
15.346Cameron, WV / 1,043
16.382Roseville, OH / 2,283
17.384Sistersville, WV / 1,583
18.394New Philadelphia, OH / 17,334
19.409Gnadenhutten, OH / 1,473
20.444West Lafayette, OH / 2,239
21.449New Martinsville, WV / 5,322
22.449Powhatan Point, OH / 1,550
23.472Dover, OH / 12,839
24.480Williamstown, WV / 2,919
25.538Martins Ferry, OH / 6,850
26.546Bridgeport, OH / 1,858
27.579Frazeysburg, OH / 1,629
28.615Jewett, OH / 650
29.658Carrollton, OH / 3,085
30.674Shadyside, OH / 3,812
31.768Belpre, OH / 6,431
32.780Crooksville, OH / 2,463
33.783Mcconnelsville, OH / 1,889
34.829Vienna, WV / 10,654
35.832Bellaire, OH / 4,239
36.895Woodsfield, OH / 2,349
37.925Glen Dale, WV
38.971Strasburg, OH / 2,726
39.1,028Sugarcreek, OH / 2,372
40.1,065Millersburg, OH / 3,088
41.1,117Marietta, OH / 14,029
42.1,127Colerain, OH
43.1,142Uhrichsville, OH / 5,408
44.1,159Beverly, OH / 1,072
45.1,221Junction City, OH / 843
46.1,251Newcomerstown, OH / 3,871
47.1,285Cadiz, OH / 3,261
48.1,363New Lexington, OH / 4,889
49.1,373Somerset, OH / 1,488
50.1,444Moundsville, WV / 8,960
51.1,570Glouster, OH / 1,745
52.1,900Wheeling, WV / 28,129
53.2,052Parkersburg, WV / 31,195
54.2,783Zanesville, OH / 25,444
55.3,021Cambridge, OH / 10,558

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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