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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Millersville, MD

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Millersville, MD

A total of 61 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.110Occoquan, VA / 861
2.187Oxford, MD / 524
3.222Brentwood, MD / 3,107
4.382Sykesville, MD / 4,426
5.538Vienna, VA / 16,173
6.550Manchester, MD / 4,810
7.612Taneytown, MD / 6,738
8.624Fairmount Heights, MD / 1,529
9.638Hampstead, MD / 6,342
10.721Stewartstown, PA / 2,130
11.730Preston, MD / 967
12.742Glenarden, MD / 6,145
13.749Trappe, MD / 1,196
14.753Rock Hall, MD / 1,377
15.796Bowie, MD / 56,335
16.804Chevy Chase Village, MD / 1,974
17.812Centreville, MD / 4,451
18.816Manassas Park, VA / 14,992
19.843Herndon, VA / 24,141
20.862Fairfax, VA / 23,507
21.957Falls Church, VA / 13,074
22.1,030University Park, MD / 2,596
23.1,039Capitol Heights, MD / 4,452
24.1,044Alexandria, VA / 146,422
25.1,234Landover Hills, MD / 2,000
26.1,387Forest Heights, MD / 2,496
27.1,388Berwyn Heights, MD / 3,201
28.1,411La Plata, MD / 8,903
29.1,450Perryville, MD / 4,391
30.1,498Port Deposit, MD / 639
31.1,524North Brentwood, MD / 509
32.1,534Greensboro, MD / 2,195
33.1,539Havre De Grace, MD / 13,360
34.1,596New Carrollton, MD / 12,412
35.1,599Upper Marlboro, MD / 646
36.1,612Colmar Manor, MD / 1,737
37.1,767Easton, MD / 16,541
38.1,783Frederick, MD / 66,646
39.1,867Westminster, MD / 18,656
40.1,901Cheverly, MD / 6,307
41.1,907Morningside, MD / 1,367
42.1,918District Heights, MD / 5,977
43.1,936Takoma Park, MD / 17,307
44.2,124Chestertown, MD / 5,221
45.2,169Denton, MD / 4,361
46.2,207Aberdeen, MD / 15,137
47.2,323Annapolis, MD / 38,599
48.2,381Saint Michaels, MD / 1,061
49.2,424Cottage City, MD / 1,070
50.2,425Laurel, MD / 25,673
51.2,517Ridgely, MD / 1,370
52.2,737Seat Pleasant, MD / 4,656
53.2,807Edmonston, MD / 1,395
54.2,829Greenbelt, MD / 23,612
55.2,897Riverdale Park, MD / 7,119
56.3,005Mount Rainier, MD / 8,277
57.3,194Cambridge, MD / 12,511
58.3,573Hyattsville, MD / 18,049
59.3,607Washington, DC / 633,736
60.4,186Baltimore, MD / 622,271
61.4,340Bladensburg, MD / 9,371

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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