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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Mays Lick, KY

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Mays Lick, KY

A total of 48 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.83South Shore, KY / 1,337
2.154Stamping Ground, KY / 691
3.155Butler, KY / 513
4.217Sadieville, KY / 286
5.252Dry Ridge, KY / 2,315
6.427Highland Heights, KY / 7,152
7.444Taylor Mill, KY / 6,682
8.448Millersburg, KY / 843
9.449Newtown, OH / 2,670
10.507Manchester, OH / 2,127
11.579Winchester, OH / 1,127
12.580Vanceburg, KY / 1,554
13.607Flemingsburg, KY / 2,696
14.625Independence, KY / 25,638
15.657Carlisle, KY / 2,135
16.713Wilder, KY / 3,060
17.714Amelia, OH / 5,323
18.761Olive Hill, KY / 1,728
19.802Silver Grove, KY / 1,272
20.807Alexandria, KY / 8,654
21.807Owensville, OH / 890
22.814Augusta, KY / 1,183
23.828Mount Orab, OH / 3,819
24.830Stanton, KY / 2,724
25.882Owingsville, KY / 1,643
26.890Williamstown, KY / 3,932
27.940Peebles, OH / 1,907
28.961Lynchburg, OH / 1,290
29.999Cold Spring, KY / 6,093
30.1,071Morehead, KY / 6,896
31.1,220Clay City, KY / 1,354
32.1,286Falmouth, KY / 2,278
33.1,372Williamsburg, OH / 2,512
34.1,425Paris, KY / 9,746
35.1,607Hillsboro, OH / 6,570
36.1,677New Richmond, OH / 2,606
37.1,771Georgetown, OH / 4,706
38.1,805Sardinia, OH / 1,223
39.1,833Georgetown, KY / 30,349
40.1,861West Union, OH / 3,184
41.2,000Batavia, OH / 2,008
42.2,025Cynthiana, KY / 6,388
43.2,065Lexington, KY
44.2,090Bethel, OH / 2,734
45.2,107Winchester, KY / 18,363
46.2,161Maysville, KY / 8,951
47.2,426Mount Sterling, KY / 7,030
48.2,499Aberdeen, OH / 1,617

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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