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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near Glenarm, IL

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Glenarm, IL

A total of 60 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.3,502Springfield, IL / 116,815
2.2,112Havana, IL / 3,243
3.2,078Decatur, IL / 75,088
4.1,662Lincoln, IL / 14,382
5.1,421Bunker Hill, IL / 1,644
6.1,385Riverton, IL / 3,468
7.1,354Grandview, IL / 1,351
8.1,335Litchfield, IL / 6,913
9.1,326Jerome, IL / 1,532
10.1,285Nokomis, IL / 2,358
11.1,244Carlinville, IL / 5,615
12.1,237Jacksonville, IL / 19,315
13.1,106Carrollton, IL / 2,631
14.1,041Southern View, IL / 1,936
15.1,041Blue Mound, IL / 1,169
16.1,028Taylorville, IL / 11,761
17.976Girard, IL / 1,804
18.954Gillespie, IL / 3,346
19.893Ramsey, IL / 1,168
20.885White Hall, IL / 2,704
21.883Virden, IL / 3,600
22.807Pana, IL / 5,601
23.741Irving, IL / 377
24.726Roodhouse, IL / 1,810
25.685Staunton, IL / 4,780
26.661Findlay, IL / 777
27.661Hillsboro, IL / 8,371
28.648Divernon, IL / 1,363
29.597Meredosia, IL / 1,045
30.580Rochester, IL / 3,725
31.561Beardstown, IL / 6,336
32.555Warrensburg, IL / 1,143
33.544Auburn, IL / 5,004
34.530Maroa, IL / 1,853
35.482South Jacksonville, IL / 3,309
36.469Bluffs, IL / 742
37.459Chatham, IL / 12,131
38.451Benld, IL / 1,773
39.433Brighton, IL / 2,122
40.406Pawnee, IL / 2,786
41.387Kincaid, IL / 1,666
42.386Mount Zion, IL / 5,830
43.375Loami, IL / 840
44.362Athens, IL / 1,996
45.346Leland Grove, IL / 1,521
46.330Greenfield, IL / 1,346
47.326Stonington, IL / 889
48.322Waverly, IL / 1,237
49.305Raymond, IL / 732
50.295Witt, IL / 775
51.278Ashland, IL / 1,200
52.278Edinburg, IL / 1,065
53.271Sherman, IL / 4,016
54.253Moweaqua, IL / 1,793
55.252Mount Olive, IL / 2,085
56.226Mount Pulaski, IL / 1,257
57.147Pleasant Plains, IL / 892
58.129Easton, IL / 345
59.110New Berlin, IL / 1,444
60.101Virginia, IL / 1,369

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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