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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Damascus, OR

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Damascus, OR

A total of 55 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.248Columbia City, OR / 2,351
2.419West Linn, OR / 25,710
3.485North Plains, OR / 1,868
4.528Sherwood, OR / 18,687
5.558Yamhill, OR / 1,492
6.563Hubbard, OR / 3,206
7.564Carlton, OR / 1,850
8.577Lake Oswego, OR / 37,310
9.648La Center, WA / 3,036
10.669Banks, OR / 1,699
11.738Vernonia, OR / 2,052
12.750Ridgefield, WA / 5,373
13.785Aurora, OR / 998
14.835Aumsville, OR / 3,740
15.861Camas, WA / 20,458
16.879King City, OR / 3,351
17.883Scappoose, OR / 6,778
18.889Canby, OR / 16,821
19.921Hood River, OR / 7,311
20.943Silverton, OR / 9,342
21.963Amity, OR / 1,568
22.974Beaverton, OR / 92,593
23.976Wilsonville, OR / 20,335
24.1,032Keizer, OR / 36,875
25.1,067Saint Helens, OR / 13,017
26.1,086Gaston, OR / 703
27.1,103Cornelius, OR / 12,068
28.1,131Washougal, WA / 14,563
29.1,179Oregon City, OR / 33,834
30.1,192Tualatin, OR / 26,604
31.1,198Hillsboro, OR / 95,765
32.1,204Milwaukie, OR / 20,449
33.1,221Molalla, OR / 8,247
34.1,241Mcminnville, OR / 32,839
35.1,272Sandy, OR / 9,945
36.1,279Kalama, WA / 2,616
37.1,287Battle Ground, WA / 18,168
38.1,308Mount Angel, OR / 3,389
39.1,341Tigard, OR / 49,633
40.1,362Forest Grove, OR / 22,070
41.1,367Newberg, OR / 22,451
42.1,380Troutdale, OR / 16,339
43.1,424Fairview, OR / 9,094
44.1,459Turner, OR / 2,272
45.1,463Gladstone, OR / 11,668
46.1,538Gervais, OR / 2,527
47.1,638Woodburn, OR / 24,282
48.1,664North Bonneville, WA / 1,141
49.1,798Estacada, OR / 2,860
50.1,963Woodland, WA / 5,535
51.1,990Vancouver, WA / 165,554
52.2,004Salem, OR / 157,967
53.2,017Stayton, OR / 7,719
54.2,275Gresham, OR / 108,250
55.2,634Portland, OR / 602,568

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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