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Worst Cities by Crime Rate Near 03768 Zip Code

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Zip Code 03768

A total of 65 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▼City / Population
1.5,197Waterville Valley, NH
2.2,508Lincoln, NH / 754
3.2,124Rutland, VT / 16,217
4.2,037Tilton, NH
5.1,900Laconia, NH / 16,007
6.1,507Newport, NH / 4,818
7.1,494Plymouth, NH / 3,807
8.1,453Lebanon, NH / 13,474
9.1,422Montpelier, VT / 7,760
10.1,393Claremont, NH / 13,169
11.1,315Woodstock, NH
12.1,315Haverhill, NH
13.1,301Barre, VT / 8,955
14.1,266Belmont, NH / 2,066
15.1,260Springfield, VT / 3,913
16.1,238Bristol, NH / 1,562
17.1,206Concord, NH / 42,514
18.1,181Campton, NH
19.1,172Hardwick, VT / 1,560
20.1,171Ashland, NH / 1,359
21.1,157Center Harbor, NH
22.1,096Hillsborough, NH / 2,058
23.1,072Gilford, NH
24.1,033Meredith, NH / 1,631
25.960New Hampton, NH / 357
26.883Sanbornton, NH
27.872Littleton, NH / 4,576
28.862Bartlett, NH / 198
29.837Loudon, NH / 585
30.831Franconia, NH
31.815Hanover, NH / 8,411
32.809Hartford, VT
33.800Henniker, NH / 1,842
34.708Bethlehem, NH / 979
35.702Wolfeboro, NH / 2,679
36.697Chester, VT / 991
37.693Moultonborough, NH
38.687Windsor, VT / 2,138
39.685Washington, NH
40.655Ludlow, VT / 940
41.641Northfield, VT / 2,677
42.629Saint Johnsbury, VT / 5,922
43.604Enfield, NH / 967
44.558Lisbon, NH / 960
45.542Bradford, VT / 1,005
46.481Charlestown, NH / 1,129
47.451Sugar Hill, NH
48.438Gilmanton, NH
49.429Thornton, NH
50.393Woodstock, VT / 948
51.379Norwich, VT / 1,089
52.373Randolph, VT / 2,361
53.358Newbury, NH
54.353Alstead, NH
55.319Grantham, NH
56.311Warner, NH / 484
57.300Bradford, NH / 388
58.287Sunapee, NH
59.246Waterbury, VT / 1,914
60.244Orford, NH
61.241New London, NH / 1,470
62.225Canterbury, NH
63.170Lyndonville, VT / 1,260
64.121Hill, NH
65.100Thetford, VT

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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